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asian nose job 2

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hey ppl :smile:
i found out this forum like a while ago and have been reading most of the posts! you guys r very helpful so far haha
i am seriously considering to go to korea to get nose surgery and am so confused right now! since im a student, i dont think im gonna have time to fly to korea for the winter break so i might go there on may, when my summer break starts. (i also need some time to save my budget lol)
i've been searching crazy and what i've found is that implants such as silicone and goretex can get infection?? it seems like so many ppl are trying to have re-surgery bc their nose get infected or the implant shows too much which makes it look unnatural.
I really want my first surgery to go very well so i dun have to worry like these ppl. for these reasons, i wanna go for autologous tissue but what's the difference between using my own tissue for tip only and for whole thing? is using the whole autologous tissue only possible with rib cartilage? again, i want to go safe and best result :sad: need some suggestions!!
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apparently winter is the tourist season in Korea. it will be a lot busier at that time of year at some clinics.

i'm a student too and i've decided to go before the summer semester because the recovery period will be easier if it's warm, and my course load is lighter during the summer

most people don't like silicon nowadays. goretex is better but a lot of people think rib is best. i'm going for goretex because i don't want to lose a piece of my rib =(
it won't be possible to do the whole thing without rib unless your nose is already high or if you don't want to change the bridge much. there just isn't enough septal or ear cartilage for the whole nose
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Just wondering what the chin graft was like? Did you swell alot and was there alot of absorption?

Thanks =]
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Hi townstory,

What kind of bad review. I am hesitating because i havent heard much about VIP except Izora and House of Taylor. If only 2 person from the forum had gone to them and i guess it still a little risky. Because it was still only 2 out of the many out there that gone to them give good reviews. Maybe you could get more information from your friend and shared it with us? Now i'm getting pretty worried as it was just 7 days away from the surgery date. I won't want to ruin my precious nose and waste my rib :'( im so scare now, i don't know if i should postpone it and get it done after more research or i should take a risk?

Base on their b & a photos i would say I love the side profile but i feel that the front views are not clear enough or it did not show much difference from the before hence i am not too impress by it?

Did you find out more from your friend what kind of bad review did he read from the korean forum? :confused1:

I really want to be 100% sure before i go with safe mind..
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LOL!!! lose a piece of ur rib?!! isnt rib cartilage tissues around ur rib area?
I have a typical asian nose, which has no bridge... Since i can read a little bit of korean, i read some reviews from korean sites too. i really don't want factory-like surgery like everybody has been saying for some clinics. i think i want to use autologous tissue but need some professional advise...!!
is there any place that i can get online consultation? i would like to know what material fits me the most. and i think im gonna go to korea this winter to meet my relatives and friends and mind as well as go for consultation with dr. then it will be easier to decide which material to use and which clinic to go to?? i guess??
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it looks to me like i would notice if that was missing from my chest. yes it is tissue but it is a solid tissue
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ooooo i never thought of that...... O_O......
I guess ppl should private message them and see pictures first before believing in their words. Especially clinics who have english speakers can always hire ppl to make fake reviews. Thats true, a lot of companies do that... i totally forget clinics can do that too
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if your nose isnt horrible, you can just do alar, defatting and use ear cartilage... sometimes ppl go too over board with their noses and want implants and other things.. it depends if u fully want a completely different nose, or just a better version of your same nose.
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i notice post rib pix look like that.. but im confused about something... korean doctors (and someone who went to VIP clinic said the doctor said this) that they can "shape the rib any shape u want" ermm.. but im been seen straight bone rib cut just ALL like that and placed on the nose. Hence them having to use ear cartilage to project your nose tip.
So my question is...... can u really "SHAPE THE RIB HOWEVER U WANT?"
because for me... i would have thought u cut the rib shape a lil diagonally so its like a slope and curved (like a slide) but you really cant do that because it will probably thin out the cartilage plus cause warping. So my question is... wth is the doctors talking about then?
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There was alot of swelling the first week, then it went down alot.. i would say around 60%! but this is also depends if you use alot of facial expression as I was advised if i did then it will absorb more. Everyone is different but i guess with my case more was absorbed.
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Hello! I'm getting rhinoplasty (+ chin augmentation) in a couple of days, and I'm feeling very excited/anxious about it! I decided that a healthy way to relieve some of the anxiety I'm feeling would be to write down everything I'm going through and share it with others. I'm not motivated/tech-savvy enough to set up my own independent blog (plus, I seriously doubt people would find it and read it), so I decided to share everything here as well as a few other message boards.

I'm a Korean guy in my mid-20s living in Seoul, Korea. I grew up and went to school in the U.S. and will be moving back there some time early next year. I decided to get rhinoplasty (+ chin augmentation) here in Korea before I head back to the States for a few reasons: 1) I figured Korean doctors would be more familiar with the anatomy and unique characteristics of my Korean nose, 2) Korea is the plastic surgery capital of the world, so I figured the surgeons would be super experienced and skilled, and 3) it's way cheaper here: I'm only paying about $5000 total for both procedures, and I've heard that a rhinoplasty alone can be double that in the U.S.!

I know a lot of people say stuff like, "I've wanted a nose job my whole life" - but to be honest, I never really considered getting one until pretty recently. Don't get me wrong, I've always disliked my nose, but I think having lived in the U.S. for so long, I never seriously considered plastic surgery because it seemed so extreme. Living in Korea has definitely opened my mind up in that regard because such a huge percentage of the population gets cosmetic work done!

Well, here are some "before" pictures of my original nose (+ chin): http://s1191.photobucket.com/albums/z463/koreanboynose/

As you can see, I have a pretty big dorsal hump as well as a wide dorsum; a relatively flat nose bridge (like most Asians); a wide, bulbous nose tip without much definition (also typical of most Asians); and my nose is a tiny bit crooked. And you can see from the chin pictures that it's pretty seriously receded.

I'm super anal, so I've already been to my plastic surgeon's office three separate times for consultations. I kept coming up with more questions, and I wanted to make sure that I had specific, detailed answers so I felt comfortable knowing what the result would be. Basically, my doctor is going to: file down my dorsal hump, fracture the sides of the dorsum and "bring it in" to make it narrower, try to straighten it out, put a 1-2 mm implant (a silicon & goretex hybrid called "silitex") on my nose bridge/dorsum, mold my nose tip cartilage with sutures and use my ear cartilage to give the tip a little more projection/definition, and reduce my nostril width with an alar base reduction. The doctor said that he would also consider removing some tissue from my nose tip if it looks like it's going to be built up too much after the suturing/ear cartilage graft.

Apparently a different doctor at the hospital is going to be doing my chin augmentation, and he said he would use an intraoral incision to put a 6-8 mm implant in.

I'm going to be getting IV sedation with local anesthesia. My rhinoplasty is going to be a little complicated by the fact that I had a dermal filler injection on my nose bridge ("non-surgical nose job") 4-5 months ago, but hopefully most of it has absorbed by now, and in any event, my doctor said he could just dissolve/remove whatever's still there.

Well, I suppose that's all for now... I don't know if anyone will read this, but I'll keep updating with detailed accounts (and pictures!) of the procedure and the recovery!
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There is a difference between rib and rib cartilage (costal cartilage). People should made sure the surgeon is telling them exactly which one he's going to be using because there's a HUGE difference in healing and such. I'm an ICU RN, I take care of children who undergo open chest surgeries for their CHDs, I can attest to the fact that costal cartilage and ribs are very different.

Also, our costal cartilage harden over time, so by age 45 or so they will have similar qualities of ribs. Consequently, you can't decide to have a rhinoplasty with your own costal cartilage beyond your mid-40s. Something to think about.
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Park Won Jin is doing my nose and Lee Seon Gu is doing my chin. They're both specialists in those respective areas, and they're both at Wonjin, which is named after the guy doing my nose. Wonjin is one of the biggest and most well-known plastic surgery clinics in Korea. I was actually surprised that so many of you seem to be going to places that are totally unknown in Korea, like Simmian (with this Dr. Jung guy?) and VIP. I'd never heard of them, and no one in Korea knows anything about them. The biggest, best-known places are Dream, Grand, BK, Wonjin, ID... I'm guessing places like Simmian and VIP only target foreigners because they're not popular in Korea
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Do you work for Wonjin? As an individual who's considering to have a rhinoplasty, i want honest discussion and comments here. I feel like there's some advertisement going here.... lol
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