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asian nose job 2

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There are somes post I haven't seen.

> kktg9202 : Oh where did you get you surgery ( Sorry if I miss some post) ? Are you better now ? You know, now that I read your last post, I begin to be afraid ..of loneliness. Don't speak korean and know no one will be verry difficult.

> To Caspen : I'm a vietnamese ( but french) too. If you stay in HK, would you go there alone ? and in Korea ? When do you plan to do it ?

> To Solus : Oh really ? Did you get there a surgery or had any testimony from there?

I've just seen the website and my current problem is that I speak neither korean nor chinese nor japanese , and there is no english version. I can't even find the " before/after photo" part =x

So I don't really know how to do. I can at least ask question in english to the doctors ( if I find the right link :biggrin:) , but there will be a lot since I don't understand what I read from the website. It's really a pitty =x
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Hi Mialee!

Glad to read a post from a European neigbour so to speak, as I live in Belgium (and speak French if you happen to fancy a chat with me)! By the way, I am Vietnamese too!

I don't know if u've already set your mind on Korea, but if that's not the case yet, you might consider travelling to Taiwan with me? I intend to stay in Kaohsiung during the first half of November and go under dr. Hsu for a revision.

Beware of BK Clinic! This thread as well as the Singapore Expats forum contain loads of bad reviews on their services! Do some thorough research before deciding on any clinic or doc!

You might wonder why I'd rather go to Taiwan than to Korea. As a matter of fact, I just prefer the Taiwanese sense of beauty. I am convinced that Korean surgeons have loads of experience and are very skillful, however, I just prefer the natural, girl-next-door look which Taiwanese doctors seem to lean towards, over the overdone sharp Korean style. So it's only a matter of taste in the end. Mind you that Taiwanese doctors can be as skillful as the Korean ones...
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> kktg9202 : Hope you will quick recover !

> To Hung0190 : Hey ! Another vietnamese girl =D As young as you, so if we have a good timing, why not =) the more the Merrier

> To Shinangel : vietnamese and speak french ? that's my lucky day gee ! do you have a mail =) ( haha oui l'anglais c'est histoire que les gens comprennent ce qui se passe lol ) ?
Otherwise, thanks for the avdice ;)
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Im also Vietnamese (da boi ) and was planning to go to seoul for a nose job in July or Juny 2010 dont know yet. Yet im still alone and havent got any friends coming with me cuz of money and some guys say they are afraid of the racism in seoul, also heared and read bout it, but taht wont scare me off. Well would be great if we could go together there since your at my age and also vietnamese ( i dont know korean but will learn the basics (maybe) before departure. If you are interested heres my yahoo ID add me pls :smile:
[email protected]

well actually im a boy xD hahaha hey are you interested in going together?
Im planing on going also alone but if i find someone coming with me with the same purpose why not sure will be fun.
Im living in germany here near the frontier of france like 10km away.
Where do you live in France?
you can add me on MSN and go have a talk there
[email protected]
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you must all be so excited! i'm just going crazy trying to choose doctors and how i want my nose to look (and then thinking nose might end up differently which stresses me out even more, haha!)... and airfare and hotel costs add up to so much from where i am! it'll will add somewhere from +$1500-2000 :shocked: onto the surgery costs, wahtever they might be!

plugging korean websites into translate.google.com helps a bit! korean sentence structure must be a lot different than english because the translations are much more harder to understand than usual though! which also means i have even more respect now for the korean doctors who manage to also learn to speak english! haha... and "nose" letter in korean is "코" --- so you can look for that letter when you look at the website link icons and can't tell, hahah! i have no idea how to pronounce it :shrugs:! haha! and that's about it for random tips... haha!

please let us know how your trips in seoul go! have fun, good luck!
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Solus how's your healing coming along? Are you loving your new look? :smile:
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Here you go: [email protected]. Feel free to send a mail if you have any further questions or remarks! I'll be glad to help you, as I've been through a primary rhino and have done quite some research for the revision.
The reason why I post in English is because of the forum protocol. :smile:
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Found posts by a Member named Jas3n on the original Asian Nose Job thread. His posts detail visits to about 10 Korean plastic surgery clinics. Give his posts 4 :tup::tup::tup::tup:

I didn't find after pics of his results but it looks like he did some great research and reporting to the forum. Here's a link to the beginning of his clinic visits. He visits Dr. Jung, OZ Clinic, AT Clinic, Dream Clinic, Clinic 9 and others: #
He didn't visit Banobagi, but I give them 9/10 :lol:.

He really gets into detail on page 17 of the 1st Asian Nose Job thread and ultimately chooses AT Clinic and writes about the results somewhere around page 32. :woohoo:

Jas3n mentioned in one of his posts that Dr. Chuang in Taiwan studied under Dr. Kim at BK Clinic. Talk about a small world!! ;)

Ps. here's a link to a site that explains the difference between L and I shaped implants
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Hello people,

I just had an alarplasty done to my nose a couple of weeks ago. I'm hating the results. i thought it'll make me happier. But I miss the flare in my nostrils and it's too narrow. I feel like it makes the whole nose looks overall, "weaker", and "shorter, like the nostrils have been "cut" in half vertically so the bottom of the base look "short" and flat. I still have nostril curvatures but they are like two tiny curved ovals. Not a pretty look. I wish I just accepted my old nose. When I look at pictures, i look so much better and cuter with a wider nose.

But alarplasty is not reversible, unlike implants. Is there anyone who had done alarplasty who knows if the flare is going to return somewhat? I flared my nostrils and I like the look better. I don't know. i'm very depressed. So far no one noticed but I feel like the damage is very noticeable. Is there a chance that no one will ever notice? I need some hope.
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^ hi carrisa i did alar and ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT i must say your alar will only chage 5% the most..... dont bet on it... its mostly when the scars heal the red will turn back to the natural color making it look "fuller"

why r u upset? Exactly how much did he take off? he should not remove more then 2mm per side. Otherwise something will be wrong.. my dr show me tons of korean dr who took way too much off alar... and its scary...
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Im sorry for you if it hasnt turned out how you wish to be...
can you show us some pictures before or after??
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