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asian nose job 2

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i think enough of the swelling will be gone by the end of week one so that it looks normal to most people. maybe not to yourself and your family though. hopefully by week two most of the swelling will be gone
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For those of you thinking of taking Arnica Montana, keep in mind that it is a herb not a medication. So it wouldn't take effect within a short frame of time, you really have to start taking it at least 2 weeks prior to your surgery, and also after the surgery in order for it to have noticeable effects.

Also, it's important to eat a diet which will help towards healing and minimizing post-op swelling. It's impossible to prevent post-op swelling because surgery is defined as controlled trauma....you are going to have localized swelling with any kind of trauma, controlled or not.

But there are lots of things you can do to minimize swelling and aid in recovery. One of them is make sure you eat diet rich in electrolytes such as Potassium. My experience with recovering fresh, post-op patients in the ICU is that those with out of whack electrolytes, especially Potassium, tend to swell up more/ have fluid imbalances show up as swelling. It makes perfect scientific sense, since low K+ (potassium) levels will make you edematous in general (retain fluids) since low K+ means you also have Na++ (sodium). It's good to eat nutritious diet anyways, but it's especially important to do so weeks before and after surgery. Eat a diet lower in sodium, load up on dark green, leafy veggies, eat eggs/ nuts/ fatty fish for anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids.

Research has also shown that green tea and dark chocolate (greater than 70%) reduces inflammation both inside your body and especially your skin. I've been drinking/ eating them for couple of years now, and when I had my minor surgery, I barely bruised at all. I can definitely vouch for their effectiveness. Back to Arnica Montana, you have to take it on a regular schedule, kinda like antibiotics, for it to fully work.
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i remember a while ago someone said dr jung was mostly for foreign paitents and someone else said the opposite. so just in the interest of getting the record straight

it says patients at that clinic are more than 50% but idk why every thinks that is a bad thing. vip is an"international clinic" too
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i would not recommend using silicone for augmenting a nose.

i have read lots of medical reports about silicone and they have something like an 8% infection rate within several months from one study, which didn't account for long term complications (and the authors still said silicone was a good choice)
you can see pictures of silicone gone bad here

goretex looks pretty safe though

silitex is silicone covered with goretex so theoretically it should be better than silicone

a lot of people on this forum use rib cartilage because it is autologous so less risk of infection, can give a more drastic result than goretex, and psychologically feels better for most people because they don;t have to worry about complications years down the road
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Hello! Laugnablevickie, I am going to in May too! Probably around May 12 - Jun 1st. What are you planning on having done? Are you staying at the clinic or are you staying at a hotel?
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the reason silicone contracts is because as a foreign body, the nose forms scar tissue around the silicone. after years as the skin pulls down on the implant, the implanbt can't move so instead the flesh of the nose can start to move downwards causing contraction and/or extrusion of the implant. goretex has microscopic pores which allows limited ingrowth of tissue so that contraction does not occur to the same extent. silitex is covered with goretex so it should be less prone to contraction as well. i haven't seen any medical studies on silitex though.
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When I'm there for consultation, I saw mostly locals waiting to see him. I spoke to the daughter of a woman who just got out from surgery, they are koreans living in Seoul. So he does have both local and foreign patients. The clinic mgr did tell me the locals tend to "shop around" and most of them are influenced by advertisements or are price sensitive, and Dr Jung collaborates with foreign countries on fellowship programmes a lot now so with the foreign cases referred to him, he ends up with more foreign patients.

Personally I don't think there's anything wrong with a doctor having a predominantly foreign or local clientele, it could have just ended up that way due to word of mouth, pricing or positioning, if he has a clientele at all he must have some expertise to make it happen. In fact, I prefer an "international clinic", that's why I shortlisted Dr Jung and Dr Lee in the end, cos they speak English (and have staff who speak English) and they understand the needs of foreign patients, esp. aftercare so they won't just send me home immediately after surgery and leave me to cope on my own.

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I agree with Kain that psychologically it feels better. At least it is for my case, I'm already dealing with a contracted silicon implant and it happens like after 10 years mind you. So even though studies and statistics at this moment shows goretex to be safer or "I" implants to be safer, I decided I'm not going to live thru' the fear down the road of having an artificial implant play me out again. Rib cartilage come with its risks and I'll have another surgical wound on my chest, but yes, psychologically it'll feel better not to have anything artificial in my nose again, so I'm willing to weather thru' a ribs cartilage job.
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I ordered Sinecch (4-day post-operative dose of arnica montana), scar cream, arnical montana gel and quercetin/bromelain tablets online. Online pharmacies and makemeheal carry these supplements. Many aesthetic clinics (those who perform lipo) and plastic surgeons in Singapore do carry Sinecch and scar creams too.
But I'm going to listen to doc and stop taking supplements like 2 weeks before the surgery and resume taking them only after the surgery. There are plastic surgery websites who warn that these anti-swelling/bruising stuff may cause excessive bleeding (although rare) during surgery if taken in too high a dose or too long before surgery. So I'm listening to my doc, if he says stop for that 2 weeks, I listen.
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I'm getting my nose done with rib cartilage in VIP. Are you going to VIP as well? I would love to have a travel buddy! I am also staying at the clinic for 2 weeks.
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Well i know this is rare that most ppl who use Rib barely really wanna get revision cuz it doesnt extrude or whatnot, do you know what happens to the rib inside my nose after a long while? I'm guessing since its my dna genetics and its not a foreigner object it becomes very very attached to my nose right? so revision would be a lil messy to get the rib out?
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the only reason why im hesistant to go with rib is because of the absorption rate -_-

i'm leaning towards silicon with septal and ear cartilage for the bridge and tip...do you think the chances of it getting infected or getting an extrusion is lower if you use your own tissue for the tip?? thx
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seems like most of us here r kinda decided on VIP.actually, who is the first one who started this VIP post here?

how healing for those who had done VIPs? no updates from them anymore?

im just bringin multivitamins for recovery is that enuff? seems like u guys r all geared up and i feel like i m losing out on the drugs. lol

surgery in 1 weeks time. booohoo

can someone tell me something bad abt vip? sounds too gd to be true. lets hope its true then
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