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asian nose job 2

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hi! I thought that this is an off topic post but I realized cosmgirl has posted her experience here before so I thought I'd asked for help here.

has anyone here gone through hairline contouring / forehead reduction before? info is so limited on the web I thought I'd ask and try my luck if someone sees this post! please share your experience I'd be so grateful!

thanks! xx
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hey if ur interested in forehead reduction and hairline lowering i suggest u go to this guy. he is the one who invented this procedure and is the most experienced surgeon you will find who performs this procedure. people come to him from all over the world. his clinic is in Oakland, California

my sister found out about him and plans to go to him. check out the b&a pics, their quite amazing :smile:

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sorry about the SUPER late reply!! im very rarely on this forum!!:smile:

well just wondering now :smile: since your post did you end up getting any surgery done?

also i think that having a nose job changes your face dramatically!! i actually met a patient from the same surgeon as me who had her nose done after me and her bridge wasnt as high as mine but she absolutely hated it and wanted it taken out, we used to text each other whilst we were both recovering but kind of lost touch but after 2 weeks of having bandages off she still hated it....sooooo not to scare you or anything but my personal recommendation is to have each procedure done bit by bit because so then the surgeon you go to each time (you may chose to use the same surgeon or a different for each facial feature i.e. forehead or chin or eyes or nose...) will be able to judge fairly what aesthetically looks harmonious for your face.

its all about balancing the facial features out :smile:

i always wondered about the implications of implants once we age....when the skin around the implant sags what do we do? would we pursue face lifts or a brow lift or leave it as it it?

so i do understand your hesitation in this in regards to future complications.

with my nose its healed up very well the tip is much more refined and its about 9months on since my surgery and it just takes time and patience for the final results.

i had a gortex implant placed in my nose to heighten my nose bridge and i had the cartilage taken from my ear to heighten up my nose and to give some tip projection.

i have never heard of rib cartilage used before until i started reading more on this forum, however personally for me i would not go for it because i feel like its quite invasive. the nose procedure is already quite a sufferance to recover from thus an additional "wound" near your body would only add further discomfort. HOWEVER i have heard it produces much more natural results and there is more cartilage available there to harvest from. so it might also be an option required for you if harvesting cartilage from your ear would not be enough forthe look you hope to achieve.

heehe i think your nose you have is VERY similar to what i had before!!! and the look you wanted to achieve is very easy :smile: my only suggestion to you is to go see multiple surgeons and ask of the method they use and their opinions and think about it for some time before going ahead and chosing the surgeon :smile:

also important to pick a patient surgeon, you dont want him rushing your nose.

sometimes healing can affect the result of the nose job too so sometimes people who have crooked noses or an overswelling of the tip blame it on the surgeon when in part, it could also be partially due to the rate of their bodies healing or how the body heals. i found my nose slightly tilted on the right butthis is only slightly noticible when i lift my head up to expose my notrils.

honestly i am considering a second rhinoplasty to straighten this out however not for another couple of years so i can allow the trauma suffered by the tissues in my nose to fully recover plus i am very satisfied with the look i have now :smile: and no its not a horror story my surgury went very smooth and i have had no problems with my nose i am merely just a perfectionist and i want to make it look extremely perfect :smile: but im sure this is with everyone.

any advice? chose a plastic surgeon and not a cosmetic surgeon..i kinda made that mistake its a long story but my mum is a docter and she says the administration of the anesthetic should of been done by an anesthetist in a hospital not a clinic and she says its very important incase i had a reaction to the anesthetic or died... or other such implications (i was only on twilight sedation which made me very sleepy but honestly i think they pumped in soo much and im soo little in size that i knocked out within a couple of seconds). soooo also choose a surgeon close to your area and not from another country as tempting as it may be and the cheaper it is overseas it is NOT worth the risk of it all, also how many people (not to diss) worry and ask one another about other surgeons and each person has had differing and varying results even from the same docter? so if u need follow ups which i would recommend even after 3 months to 6month to 12months to check implant rejection has not occured or slipped or any complications...

and if the surgeon (god bless....i hope not) is dodgy you know where to track him down and shot gun him... JOKES but at least you get some justice out of him rahter than chasing a surgeon from overseas.

well my surgeon was wonderful he injected me with two syringe doses of antibiotics after my operation through drip,then the next day he gave me another two then i think when i had my chin done a week later he administered another two and i havnt had any implications or infections since, plus i was also orally taking antibiotics. :smile:

nose jobs are a serious procedure i would think but i had complete confidence in my surgeon and i am pretty lucky it turned out fantastic with no problems at all!!

the only pain experienced was the dammm drips i had to have with the surgeon had to put the antibiotics through directly in me, which i hated and felt so much discomfort and to this day i have changed my uni course from nursing to something else because i can not stand the thought of needles anymore.

plus also...second rhinoplasty would involve opening up the nose again...im worried myself this might cause an infection because its opening the area up again...

and to tell you something freaky hahaa my surgeon had the same nose job as me gortex ad ear cartilage and he says that its soo natural and he can rotate his nose flexibly then in front of me he grabs his nose and rotates it in a cirle like motion...to prove to me how natural the surgery is and how natural the nose feels...and his right my nose is very soft and natural :smile:

well i hope i answered all your questions and concerns and my advice was helpful or gave u additional insight howevereach individual is different so its all about asking yourself what you want and what you feel comfortable. honestly i would rather pay more for a better result than go for a cheaper option and take the risk in which i might also run the additionarisk of paying more on top to fix any problems!!!!!
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Hey Kain!
I've been a silent reader for like...2 years now and I am finally getting rib rhino @ vip, just wanted to ask you how the tip of your nose feels? I know you get tons of questions all the time! lol can you compare the hardness with something like a finger knuckle or something? :wondering
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a bit softer than my knuckle, but only because the skin is thicker on my nose than on my knuckle. if you have thin skin, it would be as hard as your knuckle
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hi, is anyone here going to dr kao?

I am going to dr kao in march and i am really afraid that he would make my rib cartilage nose bulbous ..

I mean I have seen sharp results from him but the majority of his work tends to be.. well bulbous!

any comments are appreciated
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Sounds like you're apprehensive about Dr. Kao. You should really do more research on other doctors that are also expert in rib rhinoplasty. Don't rush into it if you have reservations about his quality of work & consistency. Rib rhinoplasty is a different healing process compared to the foreign implants & you're goal is to only do the rhinoplasty once.
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Can I know which surgeon did you go? Are you using rib? VIP suggests using rib while I'm still confused between rib or silicone. I can't PM yet as I'm quite new. Thank you.
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Hi JuicyMe, I heard that goretex and rib are rather difficult to be removed if we need secondary ops compared to silicone which is easier. However, VIP told me that if I want natural result, rib or goretex would be much preferable. I'm going to Seoul this mid March. Planning to visit VIP, Banobagi, Shimmian and Regen. First, i only want o have silicone, however now im thinking rib or maybe giretex? Haha..What do you think? Can I see you B&A pics? I can't PM yet, I guess. Thanks JuicyME and which clinic did you go?
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Nope, I did not use rib and I did not get it done at VIP. Was really considering going to VIP before though, emailed them and their manager requested for my pictures, after sending them I never got a reply so too bad I guess?
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Yes please, my email is xxx (don't forget there are 2 s for snowliciouss) ;)
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Hi Sassy, if you not mind sharing you pics with me too ([email protected]) as I'm heading to VIP this March. VIP quotes USD 9,500 and I'm also thinking Banobagi using silicone as I'm still nervous using rib. Thank you vey much.
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