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asian nose job 2

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Yes i agree.
You should share your plans with joAnn so they can let you know if it is advisable to do so or if there will be a better idea/plan to it.

I do not think that VIP will mind at all, it is totally up to you where you prefer to do your surgery.

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I hope my message will help those who are picking surgeons for their nose jobs. My opinion is that my nose is now too narrow at the base for my intercanthal distance and the nostrils too small and shallow. My nose was not perfect before but it was very good, I just wanted to make it perfect. Now, it's so ugly it made my whole face ugly. I don't know how he did alarplasty to make the tip droop but a lot of other true bonafide plastic surgeons confirmed that he stretched the wings too flat which can flatten the tip. But nothing can be done for my case short of grafting skin and cartilage to the nose wings to widen and elevate it and the results could be worse.

I never thought a simple procedure could turn me from someone who is considered pretty to ugly. And the surgeon also said a lot of things like the surgeon will judge and decide etc.. not for the patient to decide how many mms etc. That is a huge warning sign. The surgeon must respect the natural boundaries of the nose and have good Asian aethestics sense. I think my surgery fail in both counts and I have to live with it for the rest of my life. It's not like an implant where u can just take out.

I think Oz is cheap for a reason and not a good one.
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i know that but i was asking if the pic was fair representation of what to expect at 2 weeks post op or if the surgeon actually made his radix too high.

it looks to me like the radix is too high because it looks like it is cartilage that is making it seem high, not swelling. i don't think that nose will look normal unless the cartilage shrinks a good 20 to 30% depending on how much of it is actually cartilage
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Rib cartilidge is a lot thicker than ear cartilidge, so of course it will take longer to deswell. I am only close to 3 weeks post op, but the swelling has gone down a lot and I can tell that as told it will only get better and more defined in time. Two weeks post op I went out with a friend and a local asked me if I was arab (that's how BIG it was due to the swelling) lol!!! But like I said it has gone down a lot imagine my friend agrees and is really suprised and she has accomponied me throughout my surgery. Like BBGurly said it can sometimes take up to a year to see the full result. You just have to be patient really :smile:

Already I'm super happy with mine and would encourage others to use rib as well!

And to Connie, did you see my previous message towards you? For cleaning method so far I've been using the cotton swab with the saline solution to clean inside and than I would use that nasal bottle and than rinse my mouth with the mouthwash that was given.. THAN I would apply the scar gel. Can you tell me if what I'm doing is right and anything else important listed that I should know of. Thank you!! :smile:

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Yes it was actually LOL.. maybe even more..I was pretty upset and scared at that time.. but now that I've seen quite a change I'm not worried at all.

Oh ya another question Connie, are you still taking those pills they gave us? Do you know if we need to continue taking them until they run out lol. I'm such a baby, I hate taking pills >.<
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Why dont you send your photo to Dr Lee at VIP for a online consultation and see what he can do? Maybe something can be done? Don't be dishearted.

If you dont mind, you can PM me your photo so I can ask JoAnn for you ;)

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Yes your cleaning method is correct.
Just use the cream inside your nose diligently at least for another 3-4 weeks.
As for the pills, Yes, I am tring to finish it but not constant. SOmetimes I manage to eat 2-3 packs but not 4 times in a day.

It will be good to continue because it is anti bac pills, for your case it is better to consume so your rib will heal better. ;))

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I really think nothing can be done. I even ask the world's most renowned reconstructive surgeons (they build noses out of nothing... like when the nose is eaten away by cancer or totally cut off, or smashed by trauma) and the answer was that to put skin grafts to rewiden the nose will be a bad move as the skin grafts would show and stuff.
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hey BB gurly,you did yours in VIP.How is it there?Do the staff speak in english?
Where do you stay ?

Also I have a question on payment for the surgery,did all of you paid through creditcard/cash or..?

Thanks and sorry for my many question XD
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Yes. I did my revision at VIP. now im around 18 days post-op.
It is definately one of the best choices that I made. The staff there do not speak english. The only one that speaks fluent Engligh is JoAnn, whom is Dr Lee's assistant. There is another lady whom speaks Mandarin ( Chinese).

I stayed at the officetel provided by VIP. It is a very comfortable apartment to stay in. It is only a short distance to the clinic itself.

As for payment, they accept credit card, cash in USD or WON. I paid using partial cash in USD and the rest with my credit card.

You should ask as many questions as you can!

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Were supposed to 3-4 times a day?!! I've been taking one pack in the morning and the one with the additional small pill at night.. uh oh. Good thing I asked you! P.S email me your fb so I can add you hehe ^_^

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