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asian nose job 2

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hey thanks for the link. pretty helpful on clearing my confusion :smile:
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Peoples!! Can we all use our brains here and understand this is your face!!! If you decide on a clinic because it's CHEAPER then seriously you are looking for trouble. For those people asking how much my surgery cost realise that each person is different and cost should not be the main factor in your decision. If you want to save money save somewhere else! Realise that if you screw up your face the first time because you went with a cheap surgeon then most likely you will need revision. Revision costs more money plus accomodation plus travel expenses... so in the end why go through all the trouble because you want to save a few thousand dollars!? Is it not the point of surgery to make yourself look good? I understand plastic srugery is expensive... most of us will spend 4,000,000 just for surgery itself not including all other expense but peoples let me say this again.. if you screw up your face because of cheap surgery then you will have no one else to blame but yourselves. Also revisions are harder, this is your face... a doctor has opened up your face therefore your face has been tampered with.. hence scar tissues have been manipulated.. hence it's harder to fix your face the 2nd time. Use common sense!!!

If the doctor is not spending sufficent enough time studying your face.. run away! If he does not actually look at your face and understands your face then how is he going to make you beautiful? He is just going to put in a generic nose which might not suit your face. Yes the nose might be beautiful but does it really fit with your eyes, chin, cheeks? What if he puts in a cute nose but your face is long and elegant? What is he put in a sharper nose but the rest of your face is cute and round? Put this theory and apply it to any other parts of your life. Would you get a loan from a broker when he only spends 2-5 mins with you? Giving you an generic answer to all your questions? Would you let your mum/ dad/ grandparents go for health reasons surgery by a doctor who only spends very little amount of time with you and says 'yes i can fix you' without going into detail...???
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My actual surgery day and what happened.

So i was nervous.. as anyone would be. I went into the clinic on Monday and my translator met me and asked me to change into my surgery clothes which is just a rob. i still wore my bra. The doctor then met up with me again and explained to me what he is going to do, he drew on my face, lots of small blue lines everywhere. I then went into the surgery room and they asked me to take off my underpants and change into the surgery underpants... i wasn't even sure which way i was suppose to wear it.. haha.. they all laughed at me... they put a long cover over my privates even though i had those surgical underwear on leaving my bare legs out .. i should have shaved my legs.. totally forgot.. oops.

While on the bed the nurse injected the needle into me. ouchy.. and i can see and hear them all preparing and i started to want to run away and told my translator if i could stop the surgery but only as a joke. lol.. i'm so chicken. The doctor entered the room and got the gortex and i can sorta feel and hear him shaving it to match my nose. That lasted about 2 mins. My translator then said to me i can sleep now and i was like eh?... how am i going to sleep.. and then i felt this cold weird feeling going through my body, to my head and bang i was out... next thing i know i woke up.. and i was tired.. i wanted to sleep more. I said 'i want to sleep' but once i stood up i was starting to feel more awake. My interpreter took me to the bedroom and i layed down and tried to sleep more but i couldn't sleep. Probably just layed there for like an hour or so just realising what the hell ! - i just fricken had plastic surgery!!! So surreal... i was a bit blank.... the doctor came in and looked at me asked me a few questions and then left. I looked in the mirror and i had a cream skin coloured bandages on my nose and very small bandages on a few parts of my face where the fat graft went.

After resting some more i eventually got up and the translator took me back to my hotel!!! Talking about good service! I ate noodles, studied my face and went to sleep! BTW i was not in pain at ALL! My face felt normal! I have felt more pain picking a pimple then the surgery... so it's not painful.. i slept in a 45 degree angle and put ice packs all over face. Oh and going to the toilet was fun.. they took out fat graft from the inner upper thigh area so i had these two foam things stuck on where they took it out and i couldn't sit on the toilet properly.. hohoho... don't worry i didn't pee on myself and even if i did i would not tell you guys... haha
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Hello everyone!! I have been a silent reader on this website n I would like to share my experience with you guys!! I m at Korea now and have done a rhinoplasty n double eyelid surgery 2 days ago.. I did my eyes and nose at shimmian with DR Jang.. :smile: I have chosen shimmian cos I have read good reviews from this forum and other threads.. I heard that there are 2 good doctors there so I I was contemplating between both Dr Jang & Dr Jung and they are very popular among the locals..I also saw slot of locals with their nose cast so I m pretty sure the clinic is good with nose job. In the end I went for DR Jang cos his price is within my budget and he understands what I want..

During consultation, after hearing what I want, dr Jang is able to understand that I want a higher bridge, sharper tip but at the same time, a nice curve at the dorsum so that I can look natural.. He told me I can do my eyes here at the same time as my eyelid crease is just uneven n require 3 stitches.. He also drew a picture of the nose that i wanted n he had in mind..Happy with the consultation, I went ahead to book the surgery on Saturday morning and went to do some bloodtest and heartbeat test (dunno wads that)..

I was quite nervous the night before and can't sleep properly. I was very excited too cos this is a new experience for me. On day of operation, I reached at 8.30am n was ushered by the nurses to change clothes. One of the nurse could speak Chinese n English, so I felt very comfortable and homey. After that, i had another round of consultation with dr jang. Surgery started at around 10am n I saw dr Jang who told I will be doing my doubleyelid first. Short while later, I was sedated and I could feel him sewing threads on my eye. But interested I feel NO pain and felt very calm and relaxed.. After it's done I was told to sit up for him to check. N hooray, step 1 is completed. For the nose, I dunno what happen next cos I was under GA throughout. When I was awake, it was already 2pm. My lips were cracking and throat was very dry. The nurse attend to me shortly with water and after a while, a bowl of porridge. I was so touched cos I have not eaten since the night before and I know I need to eat though I don't feel very hungry.*

I manage to see a glimpse of myself and I almost faint! I don't look anything like myself!!! But I saw my nose cast n I can see a curvy shape at the cast.. So I m ok. *The first night was the worst night cos I can't breath through my nose n I keep drinking water and going to toilet every hour. It's important to sleep elevated to get less swelling but this makes it hard to sleep.*

Day 1 after operation, I saw a swollen face but nicely cut eyelid that I like. I went back to shimmian to remove the cotton stuff inside my nostril. It's painful when the cotton was pulled out and yucks, it is pretty gross too.. my

Day 2 after operation (today), went back again for cleaning and changing of new cast. I manage to catch hold a glimpse of my new nose and it's looking funny n swollen though not as big like Jackie chan's nose.. The nurse teold me it's swollen and will heal soon so I m still waiting...

Oh ya, shimmian provides free hair washing and I went today for mine. It's such a nice gesture as I can't wet my face for the rime being..*

Sorry for the long post, but I *wanted to share the exp before I forget.. Hopes everything is good and I m looking forward to see my nice nose n eyes;)

Let me know if you have questions I can help to ask the dr and as i am going back Singapore only on Saturday..*;)
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I forgot to ask - has the cartilage show any sight of warping? a rhinoplasty doctor said that the chance of warping is less than 2%. Thanks!
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no warping for me

thanks :smile:
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Hey readers,

Was here 2 months ago, but have been away from the forum recuperating from multiple procedures.
I was in Korea first wk of November and consulted with a few clinics.

I don't think this forum is familiar with this information so I'd like to add that there is an additional option besides silicon, goretex, cartilage, and rib. I wasn't sure at first so I checked it out personally. I've only heard of 3-4 clinics that specialize in this practice (99% of their patients go through with it). I've also noticed that some clinics were quick to criticize this method but if I ask them about their experience in this field, they hardly have any.

I had zygoma reduction, removal of chin implant, sliding genioplasty, fat graft, and hair transplantation 8 wks ago. I am flying back to Korea again this week to get my nose and eyes revised. I've had my nose revised 4 times within the span of 10 years. I will never allow another surgeon to touch it unless I am absolutely comfortable and positive about it. My nose looks silicon straight, slanted, artificial looking, stiff, thinning of the skin...

Look into this clinic if you are like me. Looking for a natural solution AND a natural result.

They take tissue from the fatty part of your buttocks. It wraps around your real nose. Gives it height and that curve. It's supposed to help heal the skin over your nose if it's thin and red like mine... the nose will feel supple like your real nose.


Eun Joo Park is the consultant. She's had her nose done numerously as well and got it revised w/ her doc. She showed me what the donor site will look afterwards.

This is a procedure well known in Asia but not so much here on the other side of the world.

My surgery date is this Thursday. I will post if I get new information.
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primary at vip, the link to the albums are in my signature

i updated my signature so hopefully i don't have to answer the same questions again -.-
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Hi Kain,
You Look So good! I managed to view ur pics a t# Damn!! very Handsome! hheh! It's a dramatic change considering with just a rhinoplasty.
The nose really fitted you so nicely! I love the nose tip curve! very natural.
Thank you so much for sharing!
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Hi Nenepatio,
Thanks for sharing. Please do post your experience with us. Like you, I am looking for revision. I am tramatized with revision after revision - it is not a pleasant experience. I hope this revision goes well with you. Best of luck!

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