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asian nose job 2

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yes he does, ive emailed him a couple of times. it might be his secretary or assistant responding tho im not sure
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Yes. I'm about that is like the tip of the nose can go out of the bridge not like flipping the nose left and right type. LOL!

122, there's no such surgeon I guess. But for men's nose is straight and women will be a little bit curve. Check out the website for those korea superstar for references. :smile:
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Just wondering for those who used rib, is it really painful after surgery to move/get around? and for how many days? .. I'm considering Rib for revision .. but was leaning towards using ear cartilage since surgery seemed less complicated/less pain. Also, I wanted to reduce the bridge of my nose so I guess i don't mind reapsorption (for using rib)as the height of mynose isn't much of concern but scared it may warp...

Also for those who are non- korean it seems much more worthwhile to find somebody who can take you for consults that speak korean, (esp places who CATER to mainly foreign clients) cause based on hearing how much Dr's are charging for foreigners seems very very high.. don't want to get ripped off :S
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As requested, i've jez emailed you some b&a pics and review on WT's patient using ribs. Happy reading ;)
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do you mind sending me some review, b&a pics of Dr WT's patient?

I'm extremely keen now after seeing his b&a and the price is cheaper than korea!

Send it to : xxx

Appreciate it!! Thank :biggrin:
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hey i'll juss send u the document instead since acadabra is probably pretty busy

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Hey taeyang123 & Acadabra

thanks for the mail.

Just wondering how did you two get a hold of this girl's review? Are you both her friend?

The nose looks good and her protruded mouth is fixed, nice.

How do I email to Dr WT? I can't read chinese well and couldn't seem to find their email for international patients even after translated. :S

Thanks again guys!
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Hey Missy80, did you or any of your friends got treated badly or bad job done from VIP?
I'm going to them most probably for my rib rhino! Don't scare me!! :lol:
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