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asian nose job 2

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Hey rawdude,

I wun mind buying the tapes from u since it will be a win-win situation. =D
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Erm, so shld I or shld I not do my eye there? Would it be rude if I decide to stay at the officetel, hv my nose job at VIP but my eye from another doctor? How much did your fren pay for her eyes? I'm thinking of a double eyelid procedure, ptosis n lateral canthoplasty. Does VIP do the lateral cantho?
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uzura: LOL bbgurly; LOL omg that ms craycray story makes me LMAO. * fell off the chair* gees i wish i was there to chat with her. LOL omg.* rib wound hurts*
and yes; i shopped around SINSA too. nice food here n there.. the vietnamese food not bad. and i found kraze burger at the end, yummy fries., :X the pufferfish soup rest was superb! lots of things to buy there;there is this 2 storey designer boutique, multi designers; NICE.

uzura: thanks for the info; i wish i have those knowledge when i was there; my gastric was HELL. yesh, when i say HELL; i mean it. i didnt sleep much everynight i have to wake up to drink some local weird disgestion remedy which i desperately sourced out at the local minimart after all the body circus talk to the koreans who dont speak english. * i pointed to my stomach<< BIG BIG like pregnant -- GAS GAS" then they were like like" OH GAS GAS" pointed me to some remedy drinks WHICH didnt really help.
and guess what; i even DOWN like almost half litre of tomatoe juice with the misconception that juice will help with stomach. ( i lived in hell) that gastric **** had me suffered 3 weeks untill i went to a local doctor and realised i had stomach ulcer cuz of all the crap id done.

luckily cereal fruit bars saved my life; anyhow; i hope u guys seek all these useful info and not repeat my mistakes.

megoreng; if u want the tapes i can cut some n send u to free. no worries. still clean ,unused and lying around. just pm me arrangements if u want it.
kain: cant believe u actually WIKI ed it. lol ,ok not a fan of anime but im curious abt this: how did that duck transform to a young girl and this young girl transform into princess tutu? wat is she? is she with the decepticons?

to everyone; i had sent the feedbacks to joann at VIP and hope they will improve on it.. just dunt blame em, i feel poor thing for dr lee n joann.. they sure make alot of money but think abt the hardwork they d gone thru. they deserve the money.

i got some gifts for them after my op too as a gratitude. they r all nice people.

seoul is a lovely place. any ex VIP-ians wanna go back together? lol i may be going back to do facials ;p
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anyway breathing thru the mouth was difficult first couple ofdays.. ull get used to it.. i got too used too it n still breathe thru my mouth when my package was removed.. lol. just like scuba diving ;p
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Hey I dont mind going back again!!

Maybe we can all have a mini TPF cum VIPians gathering over there.

WOw, this might really come true. We can even go explore more of korea!
Sounds fun man!!

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Yes yes!

Mrs Cray cray even told my friend to get the syringe from her, telling her Mt Elizabeth hospital in Singapore is selling 10,000 per syringe.

I heard she is one of Dr Lee's partner's friend in the Malaysia K.L VIP Plastic surgery clinic. Ya, my friend said Dr Lee is so scared of her, he is always into hiding when she comes by the clinic. I really think her story is
comical as well. I guess that is how you behave when you became a sugery addict. Kinda sad in a way too. Good thing that Dr Lee helps her in the end because I heard most of the doctors she went rejects her. I guess she is one of those that will never be satisfied with anything she does to herself.

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yeh.. 2 Sundays have passed and still nothing from VIP.. oh well.. may move on to Dr. Kao now.. Is that where you went? How long ago did you get it done. Did your sister's wound also miss out on stitching and only got taped up? Cos that sounds hella scary.. (sorry for all the questions! :P)
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Cannot imagine ourselves having a get-together at VIP! It will be so much fun.
I can go back and have Dr Lee take a look at my friend, Mr bump uninvited.
ANd Rawdude will have to plan a schedule with JoAnn for all of us...
Who is getting what done huh!!!!

Btw, I think Welna should be there now, her surgery should be tomorrow!!

Good luck Gal!!!!
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haha yeh. welnas got nice dimples. after she get her new nose, shes gonna look gorgeous. lol
wish her all the best!

i think joann will faint if she see us all there together. lol

so wats next for u bbgurly?

well as for ms cray cray, i think i do sympathize her a little, could be this psychological issue..i hope she finally get what she wanted and look good and confident finally.

a group trip could be fun. seoul is amazing. well i just cant believe it happening. lol wat do u guys think? u think this is possible?

well i may not waitfor u guys.. need to get out ofthis place . sick n tired of the life here. lol
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IV turning bad???? what the heck does that mean? Like things floating in the drip? or turning a gross color???

ANyways for those wondering about there scar rib. For mine, Dr Hsu put tape on mine ( i seriously really do not know if he stitched it or not... so for those who DO KNOW, did u have things removed from your rib? like stitches been taken out? if so, then i dont think i had mine stitched too.. perhaps its a "taiwanese way"?
But mine looks really REALLLY different from yours!!! yours indeed looks fresh and open and .... painful almost just to see. So Dr Hsu taped mine, and once a day (for a week) i had to apply this red smelly liquid on to my rib scar. I think it helped to dry out that area and also works as an antiseptic. I would put a gauze over it and then change the GAUZE but not the tape eevry day. The weird thing was he put the tape vertically not horizontally.. and he used two peices... it didnt even cover ALL of my scar...
so now im wondering perhaps your reason was.. to let the scar "breathe"?
After 1 week i was able to remove MY NOSE stitches, but for my rib scar all my gauzes and tape was removed and in the end he just changed my tape and put fresh tape on it and told me to do the same thing for another week. I was able to see what mine looked like 1 week healed when he removed the tape.. and it didnt look like yours.. it looks like 3cm line of a line..almost like dry blood? When yours is healed i think we both should put up a picture of our rib scars to show others what ours look like.
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Help please!

Hey guys
I'm an Asian living in France, I'm flying to Korea on the 9th april and going to have double eyelid surgery while my sister alar base reduction but the problem is we are going to this eye clinic that doesn't seem to have an english translator.
Do you guys by any chance know where I can hire one? :nuts: I might actually need the translator for more than one day... because my sister is insisting on having a translator for shopping and eating ;)

Thanks in advance!
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I am going to Seoul on 10th with another member on the forum
my family member is living there (she doesn't speak well Korean but her friend will help us) We are hiring my cousin's friend for the translator
The transalator is my cousin's best friend she helped us in finding good PS in Seoul

Hope this helps
was looking for the information about the clinic list that you gave to me
these are the short summary that i'm searching for.

-----must visit
http//www.vipps.co.kr/vip_eng/ -> well known in Korea for nose
http://www.koclub.com/ -> O&Y famous and

------ go and check
http://blog.face-off.co.kr/bbs/vod.asp Abgujung Seoul Plastic surgery (Dr. Lee)
http://www.bandoeyeps.com/inc.php?inc=intro/intro_eng Bandoeyes (Dr. Cho)
-> only do the eyes. famous and good review at the eye part,
http://www.teuimps.co.kr/info/info01.htm - no review in the website or plastic surgery community . only on their website, let's just visit here and see

---um.. have many bad review or have bad reputation
http://www.banobagi.co.kr/ -> well known for bust, not popular for nose. In the black list in plastic surgery community for hiring too much broker.
http://www.nose.co.kr/english/main/main.asp -> too many bad review.
http://english.bkdy.co.kr/ BK clinic (Dr. Kim, the director) -> many people who went there for counseling said that this clinic likes money for example, recommend only expansive way, not the way that client want, or need. if it's one person's review I don't think bad way but, many people agree with this idea. and some people had to get a surgery again for the mistake of the doctor
the three clinic at the bottom, i think it's better to visit BK clinic but not others,

and here is the list that i recommed.,
www.dreamsurgery.co.kr - my friends did a nose at here, and it looks very nature and pretty,
jwbeauty.com - same reason for the above ,

and i will contact with the friends of my mom tomorrow,
< who knew the plastic surgery very alot, and knew many famous doctor (one of her hobby is introduce the hospital to friends and watch the before and after )
she will give more specific information [and more realistic and helpful]

price is depending on the clinic, and the surgery way that you have to do or that you choose
and we could know it when we go and visit
if you decide the hospital then i wll make reservation before you come^.^~

sorry for the late mail. and plz check the mail that i sent you before and give me the answer that i wrote

P.s Tell me the place that you want to visit [or you could tell me what you want to do, for exampe visit traditional or famous palace- shopping- dining ....] then i could search for it for you!
have a good day.
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