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asian nose job 2

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I can't believe in a month..I'll be back to OR and getting the rib removed. After 4 months... I still dislike it as much as I did before. My ps made my bridge too thin ...which doesn't match with the width of my nose too wide. I hate the bridge and also hate it's crooked with the nostrils not matching! I asked myself often why did I go thru this for? Most of my close family and friend all said I look better with my flat nose... I just pray that my ps can get my nose back to what I was born with as close as possible! Need advise... So scared!
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I hear she's been quite busy so you might want to booked in advanced at least maybe a month before going/ zoe email [email protected]
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Hi bisousx, I'm wondering your paranasal augmentation addressed depress mid face region or protruding mouth? Can you share more on your recovery experience? Thanks a lot!
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i don't think my cheeks are any higher from my paranasals, but my paranasals were not beside my nose, they were right behind my nose.

did your clinic give you any painkillers? it should be okay to take those. i know that some oral numbing gels contain sugar which probably isn't good to put on a wound, so maybe get an ingredient list for some of them, send them to your surgeon (or ask a family doctor) and ask if it is okay. it might not be okay to take tylenol or such, because it thins the blood. ask the doctor if he thinks its okay. i think you are already a few weeks post op, so he might approve of the gels or tylenol.

i personally thought that the recovery from the paranasals was pretty easy, but i guess i am biased because i had a rib nose job and sliding genioplasty at the same time. so the pain during recovery from just the paranasals was minimal for me. but if you get it redone, i think the recovery would probably be similar to the first time. if you get the implant removed,theoreticaclly the angle of your lip should become sharper again so that it projects outwards instead of downwards, which should theoretically make your lip look less long. you'd have to ask your surgeon though/ and you'd probably still have to deal with the swelling and bruising if you are prone to that.

btw, do you have a columellar strut? that might affect your smile
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you can pm a forum moderator and ask them to remove it
or just use the report button under that post and tell them
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Anyone experiencing the following symptoms I'm experiencing? Just about every food tastes & smells like a particular scent/odor. It's weird. Chicken broth, salad, even lasagna smells of it. Fruits aren't badly affected but the scent is there. I know it's my nose & the whole process of recovery/healing. I've lost my appetite but luckily I brought Protein powders to keep me fueled. I'm not complaining since I had planned on doing protein shakes during the recovery, but thought I'd see if anyone else has experienced this peculiarity.
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Apparently this is caused by mucus build up in the nose. That explains it. Since I can't blow my nose, I've been "recycling" & trying to sniff hard. Some people experience it months after their rhino. Gahd, I hope only I can smell it. I'll have to ask when I can start using the nasal saline cleaning solution.
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Hey I'm going through the exact same situation as u. I am now 4 weeks op and the swelling is down one day then up another.I goggled pictures of the amount of swelling ur nose will encounter and it's been reassuring. I saw drastic difference of this patient who had her nose done. The 2 weeks- 3months-1 year looks very different. By one year her nose was more defined. I've had some good days and some bad but when it's bad, it's really bad but just hold on cuz when it comes to the nose patience is the only thing both of us can do. Good luck!
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That's very reassuring, Curious. Here's a great site I came across that addresses FAQ on Post Rhinoplasty from Dr. Daniel. #10 addresses the swelling & explains its irregularity in occurrence. http://www.drrollindaniel.com/html/faq.html
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I was thinking of going with him!!!!! Really thank you for posting. I didn't feel confident but he is an ENT so I figure at least nothing will go wrong if I don't ask for anything drastic. Researching Korean surgeons is so hard when your not there sigh. I was also thinking of going with official board certified PS but I find so many horror stories online and they don't have good asian jobs. I was thinking of calling to schedule consult with Thomas Loeb because he's ranked as one of NYC's best plastic surgeons but I feel like I'll be disappointed with what he can do and be out alot of money.
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hi I was thinking of going to the Banobagi Clinic for my nose job based on the posts here and pics on their website. And they havn't replied to my emails yet. I really am trying to go by mid feb. Would you mind posting about what you know about their costs.

it would be so helpful to me in planning my budget for this.
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I've also done some searches of deswelling noses and found these images for post-op from an Asian patient who did some kind of cartilage graft to her tip (I can't fully read Chinese, but the page is here: http://www.wangmd.cn/duibi-zhaopian/bizi/2009-1844.html

The left panel is the before nose; middle panel: nose at 1month; right panel: nose at 11 months.

I hope this eases everyone about their bulbous, swelling, and healing noses.
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