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asian nose job 2

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I wish you would have gone to bk instead of banobagi... Mira is a 'you know what'... No one has had any good feedback about her or the clinic. I could have helped you avoid this situation. You'll need a revision and they will charge you and plus Mira will give you attitude. If you don't believe me talk to her.
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Sorry but if he is asking you to massage it means he did a crappy job.
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What is a Good Nose Job......

1) no bruising
2) no pain
3) no need to massage the nose
4) no breathing problems
5) very minimal cleaning using solutions
6) puffiness should go down dramatically after 4/5 day
7) neat stitches both under nose and behind ear
8) shape of nose from profile angle should already be defined after 4/5 day. If it looks taller or flatter than what you wanted, it's time to ask revision questions
9) only few drops of blood, which will dry anyway
10) 3 weeks after surgery = no puffiness

How do I know this? Because that is exactly how my surgery went! I'm so happy with my nose! I've never advertised the surgery practice but I can assure you I did not chose shimmian, banobagi, bk, VIP, item, regen or any other clinic mentioned here because I actually appreciate natural non fake beauty. The word revision never even crossed my mind.
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when i push the nasal bones toward each other at the top of the nose, i can hear a little crackle/tingle sound. i'm not sure if that's a good description, but it's very subtle and the nasal bones do seem softer than what i'm used to feeling in the before-life. but not to confuse anyone, my nasal bones seem pretty normal, maybe a tad bit softer? the nasal bones don't move around like jello or anything. haha. :P

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i'm glad you are happy and proud of your nose. most importantly, it's great that your operation and post op went well. but logically speaking, i don't know if i would agree with your list of "what is a good nose job." firstly, everyone's initial case is different in terms of what needs to be done to the nose. secondly, the post-op results would be different according to what type of surgery was done. so the easier the operation, the easier the post-op, and vice versa. would you not agree?

in my case, i started off with a deviated septum, crooked & humped nose. i had a reduction rhino + septo + osteotomy. the last one here is where they cut the nasal bones. a kind purse forum member, kain, also posted some links on our previous posts. the links had information where the nasal bones can indeed try to shift back to their original deviation. and nasal exercises (or some ppl call it nasal massaging) is one method of correcting this post-op deviation. anyways, i'm on post-op day 7 and i look pretty damn normal, meaning my bruising and skin discoloring are at its minimum. considering all of the things i had to do to my nose, i think the post-op result and my overall health is fairly amazing. so no, my PS did not do something wrong like you mentioned on my post. if anything, it's my own mind telling me that's there's something wrong since i'm chasing perfection.

lastly, can you share what you had done on your nose with everybody? thanks.

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The tip of my nose has reabsorbed a tiny bit too. Some days, the tip looks wider and flatter, but other days it's sharp again. For me, it is month 7 post-op. I'm still very happy with my nose, though.
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when did u go through with ur rhinoplasty? may i ask what clinic u went to?

and i think ppl will heal according to their own body, its something individual. one person can have barley any bruising or swelling and the next can have really bad bruising and swelling, but their results can still equally turn out successful.
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hey i think im gonna need my nasal bones narrowed, but not cuz i have a deviated septum. the middle and lower half of my nose is quite wide so i hope tht narrowing my nasal bones will define and add more shape to my nose ( i have a already high bridge by the way so i wont need any heightening for my bridge)

if i were to get this done as well do u think tht i would need to massage my nose as well to prevent the bones from shifting? or will this not apply to me since i do not have a deviated septum?
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hey may i ask what ure nose was like before u went through with the rhinoplasty? when augmenting the nose and adding cartilage it may seem really big at first cuz ur not use to it but over time the nose sharpens and defines itself making it look smaller.

i agree with the doc u should wait a good couple months to see the expected outcome. i rlly hope u end up being happy with ur nose. i want a smaller nose as well, and i know the only way to achieve that is to add more and build up the structure of the nose.
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My nose was wide and flat on top but the side profile had some height which is the reason why he didn't make give me more than 1.5 mm. Also I had a low forehead so a high nose would look silly. Due to the fact that he couldn't make it higher he wasn't able to reduce the alar that much (which was my main concern). I really do hope that with time that my nose would look smaller. For now, like you said I will just wait...
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I do not agree with this post one bit - it's a bit vapid and comes off as bragging. I don't want the other forumers to get the wrong idea. Each surgery outcome is DIFFERENT and by a case by case basis. Individuals that bruise easily, will bruise. Everyone is different, their bodies are different and will react differently to the procedures. So, you can't outline to everyone what a "GOOD" RHINOPLASTY is because that's what happened to you with your procedure - that conversation is saved only for the patient and the plastic surgeon. Segregating others because they choose other clinics besides your "secret clinic" because you opt for something more natural is completely asinine.

"...because I actually appreciate natural non fake beauty"
Clearly, an oxymoron. If you actually appreciated natural "non-fake" beauty, then you would not have went through with your procedure and kept your natural nose shape. :P
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For those who are coming to Seoul and don't know the area. Most foreigners use the number 02-1330 for everything such as hotels/motels, food, places to go etc. This is the magic number! It's amazing. Hope this helps makes ur trip to Korea more convenient.
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where exactly did you get it done?
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i don't know why you are aggressively telling people that they got a bad nose job (and you haven't even seen their noses) instead of letting them decide for themselves, but you sound a lot worse than mira.

from reading your previous posts, you say you found a great clinic (but declined to disclose the name). and when someone asks for support, you say that you could have helped when you actually declined to disclose any information that could have been helpful. instead, you tell them that their surgeon "did a crappy job" and "You'll need a revision." you have a strange idea of how to "help" people...

you also made a very misinformed post about the criteria for a good nose job. a good cosmetic nose job is determined by the long term aesthetic and functional result. almost all the points that you made were about having an easy recovery (no bruising or pain, no need for special cleaning procedures, looks good immediately after the surgery, etc)

who cares about how easy the recovery is, if the long term outcome is bad? for example, with silicone, by your criteria, it would be a good nose job as long as it looks good within the first week, even if it happened to be an L-shaped implant that extruded 5 years later. or a rib nose that warps after a year. or a goretex implant that is the perfect height at first but shrinks by 40% after a few years (there was a medical study i came across that mentioned the tendency of goretex to shrink. i'm too lazy to find it again, but this tendency is mentioned on other websites as well.)
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