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asian nose job 2

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I think as far as your deep laugh line you are better off with fillers. Because I was told that the paranasal does not treat laugh line, maybe very very subtle. I was also insecure with my laugh line also! I was hesitant with using silicon, but JoAnn said it is enclosed in a "pocket" so the infection rate is very very small and I don't think any screws are used. (tell me if I am wrong).
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I thought you complained about yours being a little upturned previously?

YOu are so fickle!!!!!:nogood:

I agree that we shouldn't feel stuck with something that we dont really like. After going through all the ordeal and our savings, its just fair for us to get our ultimate satisfaction.

I dont mind any gossips because I simply dont care about what those people thinks. who gives a shat about people that dont love or care about us.

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Yes, I also think that the columella structure change the look of the nose too. In order to have a nice tip projection, the strut need to be protruded ( lengthened).

Mine was lengthened as well but the reason was because I used to have a septum piercing and eventhough I dont wear it now, the hole is still there, So what Dr Lee did was to mend up my hole using my cartilage, he carves them till like small retainers, insert them inside the hole and suture up the openings.

He told me during the operation, he couldn't lift up my columella because of the hole, the strut was very weak and thus he has to spend another hour to cover up the piercing to have a strong foundation.

My friend, who accompanied me there in dec also had the same piercing. SO, Dr Lee advise her to get her piercing( i wanted to type hole instead of piercing but it sounds funny when I read it) stitched up first and by the time she goes back for her surgery in feb, it will be all healed and ready, and it was. The surgery went very well, spent less than 5 hours whereas mine was like 10!!!!

SO on a shorter note, please tell Dr Lee if you have septum piercing before!

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Really? I couldnt feel mine just just pressing it outside. So initially I was confused thinking ;" did I have paranasal done or not?"
SO I start trying to "Look" for the implants and realise they are really there, and we started waving to one another. happydance:

Maybe I have really thick skin, really. I think they are at least 1 inch thick.

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^^BBgurly, do VIP's rib cartilage-using patients go under general anesthesia or IV sedation? Do they have an option to choose? 5-10 hours sounds like forever to be under IV sedation... I was given IV sedation when removing my silicone implant and even then, I was completely awake/alert.
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Rawdude makes you sound so old!!!! Great grand auntie!!

SO do you find your nose more thinner now after defatting it? Can you feel the difference?
I would like Dr Lee to do that for me too during my next trip there.

Did you have paranasal done as well my dear?

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JOAnn ( Dr Lee's manager) explained that
95% of the patient undergoes IV sedation for the surgery. You undergo GA for certain circumstances.
IV would be a better choose than GA. Many woke up feeling great after IV, I had a bad recovery with GA, i think Izora as well.

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@hotmama ; actually i didnt know wth is paranasal, i just know joan told me it will fill the laugh lines n push out the frontal projection abit, ok i went with it.. after surgery; i had 2 swelled up lines along the laugh lines n it went away gradually,i clnt feel anything after that.. is it really inside? its actually a rib? i didnt feel it or notice any difference or maybe i d forgotten how i look previously. lol

well tip is slightly upturned but i think it doesnt work on guys. i was just kidding. guys shld have a strong looking nose than a cute one.

but my tip is still swelling so i cant judge anything right now . maybe august /september i wil updateu guys more.

my bridge deswell alot and tip still BIG. so now it looks weird, bridge not balanced with tip. so i hope tip will deswell more s time comes.

izora's nose really look natural seriously it d deswell so much n i cant tell u have a nose job at all.

we all hope our noses will come down naturally like urs soon.

i m not sure dr lee had defatted my tip too but they mentioned it in the emails abt extracting fats but not sure they d done it in actual.

hotmama; do u know if we can have a copy of our own profile with vip? just to read thru what exactly was done to our noses?
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whey i didnt say auntie ! i said ancestor(in this case she had done RIB nose earlier than any of us! ) ;p

mixedgirl oso one of our ancestor; followed by u hotmom. im the new generation. ( make myself sound younger lol)
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i didnt know my skin was thick untill joann told me. LOL
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Hi guys... I have been a lurker on this forum for more than a year now and I just wanted to ask you guys a question. How many days did you guys take to recover before you went back to work? I am going to VIP this july for revision rhinoplasty with rib cartilage and paranasal implants. This is going to be my 2nd revision. I have a I shaped silicone implant and ear cartilage for the tip (the implant shifted to one side). My previous rhinoplasty was done using the closed method and this will be the first time that I am going to have rhinoplasty using the open method. The thing is, with my previous rhinoplasty I only took 7 days off work and went back to work on the 8th day. But now that I am going to have an open rhinoplasty I don't know who long it would take me to heal before I could go back to work and my job is quite physical and requires me to smile alot so I'm a bit worried with that.

I was also wondering if you guys took arnica montana before and after the surgery to help with the swelling..
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@BBgurly: You said your smile was imbalance right after the nasal implants and then, it improved. Is it just by deswelling or did he have to fix it ? By the way, one inch seems very big.
As to lengthening the columella, he probably needs to extend the skin, where does he take it from ? Does it make the scar bigger ? In order to widen the nostrils, Jay Lee (Dr Jung's assistant) said he would use flaps (skin from other parts of the body) which makes more scars.
By the way, how does Dr Lee do the tip ? Does he use rib cartilage only or does he finish it with ear/nose cartilage in order for the tip to have this natural soft feeling ?
Do the paranasal implant fixed in between muscles ? Is there a possibility that it might move with time ?
@destiny1682 : I'm surprised that Dr Lee actually uses silicon, I thought he was against foreign bodies, but I guess if there is a small percentage of infection, why not. By the way, good luck in finding the right dermatologist. I would have gone with you if I was in Korea. :smile:
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Hey actually i had my surgery 2 days before mixedgirl!

But I want to be in new generation.
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