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asian nose job 2

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@destiny1682 - Rest well and make sure to bring everything with you tomorrow! I'm sure your surgery will be fine and Dr Lee will take good care of you so don't fret :smile: Good luck and can't wait to see the results and hear about your experience :biggrin:
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Destiny, you'll be fine. Make sure you keep yourself warm after the surgery, don't catch a cold and prepare some light snacks to eat in case you don't have appetite after the sedation drugs .. Think of how pretty you'll be after that :smile: If my surgery don't get postponed becos of my flu, I should be there with you now.
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good luck! :biggrin:
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OppS! Pls pardon my ignorance, we can't have e surgery when we are having a flu? Oh no, wat if I catch one jus before I land in Kr? Meaning I'll hv to waste time n my flight tic there?
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Hey guys..thanks for the advice so far. Anyone who is interest in my experience at VIP can send me a request on Facebook @ Annie Greenman. ( I am Asian, don't be fooled by the last name ;0) )I will have a private album dedicated to pictures of the clinic, the areas & surrounding streets, the officetel, and lastly my after photos. It will take me a couple days or so to reply and upload photos. Make sure you identify your from (VIP) because I will make it private so others cannot view it except for those who request. Thanks...
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I was till having running nose last week, meaning virus infection not clear yet. And I was choked full of flu med. Not safe to have surgery at this stage cos immune system already under stress, any aesthesia could be dangerous to the body. I called the clinic, they advise me to postpone for a few weeks, giving myself time to recover fully and give my immune system a rest. Also sometimes will have a bout of coughing after flu, I can't imagine coughing with a painful rib :smile:
But don't worry, as long as you eat well, exercise, won't be as unlucky as me. I had several family gatherings and went to expo/concert 2 weeks ago, must have caught the bug that way. But JoAnn advises, if you feel unwell 2 weeks b4 surgery, best to inform her and keep her updated about your condition, esp. any med you'll taking, she'll advise whether to proceed.
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Best of luck to you girl!!!
Have you met Welna?

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Yes Catlover is right. Please inform them if you are not feeling well. Don't go ahead and think you can pull it through because you are shy to do so.

My friend told JoAnn she wasn't feeling well the day of the surgery and they resheduled it the day after.
They even injected vitamins for her and she felt so much better as the day went by.

Initially, my friend was quite reluctant to forgo the surgery on that day because she has only 10 days there and didn't want to waste time. Also, she was afraid that they might not be happy as a waste of time might mean a "loss" to them but turned out they were perfectly professional and considerate about it which I am very happy with.

I have heard some clinics asking for compensation when the patient decided to rest for a day or two because she wasn't feeling well and it wasn't a big deal to them.

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I'm so depressed, I just took off the cast that Dr Kao advised me to wear for at least 10 days and it's about 12 days post op. My nose looks soooo fake. It doesn't suit my face at all!! I've seen photos of other people 2 weeks post op and it doesn't look so fake! Dr kao said that my bridge will start between my eye area but it seems higher than that. I know people said it might be swelling but when I touch it, it doesn't seem to be swelled tissues as it's hard. For those who had rib cartilage, does your nose still look very fake after 2 weeks?? I'm so upset now, I don't know how I can go out and face anyone
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Rawdude you've been a great help, providing us the continous support before and after the surgery at VIP. Thank you. :yahoo:

I'm glad I can help you a little, but if anyone would like to know about how to eat really healthy and recover faster from surgery, Uzura is the real pro. Even though She and I share a lot of similar eating habits and philosophy, she came from a medical background, I'm just a health food enthusiast.
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we r very luckily to have both of u onboard! i just received email from joann about those feedbacks from u guys. they will improve it.
i hope the later benefit from it.

doing such big surgery in a foreign place is not easy so i hope everyone share n help each other, cheers!
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dont worry now, just 2 weeks u cant judge unless its really something OFF your expectation. a nose job usually take 3-6months to see the true job and about 1 year to fully settle down.

but at about a month, u should be able to roughly tell if its what u really wanted. so give it sometime while keep dr kao updated of your progress.. and pls take gd care of yourself n think positive gonna help with your wellbeing n recovery!
or maybe u can post some pics and we can judge for u

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Dont feel depress my dear! You need more time for the nose to look normal. Stay positive and be patient!!

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