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asian nose job 2

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Hey guys, for those who have had asian rhinoplasty i have a question.

Perhaps there is a reason ppl's noses look like pigs right after the cast/stitches are removed

For me.. i have a ugly bird's nose! Its high and almost makes me look european/caucasian so of course just like u guys i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I asked for Song Hye kyo's nose and didnt look a thing like it.
So is there a way a nose curving downwards and go more inwards afterwards? (like a anime cartoon )
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who did you end up going to for your rhino? did you use rib cartilage? how long has it been since your rhino? your nose does take some time to heal, and it should go down a bit as it deswells.
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happy new year, everyone!

i'm freaking out the more i research rhinoplasty online, haha! the videos don't creep me out as much anymore (and it helps that my studies are in a medical field too, LOL!) but the possibilities of complications do! my god :shocked:! and i'm just feeling overwhelmed in general by not only the possibility of complications but also whether i would like the results aesthetically :s! so much to worry about, haha!

@ vivi_bee
from what i've read, the columella drops and bridge area should de-swell :smile:! just like asin said too, is what i've read. it depends on which procedures you had done too though, that influences pattern and extent of swelling, etc. happy healing!
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Hi guys

I dissapeared from the forum for a while after suffering from 'mild' depression after my rhinoplasty. LOL. When I look back at it now, I dont know why I was so worried, but honestly at the time, I did have feelings of regret having the surgery. The reason being, was that I was not prepared mentally for the emotions it would involve. Some of the emotions was from the anticipation of the aesthetics, some from seeing the swelling, not being able to recognise myself in the mirror, being unable to leave the house for 5 days, feeling tired all day, cleaning of the nose 20x a day! I did not feel any pain from the nose post op, just stuffiness and dry mouth from having to breathe through my mouth. It also did not help that my nose was very up-turned, like a pig, and that was the worst feeling for me, I knew my nose would be swollen, but I did not understand why it would be upturned. However my doctor did tell me it would drop down after a few weeks.

The day after surgery my face had swollen up by 70% of its actual size, and by day 2 my eyes were so swollen that I could not open them. I was worried about this and contacted the surgeon. According to him I have very thick skin, so swell up and bruise easily. He assured me that the swelling would go down. But when you are the one that is swollen, it is hard to believe anyone! I must admit I had to stay in doors for 4 days and even on the 5th day of the cast removal, I was still pretty swollen up.

Normally, patients would have 3 visists in total,this includes the op, seeing the surgeon and nurse the day after the op, five days time and then the final visit on the 10th day. However I was called back every two days as I had to have IV antibiotics and corticosteroids, to suppress my immune system due to the inflammation and swelling I had. I had the best care ever. they made me feel so special and would sympathise with me. I did look terrible and maybe they were scared too.

I was lucky to be staying with my sister, as she works in Seoul and if it was not for her and jamasian's reassurance, I would have been crying everynight from sadness! My sister would order me food everynight, and it cheered me up as the food was so delicious. I do miss it!

So please before you have any surgery, prepare yourself mentally, I consider myself a very strong individual, who is not frightened of blood, pain, etc, but I did not prepare myself for the rejection I experieneced from the procedure. If you are having it done abroad make sure you have someone to talk to everyday, as you will need comforting at the worst times. Its even better if you travel with someone (partner, mother, sister, brother, friend) as they will reassure and comfort you. Do not go alone, you will feel very lonely, especially if you do not speak korean.

I was shown pics of patients 7 days post op, with no brusing, swelling, and perfect noses, so I thought I would be able to go around seoul looking normal in 7 days. But in my case it took me nearly 12 days to look relatively normal and confident enough to walk around without my mask on (everyone wears mask in korea, so you will look normal). So make sure you try and stay for at least 2 weeks and by no means imagine, that in 6 days post op, you will look like that film star!!

I am 14 days post op now, and slowly the bruising is going from my left eye, and I am starting to like my nose more and more everyday. There are some aspects I dont like about it, but generally its much better than my old nose.

I will try and post some pics, if not pm me and i will try to help you.
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Hi guys, I'm an 18 year-old Vietnamese-American girl who has admittedly been waiting for a nose job since I was 13 or so. My nose is not mind-boggling terrible, but I know it can be better and that is what has been bothering me all these years. I do not wish to alter the bridge as I am content with my natural arch. What I am unsatisfied with, however, is my nostril width, and I'm perfectly fine with that being the only thing about my nose altered. I feel that my nose, like many other Vietnamese noses, has too much nostril flare and I would like to see it reduced but still have it look natural. It really bothers me when I see bad nose jobs where it is clear that the nostrils just don't belong.

Over the years, I've done much research on asian rhinoplasty (with intervals of several months... ) but have focused mainly on the surgeons in Korea. It's been quite a while since I've looked anything up and I can't quite remember all the plastic surgery terminology... In a few more days, I am flying to Hong Kong for a few weeks and wanted some last minute knowledge of what clinics/surgeons in HK you guys recommend for work on nostril width/shape specifically. I am planning to visit those doctors on my stay in HK for some consultations and in the end will decide whether I want to get my nj done in HK or if I should wait to do it in Korea. What procedure do you guys feel will be the most efficient in creating a natural, smaller-nostril result?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. It's weird because I feel like I've been waiting so long to get this done and it's finally so close to happening. I'm a little scared but extremely optimistic!

1) What HK surgeons do you recommend for a natural looking nostril reduction (and if possible, can you please list their rates)?
2) What type of nostril reduction procedure do you feel produces the most natural results?
3) Should I do my surgery in HK or Korea?
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Yes i used RIB

Im worried now because mine isnt like a pig (its not upwards/ I WISH IT WAS) its downwards!! and now ppl are saying its gonna droop even more im 10x worried!! its already curving downwards like a bird i absolutely HATE IT!!!

is there any way it will flip upwards like a anime? Or will this beak keep turning downwards??

the part between my eyes is super high.. i think he put the bone at my eyebrows~ will this get flatter and lower with time??? my nose looks reallly longgg, i feel like a bird!!!!!!
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ahh! looks like my own surgery will be really delayed by the look of things now! i was so sure it was going to happen within these 2 months, but now not so much :Push:. i don't know who to go to or what to have done exactly and it all is so overwhelming, along with other things in life, haha! i'm so glad i have you guys to talk to about this, though! so thank you all for being here and the dialogue here is fantastic and so helpful!

if you had tip work done or maybe if that lower area had a bigger reaction to anaesthetic or anything else during surgery, maybe the downward-turning is swelling? (i misunderstood at first and thought that you were worried and wanted it to go lower because you said: "So is there a way a nose curving downwards and go more inwards afterwards?") hugs & happy healing, girl!

HUGHUGHUGHUGHUGS, girl :flowers:!

you're so brave and it must've been really nice having your sister there for you; you guys also seem close from when you were talking about her scoping out clinics for you! i don't have any sisters, haha, and if i go to korea, i'll very likely be alone there (i'm in canada and the airfare is a LOT, around $1000, not including accommodations or anything! basically, it'll cost about the same to go to korea or to get the procedure in north america but i guess i hear so much about their expertise on asian noses...)! anyways, hope healing continues to go well for you and that and thanks for writing about your experience! i'd really love to see photos if that's something you don't mind --- i'm also super-curious about how things turned out for you because i remember reading your posts from before and now you've gone for your transformation! i'm sure it will turn out nicely!

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Hi, everyone! I'm a Korean-American. I moved here a year and a half ago from California. From what I've observed in the last year and a half, I think getting a nose job here in Seoul is highly recommeneded if you are thinking of one. The surgeons here do so many rhinoplasties which is reassurance on their skills. I'm definitely getting one before I leave Korea in June or July. =D
Ps. And these Korean girls' noses are nice! They're all hott!
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Did u have a nose job and its shape started changing over time? Cause my friend had her nose done a year ago and we've noticed that her tip is getting bigger recently.
I'm wondering if this is common..
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Hi everyone,
I am a newbie to this forum... i've read most of the first thread tho!
I am pretty confused still as to what type of implant I should get and which surgeon I should go to!!

I am going it alone to korea but would love a companion. I can probably go in April 2010. I plan to do rhino and double eyelid surgery.

I had radiesse injected into my nose in Nov 2008 to straighten out a bump in my nose. It's made a huge difference to my appearance but I would love a more permanent change.

Does anyone know whether you look like a monster still after 14 days?

Dr Lee sounds great! Especially the price and the level of care.

Has any1 gone it alone to korea before for plastic surgery? I'm kind of scared but I would love to just get it done and off my mind!!

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Hello guys !

I'm also a newbie there :P, ( after reading a lot of subjects, I finally join the forum for good =D) I think about getting a rhino. Excuse me in advance for my poor english, in fact I'm from France, so that's why ...

I would like to go to Korea ( perhaps in this july 2010 ? ) But I ( of course) have to save money and I'm affraid because I know no one there, only speak english ( enough fluently) and so don't really know how to do on the spot. I'm really young, ( 18 in fact) and my mother is not anymore supportive ( not for my age, she really agrees with me about doing a rhino, but just for the global cost fact which include the fare, accommodation and surgery ; and also because I don't speak korean and know no one)

I would know if there is/ are someone who is/are almost in the same fact, or if one day is anyone can help just a little. It's really risky to ask such a question and undertake such a project in my case, but you know, nothing ventured nothing gained.

I'm thinking about Dr. Kim Byung Gun at BK Dongyang Clinic =) If anyone have another suggest I will also glad to hear it ^^.

>Dabin, I read that you live 5 minute walk from their and it really interesting me :smile:
>Borama : You said in june or july ?? I don't know what clinic you'll chose, but you know, since I'm alone and a bit afraid, I tried to meet some persons in the same case.
>Sailormoon83 : I also plan to go there alone so ... =)

Anyway, I hope all of you guys will get a good and satisfied surgery and after will be more beautiful than ever ;)
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since you used rib, there will be resorption, so you should expect your nose to get smaller over time more than you would with silicone. read dr. dean toriumi's website; he uses rib and talks about resorption. i've read that it resorbs about 30%. how long has it been since the surgery? the area between your eyebrow might just be swollen. give it a couple of months at least.

which dr did you end up going to?
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Don't go to BK. There are better clinics in Korea like Migo clinic, OZ clinic, Banobagi. I like Migo clinic better.

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