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Think the second option might be better for you since you couldnt rely on receiving the new card on time.

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but there is no guarantee that we can take out 14k in one day. he is at the bank right now to try to withdraw cash. idk if this is possible yet.

my flight is 3am friday. its 1pm wednesday right now.
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@Kain: Ask your dad to try to withdraw as much as he can from all his bank accounts (if he's at different banks). I previously read that VIP are quite "trusting" with their patients and they wan pay the half before the surgery and the rest after. There was even one person who could only withdraw a few per day and she/he paid a couple of hundreds of dollars per day until he paid the full amount, and I guess before his/her departure. I don't remember who posted that post, but maybe you can try to use some key words like "withdraw" and search in the thread.
Good luck !
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i think we can get the cash. apparently he can only withdraw 3k per day per branch, so he has to drive around to 5 different branches to get the cash >.< and its cnd which means i will probably still have to pay the 5% conversion fee when i get to vip. he still hasn't told me whether he is getting a 4k loan yet.

lots of stress today. i just found out that he lost his credit when i came home from my exam. and i have one last exam tmrw, which i have to study for. and then a 3am flight . i'm gonna be half dead by the time i arrive at vip
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the cash carrying limit on international flights is ~10k usd right? or is is 10k cad in canada? or is it 10 million won for going to korea?

this shouldn't be a problem since there are two of us right?
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USD10K if I remember well, yes, no problem is each of you have less than USD10k , even if you had more, you'd just have to declare it, and say why you carry so much cash, if you say plastic surgery, they won't say anything (I think someone said, the officer smiled and let her go).
It mut be stressing with the exam tomorrow, I wonder how you do this. I also have exams and I will go to Korea as soon as I finish (maybe 2 weeks after, not the next day, like you though...)
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thats good to now. thanks

i was gonna pay by credit card, then i switched to wire, then back to cc, then at the last moment i switch to cash -.-

i really really hope they don't charge me for the conversion fee. i'm already hurting from the interest rate on that loan.
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my dad said something about 7% using a "line of credit" but he isn't really giving me any more details.

does anybody know if it is 7% on the amount borrowed (one-time-interest charge)

or if it is 7% per month

and if he only owes the money for about a week, will he still have to pay the full 7%?
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I paid for e fees only 1 day after surgery. But maybe u can bring this up to Joann first. She'll probably call u to confirm ur flight n everything 1-2 days b4 ur arrival.

10k limit is 10k usd, n it doesn't matter even if u exceed. I declared when I arrived, the custom officer didn't even bother. If they really do, I think some one here explained that all those money is for PS?

Relax kain, at the end everything will be alright; if it's not, it's not the end either. Jus concentrate n do well for ur last paper, leave no regrets n this is ur job n responsibility. E rest, trust tat ur dad can tk care of it for u.

Gd luck! =)
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Hey Kain, don't stress out. I think you'll be okay. If you if you exceed 10k, you can give half to your dad to carry, right? Haha. I think that'll work.

Also check the banks in Korea and see what their conversion rate is. Does VIP charge a fee when paying with cash? I thought they don't. Isn't that why everybody preferred to pay with cash? Btw, if your surgery cost 10k USD which would be about 9486 CDN, you'll still end up saving some $

I remember Izora saying that there was a lady who could only take out a certain amount a day from the bank in Korea, so she ended up paying VIP bit by bit each day. Considering that they deal with international patients all the time, I'm sure they've dealt with similar situations like yours'. Email/call JoAnn and see what options you have.

Good luck with your exam!!
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I think you read wrongly.
Her bad reviews are from her previous surgeon. She was very pleased with VIP>

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Credit line is charge like credit card.
If your dad pay up fully on the first month, then He will only be charge 7%.

If he pay partial, the 7% will be charge again the next month, based on the remaining amount.

If he pays the next day he took out the loan from the bank, they will still charge the 7%.

Yes, they are so cruel.

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I think there must be some miscommunication.
8K for incision eye surgery?????

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Dr Lee will do all these surgeries.

Park and Song are eyes specialists only.
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thanks for the support guys

you're right, joann emailed me back and said there is no fee for paying with cash.

do you think its a problem having surgery if i'm 15 pounds underweight? i was only a few pounds underweight last month and i was trying to put on weight, but then my exams hit me. and on top of that, i don't have class during exam time. so for two weeks, i woke up really late and skipped breakfast (and sometimes lunch), and i've been so busy studying that i lost more than 10 pounds instead of gaining weight. :sad:

i heard patients are at a higher risk for complications if they are underweight. and since i am getting a sliding genio and paranasals, i am going to have incisions inside my mouth and i'll have trouble eating too
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