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asian nose job 2

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no im not her friend. acadabra was kind enough to juss send me the review.
his email is: xxx
he'll respond in english
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hey would u mind going into detail about the bad experience ure mom had? very curious... was it just bad customer service or did her results come out unsatisfactory as well??
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Hello everyone

Wow, it's nearly been a year since i was last on here. I've been trying to get through all the posts made since my absence but there are over a thousand at least XD

Kain, I was wondering if you could add me onto your contact list? I would love to see your progress so far. I remember when you had just gotten your surgery.

I'm planning to make a trip back to Korea and VIP sometime this year (hoping April maybe?) and if anyone could share their reviews and experiences about revision at VIP that would be so very helpful.

Thanks :smile:
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Hi Everyone!

I have been silently following this thread for almost 4years now - I know long time to not post! - But now I want to participate because I still really want rhinoplasty!!

Anyway - I have been unhappy with my nose for a very long time, since I was little actually, and only started to considered rhinoplasty when I was 16. I was close to getting it done when I was 19 but my mother didn't bring enough money so could only get my eyelids done. This was at BK Clinic.
Now fast forward 4 and half year and I still really want to get it done.
I am currently researching it a lot and as I said have been following this forum but I was wondering if anyone had any advice or tips?

At the moment, I have contacted BK, OZ, Dr Jung, Dr Wang and Banobagi.
BK is the only one who has replied back and I seem okay with him as I have had him before and didn't have any problems with him before. Plus his prices seem reasonable and he seems to advice me on how to make my nose better without suggesting more expensive things.

I have a bulbous tip, with a small hump and wide bridge. I wanted to shave the bridge down and then add an implant to make it taller then have tip plasty to make the tip more pointy, but not like really really pointy, but more like Hyori Lee pointy or Jessica Alba - both noses are nice and feminie but still a little round so its kind of cute :P
I did think about ABB before but her nose is way to high and pointy for me!! plus BK before said I wouldnt be able to get a nose like her... haha...

But yeah, was wondering what you guys thought about my surgery suggestion and if anyone had any B+A pics they want to share??
my email is -xxx:smile:

My list at the moment, from most wold like to gois (well from who I have contacted so far...) :
BK Clinic
Dr Jung
Dr Wang
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hey how come u are getting a revision? did the results not turn out as u hoped?
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Hello everybody,
I'll be in seoul on monday 13th feb, for a nose revision. ( it will be 3rd time !!!) to take off an implant.
At first I was sure I wanted to be operated by VIPps (dr Lee)... but (maybe i'm demanding a lot..) but the tip nose of all his job is never well defined...
I love the side view of his nose job but not the front view... to me the tip is a little bulbous..

As far as I've seen, the best autologous rib/cart graft performed was the ones of the chinese doctor wang ting.... when I look at the before and after.. I really think.. wow that's the nose of my dreams.. lol
PLUS he can do the nose tip moving !
BUT the things that make me worried.. :

1- it's in China... the safety, hygiene, and emergency solution looks poor compared to korea ( a chinese actress/singer Wang bei died during a cheek bone/jaw reduction surgery http://www.chinahush.com/2010/11/26/female-star-dies-in-plastic-surgery-accident/) ...> scaring !
2- I can't find testimonials of his patients..

Does anyone plans to visit dr wang ting ? I would be happy to gang up !!
i'm very serious about him..
but i'm scared...
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okay added
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