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asian nose job 2

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Hi, everyone! Well, my surgery is tomorrow... I've been really excited about it for a while, but now I'm starting to get really nervous! I just sort of want to get it over with and hope nothing goes wrong!

I've been doing a lot of stuff to prepare... I cleaned my apartment, did all my laundry, and got a really "clean" haircut because I figured that any kind of messiness during recovery would just make me feel stressed (I'm a total neat freak). Also, I bought straws and a bunch of liquids and soft foods (soups, porridge, soy milk drinks) to eat for the first few days while recovering. I also bought a triangle-shaped "wedge" pillow to elevate my head while I sleep as well as some cold packs for my eyes/cheeks that have velcro straps in the back so I don't need to hold them in place with my hands. And finally, I started taking vitamin c, arnica montana, and bromelain to help minimize swelling and bruising

I live in Sinchon, which is about 45 minutes away from Gangnam (Seoul is way too spread out!), so I have to schlep myself all the way there in the morning and endure a 45 minute post-surgery ride home. My best friend is going with me and is going to help me get into a cab on the way home. My plastic surgey clinic is in a big office building on a huge busy street, so I'm kind of nervous and already feeling embarrassed about having all these bandages on my face, taking a crowded elevator down to the lobby and going out on the steet to get a cab! So I'm taking a hat, a big scarf, and a zip-up sweatshirt with a hood to hide my face as much as possible. Also, I read somewhere that people often vomit after surgery (gross), so I'm taking a little garbage can and some water and towels in case I get sick on the ride home. I really hate throwing up, though, so I hope that doesn't happen!

Well, tonight I'm gonna go for a run at the gym to relax and then I'm having sort of a "Last Supper" with my best friends at our favorite restaurant. I'll try and take some pictures after the surgery and post an update tomorrow night letting you know how everything went. Wish me luck!

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So far im loving Wonjin (but too bad they only use fake material and no rib)
Im loving Grand plastic surgery, (again, cant read korean so not sure if they know how to do reivison using rib)
dreamsurgery cant view their pictures
O & young and bk clinic (who both doctors have done revision using rib before)
Once i figure out which clinic uses rib, i'll let u know what i choose. Still contacting dream too see pictures! For some reason.. im thinking since Grand and Dream are some of the biggest clinics (like BK) im sure they've delt with rib before too..
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Hi Koreanboy,
I'm getting my nose surgery 2 days later on friday and im so excited now. I read your post yesterday and i guess you had your surgery done today already. Do you mind updating abit more as this is my primary rhinoplasty so i'm really nervous and i wish to know more about it. Looking forward to your update soon! :biggrin:
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Hi, everyone! So it's the night of my surgery and it looks like everything went pretty well. I'm not in any pain whatsoever and I'm feeling pretty energetic and normal! My nose is stuffed up with a bunch of blood, fluid, and packing, so I can't breathe out of it at all... it's also just really gross because every time I swallow or push down on any area of my face, i can feel all the stuff in my nose sort of squish around.

My surgery was supposed to start at 10:30am but actually ended up starting a little after 11:30-11:45am because of waiting and administrative stuff. I got to meet with and talk to both my doctors before I got changed into my surgical gown, and they showed me the various implants they were going to use. I was much less nervous/scared than I thought I was going to be! I actually wasn't freaked out at all when I was in the actual operating room, but I sort of got freaked out in the room they had me waiting in before my surgery... it was actually a two-person recovery room, and I was just sitting there quite bored when another patient who'd just finished her surgery came in and looked totally freaky and really out of it. She also seemed like she was going to throw up or something, which I didn't want to witness at all!

So for my surgery, they did the chin augmentation first, which was finished at around 12:45pm, and then the rhinoplasty was over around 4:00 or 4:30. I can't believe how long my surgery was - altogether almost 5 hours! I actually woke up at around 12:40ish while they had begun harvesting cartilage from my ear. To be fair, they had told me beforehand that I would probably wake up once during that part of the surgery. When I first woke up, I thought... well I'll probably fall back asleep soon or forget this later... but as I became more and more lucid over the next 5-10 minutes, I realized that I was totally waking up. They had obviously put some local anesthetic in my ear, so there wasn't really any pain... but I could definitely feel/hear them cutting away at my ear! But there was actually no need to worry about this - I felt drunk/giddy because of the effects of the sedation, so I felt absolutely ZERO fear/anxiety about the whole thing.

After the chin augmentation and ear cartilage harvesting was over, at around 1pm, they made me stand up and go to the bathroom - kind of weird, huh? They said that because surgery looked like it was going to be running pretty long, they thought it would be good if I peed once in the middle. I took a peek in the bathroom mirror, and sure enough, my chin was all bandaged up. Then I went back in to the operating room, where they ASSURED me I'd be asleep for the rest of the surgery (the rhinoplasty), and they were right - I didn't wake up at all during it. All of this makes me think that they actually wanted me awake during the ear cartilage harvesting to pee, since they told me beforehand that I'd probably wake up during that part and since I didn't wake up a single time afterwards...

After it was over (I don't remember waking up), I was in recovery for two whole hours. I'm not sure why I was there for so long because I felt totally fine and lucid - I was even joking around a lot with my friend and was still kind of happy from the anesthesia. The nurse just kept saying that the all of the saline or whatever fluid was in the IV bag needed to get into my body and that there was still some left. I was pretty relieved, though, because my recovery room was just a one-person room - I didn't want to have to share a room with someone like that scary woman from before! I think I definitely seemed more "normal" than the other patients, because when my friend and I saw some of them while we were walking down the hall to the bathroom, we both did a double-take and looked at each other and said "whoa." Because I was in recovery for so long, though, I actually didn't get to leave until around 6:30pm, which is awful rush hour in Seoul, so it took me over an hour to get home in a cab. After I was all settled and ate something and whatnot, it was really late... so it's actually 3:00 in the morning right now (3am!), and I'm still sort of wired and can't sleep! Maybe it's because I was asleep for so long during my surgery... I think I'll try going to bed now though...

Well, that's my write-up of my surgery experience! Feel free to let me know if you have any questions and I'll try to answer them. Also, I'll start writing stuff about recovery starting tomorrow.

Oh! And here are some pictures of me that I took today after I got home... I'll explain the soon-dubu tomorrow! :smile:


And, here's a little treat... I made a funny video the night BEFORE my surgery showing the various angles of my pre-surgery face and playing around with my nose, smushing it down and pushing the tip up like a "piggy" face! I figured it might be my last chance to make some of these faces, at least for a long time!

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I'm very curious to see how you will heal Koreanboy!
I myself am caucasian, so I'm perhaps a little out of place here... but I just wanted to say I sometimes kind of envy asian girls for their cute, flatter little noses (although I know it'd look strange on me).
So sometimes I'm kind of sad when I see pics such as the o & young before and after pictures.. Their profiles change dramatically, don't they??
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Hi korean boy!

U experienced the same thing as me!! My surgery was suppose to be around 10:30 and it got dragged down to about 11:30ish! My surgery was done around 4:30pm too!
But the reason mine was soo long was because i used Rib cartilage. It's a shame you said you don't think they use natural material (for some ppl's preference),
they sound like they take really good care of their patients! =)

Damn your gonna look so much more handsome!! i can see it through your bandaids!! XD lol
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This rumor has been spreading around and if anyone can help to answer.
I have heard that after people have rhinoplasty done, they will have a risk of "nose exploding" or some kind of that when they take the airplane. I am guessing it is beacuse of the change of air pressure?

So is it safe to take the airplane after the surgery?
And how long in between is recommanded between the surgery and the departure flight? Thank you .
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You should ask your plastic surgeon but yes, if you board the plane TOO soon then your nose might get a few issues when the air pressure increases but I really doubt its at risk for explosion or anyhting extremely serious. I was able to board my plane no problem 7-10 days after surgery. You would have to check with your surgeon first though.
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