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asian nose job 2

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Hey guys I have a question about swelling after the op.
Does it happen that one month post op the swelling can get worse before it gets better?? Now my nose doesn't look like there is much difference in fact it looks bigger... Am a little worried especially because i have thick skin... i hope it is just swelling and not the skin itself... bleah...
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Hi glo8,

Came across your older post, would you kindly share with us the clinic you went to? You are definitely one of the few in the forum who seems to go through a very easy, smooth and successful procedure ... Most importantly you are very happy with the result.

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Hi Kain, thanks for being concerned. You're too cute. I actually requested it after doing some research. My upper mouth looks protruded & I've always disliked my profile because of it. I saw some before & after pics of patients with the same disposition & was impressed by their results.
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Hi Sweetheart: I actually went to VIP with Dr. Lee. The paranasals creates a support of your nose around the nostril region especially if you have a protruded mouth or depressed nasal region.
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thanks for posting a reply, I went to an asian american doctor for consult, and I totally see what you mean wished I read your message before going. It was such a disappointment and waste of my money, all he could do was basically change the angle of my droop. when I asked about making the width look smaller aduh I showed him a bunch of pics of cute noses he said that basically not much could be done because of the thick skin of my nose. And what he did show me for the front view looked like janet jackson kind of nose which was worse than my current front view. He didn't even know who hyori lee was sigh I think I have a lot of research to do on Korea.

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You're going to be happy with the paranasals then. It did wonders for my face, in fact, maybe even more wonders than my actual nose job. Happy healing.
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Thanks Kain! I too was very impressed by your overall results. Wow, I cant believe it's only been 2 days after my surgery & boy, am I swollen. I look like a hot swollen mess. To be expected along with the discomfort in the rib area. I try to take slow deep breathes to expand my lungs. The ladies came by with their green polka dotted bag filled with post op maintenance stuff. This is where I become virtuous with patience....all I can do now is wait & let my body heal at its own pace.
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lol congratulations on ure surgery, i hope u heal well :smile: excited to hear wah ur results will be like
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I am not sure if this is allowed (if not allowed, moderators please remove)

BUT those who are interested in getting a nose job in Shimmian with Dr Jung or Dr Jang, you can send me an email at [email protected]. Basically, Dr Jang is planning to come to Singapore for consultation with interested patients around March period but wants to roughly know who wants to attend the consultation before flying over! So if you want to participate, please let me know and I will reflect the numbers to Shimmian.

I am not in any case advertising for Shimmian or anything! Just helping them out since they have no agent in Singapore. :smile:

And for those who have qs regarding my nose/nose job at Shimmian, welcome to email me too...I will try my best to reply you!

Happy new year everyone :biggrin::biggrin:
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I was scrutinizing your photos and we have somewhat a similar nose before your surgery. I feel that you looked somewhat very young with your previous nose. A very child-like shape - like mine. Like what happened at Subway just a few days ago, the guy behind the counter asked "What are you? Like 15?" )':

Tiny / small noses = childlike.
Mouth protrusion = very neanderthal-ish (in my opinion). Doesn't look so good in the side profile view. Appears very blunt, unbalanced and unrefined.

I feel like looking through all your photos, you've matured so much (in a very, very handsome way!) After the mouth protrusion has been fixed and the shape + height of your nose was raised, you've gained a very... chic, mature and noble facial structure.

Not sure if I'm making any sense right now. >___<
But Kain, you look amazing! Your transition is great!

How long did it take for your smile to completely come back or seem somewhat normal?
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thanks. all these compliments are inflating my head lol
my smile took at least 5 months for my upper lip to look completely normal, i think. my upper lip might be a few mm lower than before (because the paranasal implants changed the angle of my lip so that it projects downward instead of outward) but it looks normal. also, my upper lip pulls slightly against my columellar strut when i smile, so it does feel a bit weird. i can make all normal facial expressions with a normal amount of effort now. if i try to smile like the joker (from the batman comics), it does require a bit more effort.

youv've described, perfectly, the reason that i wanted paranasals with a genio. i wonder where you live though. the ppl there don't seem very nice D:
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hey, don't worry too much. you probably have swelling from your nose job and paranasals. ask your surgeon about the paranasal's shape and your cheeks. if you are still unhappy with your cheeks after the swelling has gone, it is simple to remove silicone implants. you got them with dr jung right? i know he offers goretex paransals (i asked him when i consulted by email over a year ago). so you can ask if he can sculpt goretex paranasals into a shape that doesn't affect your cheeks
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Do you think it's alright to just have silicone for the nose bridge? I think most people here have done both nose bridge + tip together.

I asked banobagi if I could do just that but they said that I will need to have the tip extension along with it for balance.

But I think the end of my nose is fine, I just want the bridge to be a little higher.
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