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asian nose job 2

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I sent you a message :smile: And yes I will send you my B+A photos. I forgot to take a pic with my cast on but I took a pic today and I will send you the final bulk once this swelling has reduced. Right now my nose is really swollen!

Happy New Year!
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Okay!!!!:biggrin: how do you pm on here... hmmm...
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For those readers who have undergone rhinoplasty, how much time does it take before you see the true result? I found this blog and am curious if this is consistent with what you're seeing http://www.plasticsurgeryspot.com/nose-surgery-primary-revision-rhinoplasty/195-pictures-how-long-swelling-lasts-after-rhinoplasty.html

Thanks for your input.
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Just to let you know Gortex had higher infection rate than silicon.
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Thank you for sharing your experience!!

16m won? That's a lotttt. Wowzer.

Did you experience any pain during surgery or during the post op treatments? Were you awake during any of the procedures?

Thank you :smile:
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lol where did you get your info from? -.-

The subjects consisted of [B]1376 patients[/B] who had been performed augmentation rhinoplasty 
with e-PTFE (aka goretex) between January 1994 and October 2002. (Korea)
[B]18 infections (1.31%)[/B]
This study involved [B]853 patients.[/B] 
The[B] average follow-up period was 18 months.[/B] The study took place in Korea.
Overall complication rate associated with Gore-Tex was 2.5% (21 cases). 
[B]Infection[/B] was the most common complication (18 cases; [B]2.1%[/B])
A retrospective study of 137 patients who underwent rhinoplasty including augmentation with Gore-Tex
over a 6-year period. (In the USA)
Three ([B]2.2%[/B]) of 137 grafts became [B]infected[/B] and were removed.
A 17-year retrospective medical chart review at a teaching hospital, community hospital, and private facial cosmetic surgery center. 
A total of [B]521 patients[/B] (122 male and 399 female; age range, 13-70 years) 
were followed for [B]12 months to 17 years[/B]. (USA)
Biological complications that required implant removal occurred in 
[B]1.9%[/B] of patients and [B][I]included[/I] infection[/B], soft tissue swelling, migration, and extrusion.
 A retrospective study of [B]309[/B] consecutive [B]patients[/B] who underwent rhinoplasty, including 
augmentation with Gore-Tex, during a [B]10-year period[/B].(USA)
Ten ([B]3.2%[/B]) of 309 grafts became [B]infected[/B] and were removed. 

Over the past 11 years, from February of 1996 to February of 2007, we have done 
[B]134 aesthetic rhinoplasties using silicone implant i[/B]n our clinic, 
patient ages ranged from 15 to 62 years with an average of 29.2 years. (Korea)
Among them, four cases had the local infection. The [B]infection rate was 2.9 percent.[/B] 
The largest multisurgeon series of silicone implant augmentation rhinoplasties in Asians has been performed at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.
 Augmentation rhinoplasty with silicone implants yields a 16% complication rate and an 8% reoperation rate. 
[B]Infection occurs in 5.3% of cases. [/B]Extrusion occurs in 2.8% of cases, either eroding through the nasal tip (70%) or on the posterolateral aspect of the columella (30%). 
Deviation occurs in 5.0% of cases, and other deformities occur in 2.8% of cases. They are usually caused by capsular contracture. 
[B]Larger implants yield a higher infection and extrusion rate. [/B]
*****if you go the [URL="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/queryd.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Retrieve&dopt=AbstractPlus&list_uids=15613873&itool=pubmed_docsum"]the study that was cited[/URL], you will see that it has [B]355 patients[/B](China)
[B]32 patients[/B], including 15 males and 17 females, underwent augmentation rhinoplasty ...[B]followed up for an average period of 25.4 months.[/B](Taiwan)
The overall aesthetic-improvement rate was 90.6%, and the patient-satisfaction rate was 84.4%. 
There were three complications, including an implant-tip exposure and 
two implant [B]infection(6.25%)[/B]
if you research infection rates for silicone breast implants, you will find a similar result
A prospective analysis was undertaken of [B]288 patients[/B] who underwent aesthetic breast augmentation with textured silicone gel-filled implants between 1998 and 2002.
Early infectious complications occurred in 6 of 288 women (2.08%). Late infection complications occurred in 10 of 288 women (3.47%).
[B]Total infection rate of 5.55%[/B]
as you can see, silicone has a consistently higher infection rate
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there are problem associated with goretex though. it loses volume and height over time, but a surgeon experienced with goretex will know to account for this.
also, apparently some surgeons have difficulty removing goretex. other surgeons have said that they it is no problem for them, so if you get goretex, you should go to a surgeon who is experienced with it.
some ppl said that their goretex was showing the edges because of their thin skin, but some people can have that problem (as well as having silicone shine through their skin under bright lights) with silicone as well
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There are many of us here who have gone to Korea for nose jobs but at different places... yeap! Generally Koreans don't speak English that much, but you can always get around the area through its subway system; if not, you can always go to places by using their taxis. Most taxis have this phrase 'free interpretation' written across it. Get on those and the taxi driver will pass you a phone to speak to an interpreter and you can get to the place you want :smile:

As for consultation, most clinics have their own translators for English and Chinese speaking patients. If you are really really worried, then hire an interpreter who can bring you around and translate what the doc says.

Hope this helps!
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It depends on the surgeon. Different surgeons have different specialities... and there is no 100% guarantee that rib is better than goretex or goretex is better than rib. Each of them, however low the chances, still have risks involved. For instance, rib cartilage might warp over time while goretex might cause infection. So you have to research well before committing which material you want in your nose.

Additionally, if you just want minimal height (not sure if you are talking about the entire nose structure or just the bridge), ear cartilage might be a good choice if it is primary rhinoplasty. Some surgeons do perform rib cartilage for primary rhinoplasty but some others feel that rib cartilage should be reserved for revision cases, when your original structure of your nose is gone (due to multiple revisions or whatever reasons) or when you do not have enough ear cartilage for your new nose.

You should search the internet for more details.

Hope this helps :smile:
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What are you planning to do? And where? It would be great to go tgt! ;)

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by 'natural' you mean less height?
normally i'd say goretex because they can carve it and choose how the number of sheets to use, which determines the thickness. it is also softer.
but abradabra recently got a 2.5mm augmentation with rib cartilage so i guess rib would work for a minimal augmentation as well.

rib cartilage is stiffer since it usually includes a columelar strut, but if you don't get a columellar strut, your nose might not be as stiff.
goretex is usually combined with ear cartilage on the nose tip, and if the surgeon does not use a columellar strut, your nose will be more flexible.
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this forum is moving fast, how was everyone?!?!? about the blood spot i mention last time, i figure it out that bcuz my nostril got too dry cause the bleeding (well not bleeding just some blood spot on the q-tip while i clean my nose after rinse with saline), as long i keep put ointment in im good, my nose heeling fast and im look normal now not like a smuft anymore
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