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asian nose job 2

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Hi Shinangel, sorry to know u have the same problem with me. I have emailed my last doctor. He provided a rib cartilage revision for $1,500, but I am kind of worrying that he would not be fully responsible as it is only less than 20 percent which he normally charges. I can't trust him since he already messed up my nose once. For the reason of goretex migrate, he said it is unknown. That is why I decided to use rib this time, as I can't afford another loss.

Hi Megoreng, I did not set up my mind yet. I am swinging really hard between VIP and o and young. I prebooked with joann via phone a few days ago, but I told her I will final confirm with them in next couple weeks' time. The reason I am still considering is the photos on VIP website, I want a dramatic change but the front profiles the noses are just not very well defined. I like o and young's style much better, I have not done any consultation with them yet. So I am not sure how much it would be at this stage. I have communicated with a translator and will provide him details after my exam. Speak of budget, I am saving hard for this nose job as well, but I 'd rather spend more money to get it right this time rather than going back to Korea again and again. I will keep u all updated once I decided which one to go and my experience with both clinic. Currently I am thinking of staying in Korea for a longer period of time and having consultation with both of them. Please forgive me of keeping changing my mind;p all I wanted is best result I can achieve.
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Thank you for the reassurance. I had an online consult with JoAnn/ Dr. Lee already and he seems pretty nice and most importantly competent. My main concern has always been safety and skill of the surgeon, I'm not looking to go overseas for surgery in order to save $$$. I just want to go where the best rhinoplasty surgeons are, that happens to be Korea it seems like.
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Hi Uzura, i am glad u like u consultation. I am now swinging in between VIP and Oand Young. A Korean friend of mine told me they have many unhappy clients in Korea. I am bit of confused:sad: I hold the same opinion as yours, going overseas to have the nose surgery and we'd better more than 100 percent sure than which doctor we choose. I will do an intensive search and will share my information with u guys in a few days time.
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Hi townstory,
Could you please let me know what did your Korean friend said? As i have just booked my appointment with Joann too! The surgery will be on 5 Nov once after i arrived. Now I'm so scare that VIP would blotched my nose job!! :shocked::shocked: This is my 1st rhinoplasty and i wouldnt want to regret it for the rest of my life and the money for the surgery was loaned from my sis~ Please help by telling us more!
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Hi Milk, I am sorry my hesitation has affected u. From my personal experience with JoAnn, I believe they are a very good clinic. Especially I have been communicated with Izora and House of Taylor, they both are really responsible and honest girls. According to their experience, VIP is a clinic with top notch of service and good result. I am only hesitating cos I like o and young's b and a better than theirs. So I consulted with a Korean friend of mine, wish to have a second opinion. He did a search and told me VIP have some bad reviews. I can't read Korean, so I can only take his words. But I am so confused as people who actually had surgery there were giving the best reviews for them. I am sure if u like their b and a photos, u will never go wrong with them. I just am not sure with the front views. I love the side profiles though. I think they all look amazing, but the front views are not clear enough to give a fair judge of his work. I have to admit yes I am hesitating, but I am also stil very lean towards VIP. I am more in favour of visiting Korea and do consultation with them first then decide which one to go.
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If u are going to Rib. I think you need to ask yourself this.... DO you want to still look like yourself (same genetics) but better? or Do u wanna look like u have a compeltely different nose? i think VIP maybe is more conservative perhaps. If you wanna change your nose and have a idff style nose, perhaps have O&Young. Please do not forgot O&young doesnt have 1 doctor like VIP. So... u should make sure u know who u r picking from.
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About O & Young, there are three doctors, but there is only one rib specialist. I know a few people who had a consultation there. Basically two doctors will be operating on you at the same time (one working on your nose and one harvesting rib cartilage). So you're basically paying the fee of two doctors. I heard that they charge $15,000 USD to use 100% rib, but please double check this figure because I was quoted something different. Also keep in mind that O & Young only recently started to do 100% rib. Before they did 50% silicone and 50% rib (on the tip only), which is what you see in most of the before/after pictures on the website. Just something to consider, that's all.
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Hiya, its been 11 months since surgery. Aesthetically I am very pleased with the results. Inside the right nostril, a bump has formed where the cartilage was harvested. The surgeon thinks it may be scar tissue. I 'm not sure since it isn't convenient to hop on a flight to go see him for a follow up. I may go in Spring. It was too cold last winter to really have fun sight seeing, etc...

I'm seeing Dr. Raj Kanodia in Beverly Hills for some botox type treatments , he's the surgeon for Ashlee Simpson, Cindy Crawford, and Jennifer Aniston. I may ask him to take a look at my nose and see what he says. To anyone who is thinking about plastic surgery, please understand that it is a major surgery. You can't look at the before and after pics and think it was just that easy. i have pics of a bruised and bandaged face, pics where the swelling looked horrid, etc... there are also serious risks and complications, and there is no guarantee that one would be happy with any outcome. Do not rush into matters this serious. Take time to decide, meet with doctors, and there's always another year to do the procedure. Better to take time, lots of time to decide, than to rush into a bad decision.

Hope that helps...

xxoo :love: xxx

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Hi all! i've been looking for reviews of ps places in korea and i read almost all the pages here. i searched for reviews that were written by koreans. I have many Krn friends who can translate them but i heard they are not always true because a lot of plastic centers make their own reviews or diss other clinics. i hope this board is by honest people who have gone through rhinoplasty for real. i am planning to do rhinoplasty in christmas vacation so i am really really worried what ppl are saying ><!
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Hi I am gonna to have mine done at Christmas time as well. I have been using other ppl's experience on this site as a guide. There are many nice and sharing girls on this site are sharing their experiences with us. We should really appreciate them. For ur nose job, u need narrow down the material u want to use first and then decide ur surgeon. U can post your details here, for example, primary or revision, preferred material etc to get the right suggestions from other people here. Good luck:smile:
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Hi Everone!

It's been a while since I posted on this forum, but I am so glad to see some girls going to VIP to have their surgery. I am now 1 year post op and I am due to go back on 10th December... I'm planning to have some fat grafting done.

Is anyone else going to be there around Seoul the same time.. would be nice to have some company.
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I will be there on the 1st to the 11th!!

You went to VIP as well for surgery???

QUOTE=verity1975;16988448]Hi Everone!

It's been a while since I posted on this forum, but I am so glad to see some girls going to VIP to have their surgery. I am now 1 year post op and I am due to go back on 10th December... I'm planning to have some fat grafting done.

Is anyone else going to be there around Seoul the same time.. would be nice to have some company.[/QUOTE]
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Yes you went to Dr Lee!!
I will be going on the 1 dec and surgery should be on the 2nd.

YOu mentioned that you know JoAnn really well, you think you can let me refer you to her as my forum friend??

What's your first name if it is convenient for you?
Im Connie here!

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