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asian nose job 2

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2 more days until surgery!!! I am soooo nervous it is making me SICK. I've been watching Bridal Plasty and a lot of the ladies get rhinoplasty and they look so bad =( They can barely walk when they come out of surgery and speak. Is this because of the pain they are in??? =( I am getting my eyes done at the same time so I'm really scared of the pain and more scared that I'll be so depressed because of the bandages and swellings :/

Can anyone let me know how the pain is and how long it lasts?
And also, the doctor said that the anesthesia is of some kind where I am "asleep" but I am "breathing on my own" I forget what it's called. But does anyone have any feedback?

YIKES~ I'm freaking out~ :cry::cry:
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Uh oh! I thought you were very happy with your second surgery??
Howi s the healing process?
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juicyme....i was happy the service....they were very nice..
but my nose bridge a little too high now...cauze dr jung warmed me b4 but i didn't listen to him..i told him to make it a bit higher anyway....but i will wait 6 months.....to see..if not..i will fly back in the summer....
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oops, i forgot that you used goretex not rib.

if you read online a lot of sites tell you that you will feel really insecure about your rhinoplasty in the first few weeks.

it may just take some time before you be objective about how it looks

and if you need a second opinion, feel free to pm me

good luck with everything
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Hi, check with your doc, but I think you should be fine to go back to work within a week, just no strenuous exercise.

I am scheduled to do mine end of this month! eek! I'm SO nervous too!!!! :-s
Which doc did you decide on?
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Be prepared to not look like yourself at all once the cast comes off, especially since you are doing your eyes too. I'm sure they will look really puffy and swollen, but be patient and don't feel depressed. Just remind yourself that you did just have surgery and tissues were cut, so it needs time to heal! I'm sure it will be well worth the wait. :smile:

I think they couldn't speak because they were just coming off the anesthesia. Think of it as when someone wakes you up in the middle of the night in the middle of your deepest sleep, you are really groggy and out of it...well, at least, that's how I am! LOL!

I thought the pain from the rib graft was a pretty painful (though I unfortunately caught a cough and it was especially painful for me cause I had to cough!), but the meds helped with the pain, though it made me really nauseous and throw up. So I had to split the Hydrocodone in half and make sure it's not taken on an empty stomach.

On that note, what medications were you guys prescribed? My Doc prescribed me: Hydrocodone as needed for pain, Ciprofloxacin for antibiotics to prevent infection 2 times a day, and Mupirocin ointment to apply to incisions and nostrils 2 times a day.
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Ohhhh thank you so much for your reply, it means so much!!! =*)

I am not doing rib graft so I guess I won't have to worry about that! But unfortunately I am just getting over a cold and have severe coughs at night so I hope that won't be a problem. I wasn't prescribed any meds yet. I'm assuming he will give them to me after surgery. I hope they give me enough :/ A few friends in Korea told me all they got was extra strength tylenol!
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No problem, I'm glad I could be of some assistance. :smile: I wish I had a forum like this back when I was going through surgery. I'm so glad I found you guys! I really felt so alone with my botched surgeries.

Well since it's Korea, they can't prescribe medicine in US, so they will most likely will give it to you there. Wow! Only extra strength Tylenol? That stuff barely works for me when I have a headache! I guess I'm a wimp! :P

Oh, my doc also told me to take 500mg of vitamin C daily. You want to be sure that you are in good health before the surgery, as anesthesia may weaken your body more. Good luck! I can't wait to hear about your results!!
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yea.. i kinda notice ppl only been saying "i heard" i want some real ppl with real reviews on Dr Kim on what they think about his rhinoplasty skills. Whether its good or bad i really wanna hear it. So far, with Dr Jung i heard good and bad but at least i heard it from ppl on here and not like 3rd party "i heard" I agree!! i thought dr kim was popular... no one on here been to him yet??? Those of u having ur op in the next 3 months GOOD LUCK! Plz dont ditch this thread when u are done. MY tips to Remember
1) stop all meds/supplements last 2 weeks prior to going to korea
2) eat lightly and dont stuff yourself on plane food
3) DO NOT eat ANYTHING!! within the amount of time the doc tells u (i think it was 12 hrs prior to surgery, otherwise ur gonna vomit, thats probably why i didnt feel nausated cuz when i travel.. im never hungry)
4) For me, when i called home after my surgery.. i kinda started crying on the phone for no reason.. u will feel depress, remember your on medication plus you will think about about your nose, PLEASE DONT WORRY. I was actually happy, sad,happy ,sad... like up and down like a crazy women. Your crazyness ends around 2-3 months. But it actually took me about 6-8 months to become myself again.. and never feel sad about my nose. It takes time to get use too, please dont be so hard on yourself. :yes:
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Hi all, does any one knows if premaxillary augmentation the same as Paranasal augmentation? I read online that premaxillary will improve a gummy smile, which I hope to correct too. I'm considering to have a revision nose job at VIP this year and am wondering should I also have the Paranasal augmentation too.. I'd definately go for it if premaxillary is then same as Paranasal. Help, pls..?
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