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asian nose job 2

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Rawdude & Ezura...can you please send me your personal experience at VIP? My appt. is on the 9th of March (next week). Also about the after care JoAnn said to bring about 50,000-60,000 wons for medication. Is this it? Or is there anything else? ANy response will be greatly appreciated!!!!!
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Just got my stitches removed, Dr Kao was not in Taipei now as he had to leave for NZ a few days ago so I was asked to see a Dr Deng. OMG, when he removed my stitches, i was in so much pain!! And he couldn't even removed the stitches on my ear yet as it was still quite raw. I had to get another doc back home to remove it in a week's time. Dr Deng didn't even know how to stick the new cast and it was all crooked, I had to fix it myself again when I got back to the apartment. After all these, I was told to pay NT650 for this crappy treatment. I flat out refused to pay for it as it should be covered in the total amount I paid Dr Kao. The receptionist had to call Dr Kao and when I spoke to Dr Kao, he said i should pay for it because it was the consultation fee for another doctor. Hello, why is it my problem that you had to leave for another country?? after a bit of argument, Dr Kao said its fine, he will settle it. so pissed with Dr Kao now..

I saw my nose when the cast was taken off and I was in a shock.. hopefully it is still the swelling and after a while it will look more natural.. it just looks so stiff and unnatural. Hopefully its not because my rib cartilage had calcified (dr Kao told me after the operation that my rib cartilage has already started calcifying) which will result in the unnatural looking bridge.
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guys; just a quick note for those going VIP together; actually if u r comfortable, share 1 officetel room together; its big enough for 2 sickly persons, another 1 can sleep on the big sofa. lol just a thought. it will be boring to hide in the room alone. :smile:
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those medical tests r all included in the surgery cost. pls reconfirm this with joann.
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Hey, I know what you mean totally.
Though I have positive reviews for overall experiences, they are some nitty gritty things which could have been better too.

SO right now, how are your surgeries? Hope you are healing well.
Do sen dme your experience as I would like to know as well.


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yep, pm me too, pls.
I'm curious to know too.
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Need advice from those who stayed in VIP officeTel. How's the overall cleanliness of the apt? Do I have to bring my own bedsheet, pillow case & towel? I'm freaking particular about having these squeaky clean and smelling good. And do they supply slippers, fridge, microwave and bowl/chopstick/spoon ... I'm trying to travel as light as I could, so that my post-ops ribs dun have to deal with heavy luggage.

Also, do you have to fast before the pre-op tests (which I understand include blood works, ECG and XRay, am I right?). They're getting me to go straight from airport to clinic upon arrival to do these tests and she din mention anything about having no food b4 that.

btw - for those 1st timers to Seoul, be aware that your GSM cellular phone may not work there (the cellular network is mainly CDMA) This time, I've reserved a rental phone online to pick up at airport, charges a bit higher but more convenient.
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I wish someone would've told me a lot about the nitty gritty stuff among other things before I'd left, so that I'd have been more prepared. Being in a foreign country and not speaking the language is a big barrier, so every little bit of advice helps. Would you still recommend VIP to others or go back yourself in the future? It's good to come on this board to share in our 'secret', isn't it?

I'm actually healing very well. Interestingly enough, both Dr. Lee and Joann had commented on how unusually well I'd been healing when they saw me after surgery. I didn't have any post-op bruising at all and had minimal swelling, which Dr. Lee said was unusual when compared to others with similar procedures. So on that front I'm pretty happy.

I did a big write-up about my experience at VIP, it's quite long and I had to split it into several PMs for some of those who requested it. If you'd like you can PM me with your email and I can email it and my pic to you, it's easier for me that way since I don't have time to send out multiple PMs to so many people. I'm studying for an exam in one of my pharmacology classes.
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Hi I was a lurker but am really grateful for this thread for all the helpful information and recommendation! Just wanted to contribute and share my experience.

I'm now 2-3 weeks post-op and did the rhino with Dr Park of OZ Clinic. I actually shortlisted banobagi and Oz clinic (after reading the 2 threads within days), but Banobagi did not respond to my email, while Oz replied me within 1-2 days. I also like it that septal cartillage will be used for the tip (not ear) since I want a natural result with simple procedure.

I didn't visit other clinics in the end since I was comfortable with Dr Park after consultation. My impression of Dr Park - patient, caring, professional. He's not pushy and puts me at ease. There is another female doctor and nurse assisting and both are very nice/competent.

And 2 thumbs up for Dr Park's skills! My nostrils shape was just a bit unbalanced / asymmetrical and he pointed out to me and fixed it. I was quite impressed that there's minimal bruising and swelling (Day 2/3) - do the skills of the surgeon play a part? The aftercare was good (post-op cleaning, check-up) and Dr Park prescribed kelo-cote scar gel after the stitches are removed.

I was quite hesitant to use silicon for the bridge at first, but according to Dr Park the risk of infection/revision is only 1% (not sure if that's for his patients or generally). seems that a common material (I suppose 50% of Koreans can't be that wrong?!). He mentioned most gone-wrong cases are because the silicon extended all the way to the tip and resulted in extrusion. For silicon bridge + cartillage tip, there won't be such an issue. Anyway, he explained it in such a matter-of-fact way that I feel reassured to go ahead.

Hmm... that's about it. Really glad that I went to OZ Clinic and I'm liking the result so far! Dr Park told me swelling will go down fully after 3 months and my nose should get softer. Can't wait! :smile:
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Hi, pretty much what I'd just replied to BBgurly. I'd gotten so many requests for my experience and my write-up is quite long, it's easier if you PM me with your email address so that I can email you my write-up instead of splitting into 5-6 PMs. Thx.
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i don't think it calcified already. if it was, he probably would have seen it when he harvested it. its probably just swollen. you can confirm that it is swollen if when you squeeze the bridge lightly, you feel more flesh than bone. most people say they take one or two weeks to look normal, and at least a month before it actually looks good
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