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asian nose job 2

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Wow, this forum is awesome. It's even better when we become an active participant !
@KeKeKe : Thank you so much ! That's really what I tried to find the last two weeks.
@Mintminttang : I typed the name you gave me, thank you, I found some of his scientific articles.
@MilkyWay52 : Ok, thank you, the ony website I had for VIP was :
http://vipps.co.kr/vip_eng/sub01.html and it is rather empty compared to this one :
http://www.vipps-clinic.com/vip/about/staff.php , I guess they created two different websites.
@Angelfern: very helpful information, when I called I wondered why the other receptionists were always saying she was away.
@Sunnyxoxo: thank you for your answer, if I understand well, you were satisfied of Dr Jung's work for your primary rhinoplasty and would recommend him. Are you happy as it is ? or wished for more improvements ? I looked at all the before and after pictures of Dr Jung, Dr Wang (China) and Dr Lee (site that was given to me by KeKeKe). Dr Lee's pictures have more of an aesthetic improvement than the noses of Dr Jung (even though he seems really good in reconstructive surgery, I noticed that some of Dr Jung's noses had asymmetrical nostrils on his blog: http://nosejung.blogspot.com/search/label/alar%20reduction picture named "narrowing the alar width, 11th picture from the top, even the previous one a little bit).
@Megoreng: By the way, I forgot to congratulate you for surviving the surgery ! , So Congrats ! Recovery time is not easy but I'm sure it's worth it :smile: You had your nostrils corrected, Dr Jung on his Q&A forum says it is very difficult. I'd like my nostrils corrected too (from triangular to oval if possible) and I am very curious to know if the end result can look natural (my previous surgeon said that correcting nostrils rarely looked natural so he refused to touch them -maybe he wasn't expert enough on that-), what details did he give you about correcting nostrils prior to the surgery (as I know you still cannot see any results yet).
I also asked him (through Joann) for more columella show, he was busy so I didn't have an answer yet for that matter.
@Rawdude: My history: 1st rhinoplasty : correction of bulbous tip, alarplasty (notrils reduction), "I" silicone (but removed by the same surgeon as it was not put in the middle but more on one side), also I think the dorsum (bridge) augmentation made my nose look longer. Do you guys not feel like a dorsum augmentation makes the nose long? 2nd rhinoplasty: I wanted a more defined tip, so the surgeon added an ear graft that I think had the shape of a triangle at the end, so my tip would have angles. When I smile, my tip that just became longer, goes down. Also, my skin is thick, so it looks as if it was still bulbous.
As to your choice of Dr Lee for rib, I also think I need rib cartilage for a good result, but I read many reviews of patients for which rib cartilage have warped (eg: it is the only complain from Dr Jung's noses -except for the girl who had the surgery paid by her previous surgeon- ,Torimumi's noses in Chicago).
I'd like a well projected tip, so rib cartilage might be the only solution, but I am too afraid it will warp after 4 or 5 years, I really do not want to have to go through surgery for maintenance, I mean for the same cosmetic procedure. Also, it will probably need to be covered by some ear cartilage because I don't want a tip that is as hard as my bridge.
As to Dr Lee not recommending own tissues and not artificial implants, I really like that about him, more than Dr Jung who recommends gore tex, because I do not want a foreign body in my nose (same reason: because it may be need to be changed after a few years, especially for silicone).
I've exchanged email with Jay Lee (Dr Jung assistant) and he was very responsive, so was Joann (better English), so I didn't make that a criteria.
Dr Jung said he could use my ear and septum cartilages (all the cartilages in my nose that are still there), it is not necessary to use gore-tex (which I do not like). But Dr Wang said that for a lot of projection of the tip, rib cartilage is necessary.
As to Dr Toriumi, yes, I was horrified by the complaints and the fact that he leaves some of the rib behind the skull, so maybe you're right, scientific journals may not mean good surgeon. As someone said, he's considered a wacko (or something like that, meaning that he's no more what he used to be and has too much credit for what he currently does) nowadays. As to donated rib, I am against it (having a cadaveric rib, even if radiated) is not what I'd like and also it is still a foreign body (I mean not my own tissue).

As to recovery time and financial aspect of the surgery, I think I can handle that.
As to people being genuine, after reading 252 pages of the 2nd "Asian nose job" thread on Purse, I had the impressions that you were for real ;)

-So I still have some questions in mind. Is rib cartilage not warping over time? Isn't it the average or does it stay as it is after the surgery most of the time ? Or is there only an approximatively 3% chance of warping? Does warping depends on the skill of the surgeons (eg: choosing the right rib, eg: rib n°7 instead of rib n°8 cutting the right part that doesn't warp) or does it depends on our own tissue ? As to resorption, when people say it resorbs, does it mean that it blends with the other tissues ? (which should be good ?)
-Doesn't a high augmentation of the dorsum results in a longer appaerance of the nose from the front view ?
-As to a defined tip, Joann said that for patients who have a thin skin, it is not possible to have it well defined as Song Hye Kyo whereas Dr Jung said it was possible (but to him, every thing is possible, so I don't imagine him say no), Jay Lee said the subcutaneous tissues would be removed.
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Also, like this girl: http://www.vipps-clinic.com/vip/gallery/view.php3?kind=%C4%DA%BC%BA%C7%FC&id=369&start=10
I thought I had a mouth protrusion (very light), my teeth are not showing, but apparently Dr Lee can fix that impression of mouth protrusion by elevating the nose. I don't understand Korean and I cannot use google translate because I cannot copy and paste the text on that web page. But, do you guys think she had a jaw surgery with the rhinoplasty ? or is it the only effect of the rhinoplasty ? As I read in one of the pages, patients think they have a protruded mouth, but instead they have a depressed mid face, but on that picture, how come the skin between the subnasale and the top of the upper lip goes from going forward to being vertically straight ? Is it because he projected the tip and therefore pulled some of this skin ? This skin bit going forward (as if we were ready to kiss) is unaesthetic and I was also considering a anterior segmental osteotomy*or sagittal split ramus osteotomy to correct that but jaw surgery is too invasive I think and I'd like to avoid that. If someone also had the feeling that their mouth were protruded, but instead the diagnosis was more a depressed mid face, I'd be happy to hear what you think.
Also, since I was unhappy of my nasal dorsum augmentation for my 1st rhinoplasty (made my nose look long from the front view), I am reluctant in having too much height on the dorsum. Also, I find concave dorsums pretty (not trumpet like, but slightly curved, not straight like caucasians).
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My bridge feels natural? I really don't remember what my original bridge felt like but when I touch my husbands(natural) nose it feels the same. The tip is still a lil' hard. Yeah...it was hard for me cause I am pretty blind, but I did use the subway blind. I even went on the wrong train..LOL this was why I was late for my appt. But I didn't want to take the chance to leave a mark, and couldn't wear contacts cause somehow due to the swelling it irritated my eyes.
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I did my first 2 in land of smiles. Bt really, their ps dont make me smile tat much. Lol! I was young my frens were like "com'on u gotta fix ur nose anyway" so yea. Didn't do any home work prior to Tt, I'm e "ok lets go" kinda person, so I went n came back e a screw up nose. =p
Doesn't matter now, glad to hv this forum n met dr lee, still didnt do any homework this time, bt I've got a gd feeling about this. The ppl on this forum are for real, dr lee n Joann r real. So... Even if I don't get a super niceeee nose, bearing in mind tat I had one tat was difficult to work with, an improvement would make me happy enuff. Btw I'm thinking of gettin my eye dOne too. Wat do u all think? By right I shld hv did my eye b4 nj, bt I didn't knOw about the sequence. I'm nt swelling badly either. So shldn't affect my eye too much. I'm jus being vain for wanting a nicer eye, bt I'm quite fearful of e results, like nt smthing I want, etc..
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Hey..Yes I was at the clinic on Wednesday and was their quite a while. I forgot to ask JoAnn about you, plus I didn't know what your name is. But are you still in the recovery room or did you go to the officetel? Your lucky your swelling is not bad. The day after surgery I couldn't open my eyes, they were badly bruised purple and I had abnormal swelling on my cheeks. It was so bad I sat in the waiting room and JoAnn stood in front of me and did not know who I was, lol.

I say get your eyes done too! Hey why not!
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My nose looks like "ma-mmy q" n a little like "bandaged lee"
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-So I still have some questions in mind. Is rib cartilage not warping over time? Isn't it the average or does it stay as it is after the surgery most of the time ? Or is there only an approximatively 3% chance of warping? Does warping depends on the skill of the surgeons (eg: choosing the right rib, eg: rib n°7 instead of rib n°8 cutting the right part that doesn't warp) or does it depends on our own tissue ? As to resorption, when people say it resorbs, does it mean that it blends with the other tissues ? (which should be good ?)
-Doesn't a high augmentation of the dorsum results in a longer appaerance of the nose from the front view ?
-As to a defined tip, Joann said that for patients who have a thin skin, it is not possible to have it well defined as Song Hye Kyo whereas Dr Jung said it was possible (but to him, every thing is possible, so I don't imagine him say no), Jay Lee said the subcutaneous tissues would be removed.

THERE U GO: Long one long one, *rub my eyes*
ahem ok; first disclaimer again: not a doctor or pro here so dont take my words a standard reference:my understanding is limited;afterall i may be just another victim in many years down IF the warpage should come .

note: many of the VIP patients here are kinda "NEW" to this RIB done by this out of no where dr LEE . so far no major complains except certain maybe miscommunications between patient and doctor on the desired nose.

WE are all gamblers. untill say 7-10 years later or even 20; then we prolly ll know better if this so talked about dr lee is a true grand master.

given the amount of resources and references and "google- which is pre programed for certain designated searches in their script" online- yes dr lee is the safest bet for RIB in south korea. - SO FAR

warpage possibilities renders around almost every factor u can find that deals with the nose and the owner.
and yes doctor's skill plays an important role too;
from planning and understanding each individual's needs and condition; which numbered RIb is best to harvest(subject to the doctors' preferences and better handled with) and use for that planned purpose.
correct me if im wrong; quality and durability of that particular rib; although could be very minimum effect of calculated warpage occurrence.(if its even possible to)

surgeons's skills and experiences , ofcuz. positioning and method prior to pre exisiting condition of the nose.how they cut, how much they cut, its all about art and craft.
dr toriumi is van gogh and dr lee is da vinci.

after op care- recovery( very crucial) how u take care and recover plays an important role; a fresh wound may get infected and the nose may get repositioned if hit on a surface.
*HOW U RECOVER* a strong constitution of the nose requires good well taken post op care and good supply of nutrients to the wielder's body.

personal habits and lifestyle is another factor- u know it better.

i would say the first few years is very important, so pay extra attention and be very careful with it. shine n check your nose every 3 minutes - bullet time

rib cartilage gets calcified as we age and resorption is very much expected, a couple gets married and hopefully living ever after- fairy tales.

according to dr lee- expect approx 10% absorption (shrinkage as it "joins"/blends) hence surgeon usually make a slightly bigger nose( estimated per patient's condition)
good or bad?- not too much and not too little is good. ;p

as for the refined tip to whoever celebrity's. well i would say both joann and dr jungs both correct and both wrong.

u know- art n craft ( did i mention art n craft twice?)

it is possible but question is: to attain that non recommended possible results; what are the complications?

" you get what you want when only you can give how much you have." - rawfucius - april 14 2011

ps: meegoreng help me number them ;p
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@Megoreng : yes, that's what I was thinking, if Dr Lee spends a long time on the rhinoplasty (because he wants it to look very good), like yours furing 7 hours. Is it reasonable to ask for blepharoplasty at the same time (I know it will be at the 2nd surgery for you), but in my case, I was also wondering if that was not asking for too much work at once and therefore would reduce the time spent for each procedure. Maybe, it's better to do one thing at a time.
If I were you, I would do my eyes, we can have to general anesthesia in one month and you may as well do it since you're in Korea.
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U writing an essay? In short, jus do it if u really want to n b ready to face watever complication it may hv 10-20yrs down e road. Nothing is 100% guarantee. How many 10-20yrs do u hv in a life time?

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Hi sunnyxoxo^^

I have been thinking of going to Dr Jung for quite some time. I always wanted to narrow my nose's bone width. Luckily, I saw your post that you had your primary nose surgery with him.

Do you mind if I can contact you through msn ?:biggrin: I'm sorry that I cannot PM because I am not active in this forum. I came from expats forum.:P
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@rawdude, I see, so rib cartilage may be gambling for the next 6 to 10 years or so.
So, maybe I should ask for less improvement and just use the cartilage of my nose (that are all still present) and all the cartilages of my ear. Therefore, I would have no risk of warping, but I'd have less tip projection.
So, to take your analogy, if taking the risk of getting a beautiful nose with a rib cartilage would be similar to marry someone and hope we'll never divorce. Then, I may as well not marry and dream a bit less of a high projected nose.
So, maybe I'll choose :
-no to rib cartilage (even the improvement would have been dramatic)
-yes to ear and nose cartilage (less projection, but more reliable over time).

Do anyone have their own opinion on this, that differs or have another input ?
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I had my nose surgery with Dr. Toriumi about 8 years ago using rib. It has warped and I am seeking revision now. I don't like the way it looks; it doesn't feel smooth and there's a couple of bumps on the bridge. I also have extra rib stored in the back of my head.
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