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asian nose job 2

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Yes ... No one do marketing here . Everyone here just share our's experience .
Everyone also wish to do PS at good clinic.
We share our's experience but the final decision make by yourself .
We rather trust the patient feedback here better than trust the advertisement , right ?
Got few patient failed their PS at othe clinics at korea I also didnt mentioned out bout thrir case & clinics name .
I think few of member here also know which PS clinics is good & bad .
We just hopefully those ppl who want do PS consult carefully in case suffer after PS.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the complaints were more about general IV not IV sedation?

I personally feel that GA is safer and more controlled. It also depends on what you are having done too. Some docs say that twilight is not good for extensive nose surgeries as blood may trickle down your throat and you can choke, cough or move during surgery. For me, I would not want to risk any chance of me moving while the surgeon has those sharp tools chiseling away or whatever. For those who are doing rib grafts, I would definitely go with GA, because if you have IV sedation and move, there is a possibility that the surgeon and knick your lung. Yikes!! Here are some links I found regarding GA vs IV/Twilight.


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Yeah, I would definitely get that checked out by a doctor in person not just by pictures, put some neosporin on it and wait till it heals before using any scar preventative. Good luck!
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BbGurly, How long has it been since your surgery? Please send me a pic so I can see. :smile:

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Oh ya, wheres Welna?

Hope she is doing well. SHould be back in SIngapore already.

Hey Rawdude!!
This is the first time I heard from a guy that loves facial sooo much.
I tried a facemask on my hubby and he cant stand it after just 5 minutes.

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Sure my dear.
Can you give me your email add again?

Im 3.5 months post op now...
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Hi there,

CAn you share more about your surgery?
LIke is it primary or revision? DId you use full rib?

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I did my PS for nose and V-line from diffenert clinic by searching advertisement, U-tube before i went to Korea and made such important decision... ... I think I am very lucky and wish all who want to do PS have a good result.

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who who who doing marketing???? lol who dare to snatch my rice bowl?? lol omg IF im doing marketing for VIP, i should be super rich by now. since so many REAL life cases went n came back with satisfaction. including myself.

i seriously dunt think VIP need to do that here in this forum. its enough said.

ofcuz, i m still wondering if there is other clinic in korea who can specialise in RIB and not to mention gd service. please do share here if anyone knows. i personally dont believe in the BEST. there shou;d be a better one out there just not shared or mentioned.

then again; "best" is also very subjective to personal needs n requirements.

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Hi cherrywuen,

Im going to seoul this April too, already booked a ticket on the 8th. kinda scared going alone, its better to have travelling buddies. & share accomodation with me?

I'll be doing nosejob too & revision double eyelid.
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Yes Dr Lee will be at the KL branch from
14-19 April.

NO, this VIP is only dealing with Aesthetic and facial services. Not a plastic surgery clinic. Dr Lee will only be there for their opening ceremony.

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Hi mintminttang,

Can you email me also [email protected]

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Btw, this is what JoAnn told me because initially I was so happy knowing that
they are going to KL, thinking that I can have my bump fixed
over there in KL instead of flying all the way to Korean again.

In the end, she told me Dr Lee will not be able to perform surgery there if
any incisions is required because there is no proper operating facilities there as it is only a aesthetic clinic for skin and facials.

SO, ultimatelyt I have to go Korea again, this time i will eat all I can!!!!!
GIve me all the good food locations!!!! I will eat none stop!!

What dumpling stand, korean BBQ ( is this the one with the water pond inside?), otherssss???.......somemore!!!!

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WHAT? WHY 8th?? why 8th and not 9th or 7 th? y 8th??

omg.. unbelievable.
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WHat is FCR facials?

what do they use and what is it for?

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