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asian nose job 2

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I want to remove it cos it looks SO big and obvious for people who know me. I thought cos I had no bridge before, that 2mm would be perfect, but it looks like a 4mm difference so I'm freaking out. I think I'm operating Monday :/

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Thanks so much for your concern. It really is a sucky ordeal to go through.. It's been 6mths now and It looks pretty similar to how it looked when I took the cast off so I'm going to take the silicone out.

What I mean by the scar tissue is that I heard from another former that her mum took out the silicone cos it was too big or something but the scar tissue underneath was enough to achieve the height she wanted! What a lucky bugger huh! I was hoping this was a common thing that happened and if I had enough scar tissue to achieve subtle height then I won't need to replace the 2mm with anything at all. I'll see what dr. Lee has to say about it tomorrow..

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Yep, got zygoma and mandible reduction done as well :P I went with banobagi and at 6mths I am still swelling. I definitely look normal, and its fine really, but there is still definitely swelling in there. At least I hope it is cos its not as skinny as I'd like it to be. There's still a lot of tightness in my jay and cheeks and if I slide my tongue along the subsides of my cheeks, there's big bumps were the incisions were made. I'd say my face looks very similar to how I looked before.

Is there anyone else who did cheek/jaw reduction with bano who's more than 6mths post-op? I'm wondering if this sensation in my face will ever go away and whether they are happy with the results.

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HI. I will be waiting for that day to come! =) how is your nose doing? It has been 3 month since your surgery. time files hahah any photo updates? ^^
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Thank Reiyuna! Glad to hear I don't have to carry a lot of cash.

VIP method of payment: Does anyone know how VIP accepts payment? Credit Card...Check?
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no worries. ive visited vip for a consult and pretty sure i was told they accept credit card. never heard of using cheques here.. good luck!

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well they'r accept card but if u use card there will be 10% add to ur bill since i heard u have to pay 5% of the credit card fee and VIP will have to pay 5% fee also then they will add their fee to ur total, the best way is cash or wire transfer
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lol nick keep bugging me about next year he want to go to singapore, yup yup time flies but not fast enough lol, i'll send u pm for my update;):graucho:
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im so sorry to heard that, hope your reversion go well this time, keep us update on ur journey, Dr. Lee really turn me off during consultation, everything i want him to do he just try to talk me out of it, like i want fascial wrap the silicon he said there no need, i ask him to fix my deviation nose he said there no need, lol and their price are ridiculous cheap they quote me 28000 won, it kindda scary
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I want to go Korea this coming Summer for my eyes and nose surgery, and I did check around here in Orange county and Los Angeles area for prices and experience of the doctors.

My question is "Do doctors in Korea give or have you take these pre-surgery procedures like EKG, blood work and surgical procedure clearance before they perform surgery on you?" The reason I am asking is that I was told by a local asian costmetic surgeon in Westminster, CA about these procedures when I went to him for a consultation of my nose and eye surgery.

These procedures to me are safe measures to take before something important like putting me to sleep by anesthesia. I just want to make sure that I will be safe in the hands of those docs over there as we know we all want to wake up after the surgery.

Anyone in the Orange county area wants to chat with me about nose job or eye job. I don't care whether you are a male or a female. We might be able to travel together to Korea for the surgies. Please send me an email first, and then we will exchange phone number. I am Kevin and here is my email address: [email protected]
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Hey guys and girls,
I'm going to get rhinoplasty this late march and probly stay til early April. i'm from Cali and will be flying out of SFO. if anyone is going around the same time, please let me know. I would love to meet up or talk about the logistics of planning and such. I'm a girl btw :smile:
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Thanks reiyuna & azn_kid for the answers. I definitely don't want to carry cash & it's good to know there is the wire transfer alternative to Credit Card -- the international transaction fees aren't worth it.

azn_kid: How was your stay there [VIP]? Did they treat you like "V.I.P" :graucho:? Would you care to share the process you went through leading up to the surgery? Consultation, blood work, then surgery?

If anyone who's been a patient with VIP, would love to hear about your experience. My trip is less than 2 months away...and the butterflies in my stomach are starting to flutter a little.:weird:

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it's best to find a buddy who is going through the same thing and do things together if you've never travelled alone together... most of the people here do not know how to speak english but chinese is more well known. when i went to get money exchanged out of 3 banks only 1 guy knew english and he was fluent.

crazy expensive in Gangnam.. other place not so much... mind you i shopped heaps at forever21.. lol. not trying stuff on just like in hong kong, china etc... same thing.
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well i actually dont have any trouble carry the cash around with me since my bf with me the whole time, yup yup VIP actually treat u like a "VIP", everybody were so friendly. I didn't use the pick up service bcuz before come to korea i already cancel my app with surgery day with VIP and want to do it on my own, so i spend the first 5 day to go around to have consultation with other clinic to make sure i pick the right clinic and wont be regret. I arrived on Monday, book hotel for the first 2 night (monday and tuesday night), have consultation with JW, Migo, Grand, Banobagi, Wonjin on tuesday, i hired a translator for these clinics since im not sure if they have english translator or not and i want the doc understand me completely (i dont want any misunderstand between me and the surgeon since we talk about my face). I check out the hotel early on wednesday morning to go to Everland and stay there for 2 night, on thursday night i decide I want to have my surgery at VIP so I call them at 6 pm. I talked with JoAnn and she told me lucky me Friday they dont have anybody doing rib surgery, but i have to come to the clinic very early in the morning so at 6 am on friday i check out at the hotel in Everland and head back to Seoul. I make it back to Seoul at 8. My bf and two other friend went to have breakfast in the restaurant close by VIP, but i couldn't eat anything 12h b4 surgery, 8:30 i show up at VIP. Wait for a little then go to have consultation with Dr. Lee, I like Dr. Lee since he not pushing and there are no rush or mayb bcuz Im so early so they dont have anyone else beside me yet, we were on the same page and he understand what i want and point out everything that the two surgeon from JW and Migo point out to me early which i like them a lots too. After consultation i went to discusse the price with JoAnn, go a head and pay up front, then go have take all the X-ray and blood test at the lab, it took like 45' to an hour. I'm on the surgery bed at 11:30 am or around that time and wake up at 7 pm. After surgery they send me back to recovery room and the nurse available 24/7 to check on me every couple hour. In the morning of the next day the nurse come bring me breakfast and check to see how I feel and they take me go to change dressing and Dr. Lee check on my nose again, they inject more painkiller into my rib wound then take the tube completely out so it didnt hurt a bit. After everything done they send me back to the officetel, then everyday in the morning i just have to come to the clinic for Dr. Lee or Dr. Song change my dressing, while i wait for the doc to come they wash my hair for me, but i have to do the blow dry on my own, then dressing, after dressing it facial time, they put on some kind of mask to reduce the swelling
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