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asian nose job 2

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Lol dude, some of us are just pointing out the research we've done. If some of the posters here just blindly listen to whatever is told on the message board, that's their problem. Everyone should do their research.
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I believe everyone who is planning for a surgery be it rib or others, revision or primary should know what are the risks involved.

Personally, I am thankful that there are these people around who speak about their experiences with rib because you can hardly find these experiences elsewhere. Most people will settle for silicon for the cheaper material and easy healing process.

These people, are primary silicon users who had problem with their implants, thus going for rib, and had good results. People who are drawn to the fact that they will choose rib over silicon because of these people who experienced the surgery first hand is only natural. You should not say that they are "irresponsibly mis-representing it" at all.

I myself, had a silicon implant for 15 years and am going for rib for a revision.

Are you going to tell me that It will be irresponsible of me by posting my experiences here later on because it will enhance more people to learn that rib is getting popular now?
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totally agree with you!

everyone should have their own mind set.

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hi Mizliz,

so are you still going to taipei this december?
where are travelling from?

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There is a big difference between 1) merely sharing your story vs. 2) telling others what they should be choosing based on your experience. If you simply share your story without trying to advertise a particular clinic or material or technique, which is EXACTLY what I've done on this board, then I think that's great and useful for everyone. But if you tell others what they should choose based on your single personal experience, I think that's irresponsible and could be misleading. If you go back a few pages in this thread, you'll see that there are a few people who flat-out told others that everyone should be choosing rib for their primary rhinoplasties because it was successful in their revisions. I think you can agree that that is kind of an unfair and irresponsible mis-representation.
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^@kboy:thanks for the well longwritten post kboy!
It surprise me that rib has that whole list of drawbacks :shocked:
now i'd really got a lot to think about.Your detailed post is much appreciated!:flowers:
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Warping can happen if u have a bad doctor, again warping is like 5% and if it happens it normally happens during the process.
Again, many complications can happen with every type of nose job,
complication risks with methods if Anesthsia too.
But we are talking about if fakr material is ALREADY in your nose, and real material is ALREADY placed in the nose. Which one will be better (aka feel more natural, aka get less infections) and that is rib.
Yes there is absorbption, i think thats why my nose got better looking and it isn't stiff, (aka feels really natural) i think thats why when u remove your cast.. its like SCARY HIGH looking its damn scary!! cuz they doctor knows how much it will absorb i guess, im not sure how much mine absorb.. i can only tell you, it is a nice natural height now. If i put my pionter finger on my tip of my nose and wiggle it, it can move side to side like my natural nose before. I can also scrunch my brdige making wrinkles (even tho i really shouldnt lol)

BTW just so ppl dont get confused, im only doing revision to Defat it more. There is nothing wrong with my nose, its comfy and happy and i feel no different from this nose and the old nose i was born with.
Again, ppl can make there own choices whether to use fake or natural material. Just take care of your nose, and prepare for the future if something or anything happens reguardless of what you use. :P
Using Rib (especially in korea? is a BIG surgery) (Note: i did mine in Taiwan) even though i felt zero pain, and i always been saying its easypeasy surgery for me.. i have NO IDEA how they do it in Korea and i also heard some ppl say they were uncomfortable. I think if you have money and u really dont wanna lose a rib, u can use plastic too, follow your heart, listen to a trusted doctor, and dont listen to anybody else. (but u should also listen to stats and real facts and experiences of what happens to ppl if they use rib or plastic, and also try to find a friend who has done there nose and ask them their opinion)
I've never had fake in my nose so i cant tell u how it feels (only Izora can)
But i love my nose, i wouldnt take it out (nor would i ever have too anyways, unless someone breaks my nose) and put plastic in it. I can only see what my friends gone thru... and see how there nose was sexy at the beginning and someone looked thicker? a year later. (like i said looked like vivian hsu nose and then 1 yr later it looked different) i believe someone on here or singapore expat confirm this too. Just make your choices and dont regret it. AKA research ppl! I was a student and looked up rhinoplasty stuff for 3 yrs until i was able to research and save up for my nose job.
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i agree. i think we should be completely objective when evaluating a graft material. all materials will have advantages and disadvantages.

the main reason i have recently started to consider rib recently is because dr jung seems to give results that are too subtle(with goretex as well as with rib). i am hoping that if i specifically ask for a more noticeable change and to use rib, that combination will allow me to get a higher bridge and sharper tip than he usually does. (since rib, like silicone, can give height more easily than goretex)
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To Koreanboy, I guess everyone here just to discuss the personal experience and talk about prons and cons of each different material. When I first read your post, I found it is really infomative and friendly and you actually are very sharing guy to post your experience here and keep everyone updated. However, I did find maybe because the nature of your occupation as a lawyer, you turns to be really agressive when other ppl have different opinion with yours and really defensive to yourself.

The idea of having the forum is to discuss and share, not to put other people down. Before you, there were Izora and Houseoftaylor wrote their experiences with VIP, which a lot of people including me really appreciate that. It was not nice to see other people pointed at you and said you were advertising, you were really upset about that, but now you are doing exactly the same thing, you just pointed to other people ( two nice girls, who I have been communicating with for a while)and said they were not responsible. Which I consider it is not a proper behaviour either.

Talking about nose job, I have went through four times so far, first with silicone for ten years and then goretex ---Three revisions within two years due to complications. I decided to choose rib for my nose revision this time. From your post, you said rib is not commonly used in the primary case, and only be used in complicated cases, that is actaully stating that rib is a better material in complicated cases and trust me, no body wants to go through a revision, if you want a nose job, you'd better get it right at the first place. Rib is not perfect, but compare with the other materials it is lot safer. If someone wants to post the side effect of silicones, there are far more horrible stories to be told.

So I guess I would stand up to defend my friends who have been supportive and friendly to me.
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To BBgurly, hi are u ready for ur trip yet? The day is getting closer, u must be excited;) Keep me updated about your experience with VIP, I am still trying my best to get my dates fitted similar with urs so we can actually get chance to meet in person.
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I have always been an advocate of using natural materials over implants, but I have never told people what to do or convinced anyone to use rib. All I mainly did was point out all the research that I've done over the past few years and discussed my personal experience. Everyone should make a decision based on their own research because everyone has different goals and needs.

Believe it or not, many people use rib for their first nose job. It's not just used for accidents or complicated revisions. In fact, their results look even better if they use it for primary rhinoplasty than for a revision. Most doctors in the U.S. prefer to use natural materials over any implant. The reason why the doctors use rib over ear or septal cartilages is because these materials are usually insufficient for Asian rhinoplasty. Of course most doctors in South Korea would talk people out of using rib. I think it's rather funny that they tell their patients that using rib for a first nose job is too extreme or unnecessary. It's as if they expect you to have a revision with rib in the future. You would need to replace your implant anyway. Using rib for a nose job does come with complications and drawbacks just like any other surgical procedure. However, all or most of these are eliminated in the hands of an experienced surgeon. Most of the chest complications that you mentioned are extremely rare. As for warping, doctors control that when they carve the cartilage, so it's not really a problem if the doctor knows what he's doing. For instance, Dr. Lee inserts a K wire if the cartilage is prone to warping. Minimal absorption is expected, which is why the cartilage is carved bigger in the first place. A good doctor will know how to carve the cartilage properly to minimize warping. I'd rather have a small scar on my chest than live with a contracted nose from an implant that could worsen over time. The way I see it is that there are more advantages than disadvantages in using rib. As I mentioned before, it's probably not for everyone, so people need to be prudent in making a decision.

Lastly, I don't appreciate your comment about "irresponsible and misleading." All I've done was tell people about my experience in order to help them make an informed decision. It's ultimately up to the individual because what people decide is none of my business. This forum is here so we can learn from each other. You shouldn't put people down when you don't even know them. It's completely uncalled for. I understand your need to defend why you chose an implant, but it seems like you're the one who is trying to convince people that using an implant is the right way to go. You're the one who is being rather aggressive and defensive about the matter. Anyway, I am done discussing this with you.

I hope you have a smooth recovery.
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First of all, I think you're pretty level-headed and cool, so I definitely was NOT trying to 'target' you or anything when I said some people were being irresponsible and misleading. So I first want to apologize for that misunderstanding.

But you're not being totally honest in your post above because you have told people what to put in various parts of their nose, and you have made blanket, generalized statement calling rib "the best" for Asian rhinoplasty. You told someone a couple weeks ago, "If you're using rib for your bridge anyway, then you might as well just use it for your tip too since it's a lot stronger than ear cartilage." How is this not telling someone what material to put in their nose? You don't know anything about this person's nose (maybe they have different needs for their tip and bridge that you're not aware of?), so I do think it's a bit irresponsible to be counseling them and telling them what to use. Also, when you make blanket statements like, "After doing all my research, I believe that rib cartilage is the best material for Asian rhinoplasty" - that can be kind of misleading. Calling something "the best" for Asian rhinoplasty sort of implies that it should be everyone's first choice.

I have NEVER said ANYTHING "positive" about synthetic implants. I have only about 20 posts on this board total, so back and read each one of them and you'll see that I'm being honest about this. So your post above is totally not true and a gross distortion of what I've actually written on this boad - that's not cool. Plus, I have both synthetic AND natural grafts in my nose - if I loved artificla material so much, why would I have agreed to getting natural cartilage put in it as well...? That just doesn't make any sense.

In fact, I don't think I've ever even said anything resembling an "opinion" about rhinoplasty - if you go back and read what I wrote, I sometimes responded to what OTHER posters have written by providing some links to medical articles that refute what they've said, but I've never actually offered any sort of opinion about rhinoplasty at all.

To be honest, I actually DON'T have any opinion about rhinoplasty. Having a general opinion about rhinoplasty is sort of like having a general opinion about hairstyles: it's totally different for everyone and different things fit different people, so how does it make sense to have an opinion that certain things are generally always better than others...?
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Given the choice of implant or autologous cartilage, for me it's a no brainer to go with the latter. I see patients who developed scarring around their heart valves due to having device made from Gortex and other materials. Our immune system attack foreign substances in our bodies by forming scar tissues around them. Same thing with breast implants, women with implants also has to accept the fact that they will have internal scar tissues around the implants and would eventually need follow-up surgeries.

BTW has anyone ever had a consult with Dr. Shah in Chicago? He studied under Dr. Toriumi and thus is also one of the very few rhinoplasty surgeons in the U.S. that only uses rib cartilage or ear cartilage in rhinoplasties. I haven't read anything negative about him in my web searches, unlike Dr. Toriumi. I'm considering consulting with Dr. Shah before finalizing with VIP. I just want my tip turned up and more refined as I have a high bridge already.
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^yup, thats why even if i wanted too.. i cant get breast implants! Why? Cuz its still fake material! No matter what our bodies are MADE to reject foreign items no matter what the size is. (crosses fingers, im hoping Japan can come up with something soon! lol)

there is some ppl here who only have tried "plastics (silicone/gortex) and nothing else.. so they cant say much, only their experience.
There is also ppl like me who ONLY used natural material.. so i can only say why i love it so much and how im perfectly fine and i dont need to worry about the future.
But for me... im very happy to meet/talk to someone like Izora, as well as a girl i traveled with who told me about her uncle. (though he got his plastic nose in vietnam back in 1992) and then changed it to a Rib (had rib for 8 yrs now and she told me its great and fine, as i expected, again your doctor will tell you he definitely cant protrude since it's your DNA) who has had experience with BOTH, fake plastics and natural rib. (who speaks english of course) there are alot of ppl out there who had plastic noses and changed into rib material, im sure u guys can find more and talk to them about it. In my opinion i obviously choose to believe someone who has gone through and had experience with both materials. Since they know more then me, and someone who hasnt done rib. For those who wanna use natural material (and if successful to never do a future nose job) u better pick a doctor who has done it many many times before, if u are scared of warping or injury during the extraction process.
Oh another thing!!! I also wanna say depending on what type of style nose u want, material is important too! There some asians who really love Big big European noses, i think plastic is suitable for that since it wont absorb like natural material and it actually kinda expands and stiffens throughout the years. So i wouldnt recommend natural material for that. Because i've seen ppl who want noses like Paris Hilton and used rib they were disappointed! I think Rib is only if u want nose like Angelababy. Perhaps the reason i love my nose is because i've always liked medium-height ASIAN size noses. Even if my nose absorbed more, i still wouldnt mind.

If u guys have anymore questions feel free to ask ^^
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