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asian nose job 2

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lol my turn to answer your essay! :P
I'm very satisfied with my nose right now save for the remaining swelling at the tip area. I can't wait for the swelling to totally go away!! haha okie *patience, I know, patience*. lol

as for the pictures, yes I agree they do show asymmetry in some pics BUT do bear in mind some pics are taken post op 2 weeks, some post op 1 month etc. he lists the timing of the pic taken at some pictures. what I'm trying to say is that we all heal differently and sometimes, one side of the nose heals faster than the other... so there might be asymmetry during the healing process when the post op pics are taken. the asymmetrical problem will balance out as time passes by.. :smile: im speaking from experience as well cos my right side of the nose tends to be more swollen so it appears asymmetrical in some pics after the nose job but this problem goes away after a couple more weeks. by week 7 (right now), it has balanced out pretty much save for residual swelljng at the tip. hope this makes things clearer. :smile:

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Hey babe

U coming back to kr to do ur eyes? At VIP? Am thinking to do my eyes too bt nt sure where is it gonna be. Went to visit other PS with my nose bandaged asking them about eyes bt they seem v stuck up. =x It's like "oh, u hv already done it, so y bother come look for us now?" kinda thing. -.-" didn't they know tat there r other features tat can always b improved..? Bleah~
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Did he increase the height of your dorsum ? Did you also do paranasal implants ? Can I send you my email address by PM so I can see the before and after ?

For my 2nd rhinoplasty a few years ago, I also had asymmetric nostrils, the reason was that it was a closed rhinoplasty, so when they stitched it back, there was a scar and this is visible since one nostril is different from the other.

@Rawdude: I had cheek augmentation by fat graft 7 years ago and it has not resorbed. Maybe it also depends on the location where the fact is injected (and the metabolism of the person). I like my cheeks now, 7 years after, but it is a bit lower than where I wanted it to be. I had some lipostabil injection to dissolve some of the lower part of this fat graft. So my lower cheeks are skinnier than before but I still think the fat graft is too low, I wanted it to be as high as the zygoma part (I know it sounds funny that I want to increase that whereas most Asians want to have it removed, but I think high cheek bones is the most beautiful facial feature of Kate Moss for example). The cheekbones are all we see (if we pay attention to her face) in the first minutes of this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYiqe0KTyTs
Does anyone know if Dr Lee also use lipostabil to reduce fat in the cheeks ? It's the only method that I know to reduce fat cheeks (apart from removing the Bichat balls) because liposuction is not possible in this area because of all the nerves.
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I'm just coming to Seoul for Holiday, not doing anything.

But may consult facial contouring & forehead graft.

Oh dear, i'm suppose to wake up at 4.30am for my flight, now it's 3.30am, still can't sleep!!
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Also, talking about upturned nose, is yours not showing too much nostrils ?
Read the comment of ConcernedMother at the bottom of the page (her daughter had her upper jaw moved forward -similar to putting a paranasal implant at the end, that's what it seems when you look at the guy's pictures-who also regret the surgery that oved his upper jaw forward-) : http://www.realself.com/review/Facial-Jaw-surgery-regret?p=s

I love upturned noses, but I'm afraid of the nostrils show because my nostrils currently look ugly and even if they are corrected they may look artificial, so it might be better for me to hide them rather than exposing them. I still want an upturned nose, but I don't know how to ask this to Dr Lee. Any advice ?
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Concerned mother says:
"My older teenage child had upper jaw surgery 4 weeks ago. During the pre-surgery consultation, our maxillofacial surgeon suggested he lift her nose "a millimeter or two." Unfortunately, she said "OK." For the first couple of days after surgery, she looked fine. In fact, her nose looked very nice. Over the next week, her nose kept turning up more and more. Now her nose is turned up so much when you look at her, head on, all you see are two big nostrils. Still some swelling in upper lip and sides of nose but most is gone. Is this problem extreme? Is it unusual? I am heartbroken and I don't know what to do."

I know it's about jaw surgery but in the before after picture of the guy, it is like the effect of a noble rhinoplasty.
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Im going in June/July, wanna share hotel? :smile:
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omg! lol! I was advising u to bring usd cos I thought u were gg to do ps :P
nvm have fun still!!! hoped u have enough Korean won :smile:
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I get what you mean about the tip projection.
For Dr Lee, I dont think he goes for high radix but the gradual "curved" down from the bridge with a slight upturned tip. I think this is what most women wants nowadays. In fact, I think he fits your bill because that was what he proposed to me in the first place.

During my consultation, It was very fast and straight forward. I did not bring any pictures to show him. Maybe because it is a revision case so I just tell him what I dont like about my old nose and what I want to achieve. The amazing thing is he pointed out the things that was wrong about it and what should be done for it to suit my face even before i open my mouth. I was applauding in my heart because I thought it will be hard to explain what i exactly wanted.

My previous nose was higher and straight down because i only did a L shape implant with no tipwork. It is much lower now, maybe 2-3 cm lower. I thought if i could go 1cm higher it would be perfect to me.

I had fat drafted on my forehead and paranasal done too. the fat draft didnt last but the paranasal is a "Must do." I always have a more sunken smile but now I look so much better especially I see myself in the pictures.

I guess that is how people got so obessed into PS. all the "if only's and what if's ", I am no longer surprise after hearing people getting mutiple revisions for their nose...

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Did you go to Teuimps clinic? It is the same stretch along VIP. One of the doctor is the one that invented the magic epi.
Heard they are very good with eyes, initially i wanted to go there and consult them about it but have decided not too now because a few of my friends told me not to do anything to my eyes already so wil let see what Dr Lee or the other doctor specialist say when I see them.

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Hey, i thought he guy looked so much better after his correction!

I guess it is the part whereby you miss your old face and not getting use to the new one that makes you think you looked better before.

I personally feel upturned noses are not suitable for every women. I feel it is more suitable if you have a more ova/roundl or heart shaped rather than a long one.

It is also important to not let the doctor "over-do" it because a very slight adjustment could turn a nice upturned to piggy nose. I see some of the taiwanese celebrities that overdid that and makes them look so MJ-ish.

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peer pressure detected.

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