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asian nose job 2

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Hello guys, I'm going for my Rhino in January.
Have contacted up to 10 PS clinics but only got responses from Shimmian/Dr Jung, Banobagi, ID clinic, Dream and Grand. I'm quite keen on Regen but got no reply.

For those who have had consultations, how much did you have to pay for the consultation?
How soon were you able to go out and get around? Any recommendations for where to stay?
I've read the Bano has a guest house did you stay throughout?

Will be updating my progress... feeling quite anxious now... more so about the results than the procedure actually... i hope i wont hate my new nose...

Btw anyone going from 11 Jan onwards???
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@knowsnose: I just had a rhino at Regen with Dr. Kim 2 days ago. I think Regen is busy right now. When I went there for my consult, surgery and today for nose cleaning, the waiting area was packed. I'm in Korea with my mom since her korean is far better than mine :smile:

I went to a few consults and I did not have to pay for them. If you want to set a surgery date, some places asks for a deposit. If you need a place to stay, Regen will call their go-to place. Its about 75,000 won a night. I forgot the name of the place but its very very small and I'm pretty sure its a love motel. My mom did not like the place so we moved to Art Nouveau City in Yeoksam. I should have looked for places to stay before I got here instead of scrambling around while I'm here. Before going to Art Nouveau, I went to New Hiltop but I had to get the heck out of there because I was having an allergy attack!

Here are a few places you might want to check out:

Hote Sunshine: I believe this place is the closest to most of the clinics. But one girl did say they don't have a fridge in the room so you have to constantly ask the front desk for ice.

Noblesse Yeoksam Hotel: Haven't been here personally but its close to the clinics, rates are good, and there's a fridge in the room.

Hiltop: It's about 100,000 won per night. Close to the clinics but like I mentioned earlier, I had a serious allergy attack.

I'm at Day 2 and I'm swollen. Supposedly Day 2 and 3 are when you swell up the most. Hopefully I go can go outside and walk around in a few days!
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Hi ak212, Hope your swelling goes down soon! :smile: *fighting!*
And thanks for your info, good thing the consultations are free then I can plan to visit more clinics.

Are you korean? lol will your mom be around on the 11th. Btw anybody can repost Zoe (the much raved about translator's contact) i forgot if it was this thread or the other PS thread.

@ PPpeppeepers : Yes i noticed there are too many revisions. It's one of the points that is putting me off Rhino. But it seems most of the revisions are due to changes caused by the implant material. Not so much for alar or tip-plasty. So i'm trying to avoid the implant... i hope it's going to be one NJ forever- no revisions.
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Yeap the consults are free so no worries. And yes I am Korean but I was born in the states and my korean is not sophisticated enough for medical jargon. Even today when I went to the clinic for nose cleaning, the nurses were saying stuff and I had no idea what they were talking about! My mom and I are leaving on the 5th! If we were around, definitely would have helped you out. It's hard going through this process in Korea esp when there is a language barrier. It was also hard choosing a surgeon because everyone was so nice. If there were a few meanies that stuck out then I would have gladly crossed them off my list.

From my consults, alar revision is almost impossible. I think my nose is a bit wide and I thought I was good for an alar reduction. I went to a consult in NYC before coming to Korea and the surgeon told me he would be doing an alar reduction. My first consult in Korea at JW, the surgeon planned on doing an alar. But the other consults said I was not a good candidate because my nostril holes are too small and it will effect my breathing. If my nostril holes were big enough than it would have been fine. That seemed to make more sense.

Best of luck and yes fighting! The swelling truly sucks!!
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Hihi knowsnose,

Just did at shimmian but with dr Jang. Consultation is free and transportation from airport to clinic is also free is you have prebooked and decided to do there.

I was going out on the third day but with a swollen face and second day was still feeling weak generally. Depending on where you wanna do ur nose, you can stay near apujeong or gangnam area.
I stayed at coatel chereville which was 3 mins walk to shimmian so I can save cost on traveling.

My advise is to find a doctor you can trust so that you know you are in good hands:smile: I m also waiting for my nose to deswell so I can see the results:smile:

Let me know if u need more infor, I can try to assist u if possible:smile:
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Hey Tinggal,

How are you healing! I can't believe you were out and about on the 3rd day. It's day 2 for me and I'm pretty swollen (I also did my eyes and nose). When I went in today to get the cotton out of my nose, which I had to wait an extra day because my surgery was on Saturday, they told me I will continue to swell until day 3. YIKES! I too am a tad worried about all this swelling!! I hope it starts going down soon. My clinic gave me 3 day supply of pumpkin juice, which is supposed to help with the swelling. I've been diligently drinking that and taking my cocktail of pills. After my surgery and even today, I felt a bit weak :P It's strange because I've been stuffing my face a lot more than usual. Hope you are healing well!
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Hello... btw i have had double eyelid surgery before. ANd the swelling was really bad for like 1 week. I almost couldnt see cos it swelled until i could hardly open my eyes. I didnt' do it in Korea though, did it in Singapore.

The full swelling to come down and my eyes to look normal again took about 4-6 months.
So don't worry about the swelling..
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Hi everyone - I've been lurking here for awhile and finally wanted to come out and say hi. I had a rhinoplasty and fat graft done in California about 10 weeks ago. My first choice would have been to go to Korea or Taiwan, but that was not an option with my work schedule. For those of you who are lucky enough to go to Korea, you'll definitely see better results from surgeons there.

In the US, surgeons either have a conservative philosophy on what the Asian nose should look like, or do not possess the skill to give you rhinoplasty features that are a given in Korea. An example would be a slightly curved dorsum to the tip. You can get a curve in the US, but it's very slight. The US mentality is to stay close to and improve on what is you. If you want more change, you can get it, but you have to be very clear in explaining this to your surgeon. I like my nose, but in hindsight, had I known then what I know now, I would've been able to better explain what I wanted, and the result would have been perfect.

I see posts from time to time asking for recommendations for US based surgeons who can work on Asian noses. It took me about 2 years to finally select a surgeon that I was comfortable with. So for those of you who are still researching, I'd be happy to send out names of PS and answer any questions for you. My email is [email protected]

For those of you still awaiting your final results...happy recovery everyone. After the roller coaster ride of emotions is over, I'm sure you'll be glad that you did it!
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Hello nose lovers,

I believe I've found a gem among the masses of PS clinics in Seoul and am compelled to share my experience.

Choosing this clinic was a big decision b/c I could not locate any reviews in English about this method where tissue from your butt is used to build your nose. I had to think this one for a while. My nose has gone through 4 revisions in the past 10 years. It has put me through a lot. (Staying in at nights, not going on dates, pushing away friends, using a lot of makeup, loss of self-esteem, spending $ on extra ps... etc.)

I've researched heavily the past 8 months and found this clinic through Naver and Daum. Clinic was recommended by Koreans who sought a solution besides removing their implant, to counter the negative side effects of silicon and goretex. I consulted with 3 clinics that specialized in this technique 2 mths ago.

Bomvit was initially the Suwon branch for the well-known Bomnal PS clinic. Couple months ago, the surgeons went their separate ways and are now independent from each other.

I decided on the Bomvit clinic in Suwon.
It's on the 4th floor of a major popular building in the area. Top floors got cinema, lower floors sell mall merchandise, nail-hair salons, there's restaurants on the entire block and across the streets, adjacent clinics are for lasik & lasek, foot massage joint, pharmacy... Tons of motels at 35-40,000 Kwn per night.
Bomvit patients get special rates of 200,000kwn for 2 wks at a livingtel a block away.

The clinic's interior and layout is beautiful-elegant and modern, very zen with earthly tones. It's more spacious than many of the abgujeong ones.

Dr. Kim impressed me during the consultation. He studied my face and pointed out my problem areas. He didn't smell like cigarettes (a big plus for me). His answers to my questions were thorough. He was frank and explained what he can and can't do. He touched my nose and I can tell you from the way he touched it, he has a knowing-handle with noses. haha

Anyways, I am 4 days post op. Here is what happened:

(This is my experience. Others may experience differently.--talked to 3 patients while waiting.)

DAY 1:
No fasting required. I've been I-Ved. I'm lying face down with my butt exposed. He talks to me. There are 3 nurses about. He sterilzes the area. He tells me he's sedating me. I get real drowsy. Room is spinning. Feels pleasant. I feel a jab. That's the local anesthesia going in. The nurse also does a test injection on my wrist. Draws a smallcircle around it and writes some numbers above it. That was my sedation for the butt part. Pleasant drowsiness goes away. I am awake observing the surgery. My butt is numb but I can feel warmth from the lamp. He tells me I might feel slight pinching. This is when he goes in to carve out what he needs for my nose. This procedure takes about an hour. He sews me up. They put ointment and gauze over it. I am told to go on a bathroom break.

I empty my bladder and am back on the table face-up. They tie my hair and place surgical cloth around my face. The nurses clean my face. I begin to quiver involuntarily. I ask for a blanket. I take deep breaths. Dr.Kim is back. He tells me sedation is going in the IV. Again, pleasant drowsiness. Anxiety goes away like that buzz feeling you get from wine. He injects the area with local anesthesia. It is numb from pain but I feel pressure. I am observing the surgery again. I know when he is pulling, pushing, fixing... I feel the pressure when he is cutting my nose open. It was uncomfortable when he finally pulled out the silicon. He told me to take a look. I visualized a bloody piece of plastic in my mind and refused. He explained why my nose was crooked. Previous surgeons who cut the bone did an uneven-sloppy job. He went over it to smooth it out. This is uncomfortable too. I felt the scraping but no pain. My septum cartilage was intact. Phew, that's good news. Dr. Kim slid my butt tissue in. He also used some to build the tip of my nose. Did his magic for about 2 1/2 hrs. B/c I have thick scar tissue around the incision site, the anesthesia wore off quickly. He had to give me more. The needle wouldn't pierce through as easily either. When it was done, he gave me the mirror and told me to touch my nose. It was soft. It was a surreal feeling. I felt like this black cloud that's been hanging over me finally evaporate.

I've been given pain-killers and antibiotics through my IV.
I saw the piece of plastic, the source of my misery. It wasn't bloody. Dr. Kim said he was surprised that it hasn't penetrated out of my nose yet. With these types, it was common.

By the time the surgery was over, it was 11:30pm. It was snowing outside.
My consultant Mrs. Park told me to stay the night.
I was given cold packs for my nose. I wrap it around my nose. Not directly on top of it.
I am instructed not to touch my nose. I can place the cold compression lightly on the tip.
I stayed in, cuddled-up until the nurses came back in the next morning at 9.

They clean my sutures on my nose and butt.
It is very important that I don't directly sit on the sutures. Kind of have to go from one buttock to the other. Can't overly exert yourself, like suddently reaching for the remote. It can undo the sutures.
I really love the fact that actual trained nurses are treating me post op. In abgujeong, the consultants followed up with the post-op treatment (my other surgeries.) Anyways, I am given an injection on my butt. It's antibiotics and painkillers in one. My nurse kind of smacks the area. Don't feel the jab at all cause I'm distracted by the smack.

Nurse removes nose cast. Cleans my sutures. Another butt injection.
My nose is not crooked anymore. Dr. Kim gave me more projection and length. It is a prettier nose.
There is height, but it will subside after about a month. It will drape over the real curve of my nose and make it look natural. There is slight bruising. I am told it will go away by the 10th day mark. Depends how I heal. My nose is sparkling with shine.


Visible nose sutures between the nostrils are removed. The deeper sutures are not removed until the 10th day, and that also depends on how you heal. My butt sutures are removed on the 7th day. I receive my final butt injection and the smackdown that has the power to numb.


I am really happy with my nose at this point.
I am in love with the staff who brought me pizza and clementine while I lounged in the clinic, Dr. Kim for lifting the curse, and Mrs. Park who was able to show me her butt during the consultation to get real with me.

I guess I can post pictures when I'm back in the states. Let's see how that goes...

Feel free to inquire and ask questions with the clinic.

Bomvit Clinic: email is [email protected]


Happy New Year everyone!!!
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@knowsnose: Thanks for the tip! The swelling is insane and some points, it freaks me out a bit :P I can't help but think that THIS is the result...?? But in the back of mind I know its just swelling and it takes time for the swelling to go down. The nurses at the clinic said that day 2 and 3 are the worst. I can't really tell how swollen my nose is due to the cast but my eyes...oh man...so not cool. Yesterday I could barely open my eyes and I couldn't see much due to the fact that I could not open my eyes! My eyelid surgery was non-incision. It was double suture but I did get an epi.

Will post pics when this swelling is under control and when my cast comes off!
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I'm looking to go to Korea late May... how much money did you guys bring?? Do I need to make an appointment for the consultations?? After the consultation do you just go into surgery the next day?? And how did you guys manage to get around? I'm really nervous about getting lost... eeppp!!!
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Yes you should def try and make an appointment for consultations. I know some people communicated with specific clinics via email or by phone and booked a surgery date. For me, I made appointments with several clinics before coming to Seoul and I picked a clinic from the consults. If its not peak season, they can squeeze you in the same day, next day or the day after for surgery. Some places might ask for a non refundable deposit to secure a surgery date. Most of the clinics are located on a strip. Its the #3 subway Apgu stop exit 3 or 4 ie Grand, VIP, Regen, With, Samsung Line, JW, etc. There are some that are around the area. As for a place to stay, I think Banobagi has an officetel for their international patients. But the clinics generally have their go-to hotels/motels they will recommend. But I suggest booking a place beforehand with a fridge! As for money, it depends. Food is not that expensive in Seoul. I'm comparing this to where I'm from, NYC where food is quite expensive. However meat is somewhat expensive. I'm here with my mom and I haven't gone outside yet ;P I'm 3 days post op and still swollen so I have no desire to go out! Plus I've been to Korea before so I've seen it all :smile: Some of the hotels will have take out/delivery menus you can order food from.
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Wow! Thank you for sharing w us your xperience. Finally, an alternative procedure to rib rhino! I hope that it turns out well coz after reading these forum having a rock hard nose after rib rhino doesnt sounds appealing.

Pls share w us your b&a photos. Please.

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I was wondering how everything went with Dr Jung at Shimmian. I know you posted this a couple years ago but maybe you are still in the Seoul area. I am new to this forum and I am reading everyone's posts from page 1. I can't PM anyone yet since I'm a new member (sorry about that folks). I am a Korean-American male and I am thinking about getting my nose done with Dr Jung as well.

I went to VIP, they quoted me 6.1 mill.
I went to Banobagi, they quoted me 5.5 mill.

My email is [email protected] in case you could give me some info. about your op.

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