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asian nose job 2

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I know this is a bit off topic, but what has everyone bought in Korea for souvenirs?? Any recommendations? I need to bring back something for mum and dad to make it look like it was just a normal trip abroad... .__ .
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Pls be careful!! U wun wanna hit ur new nose yea!! How do u breathe n see when u hv cap n mask on..? Breathing will b even better when they remove the cast and inner support thing. N jam dear, u can't miss myeong dong n dongdaemum!! In fact those r e only places tat I visit more then one time while I was there. I can even go myeong dong myself for food n shopping. N this is wat I think, "more then 80% of Koreans has got sm work done to themselves n now u ppl r looking at me as though u all have nv been thru e recovery period after ur own ps? How hypocrite! Bleah~!" n carry on w my shopping. Lol!

Give urself a break, hv fun n u will recover faster. =)
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Sorry guys

I have been busy resuming my daily activities and only go check the forum for only couple of minutes every night before sleep that I make you guys wait.

As everyone knows, I had my nosejob and jaw reduction at VIP and it was my primary surgery

Initially, I didnt plan to have a higher bridge or to implant anything in my nose coz I was scared of revision. My sister told me that ppl have to undergo revision coz they put something into their nose and whatever it is (silicone, goretex or cartilage) it could warp over time. I only planned to have alar base reduction and tip correction (and lips reduction :lol: coz I have a lips complex, they are like a pair of hotdogs on my face, I prefer more refined and elegant ones :lolots:smile:

That was what I was scheming :roflmfao: But on the consultation day, Dr Lee told me that my lips were sexy and usually ppl asked for lips augmentation so why the opposite....

And he explained that alar base reduction was ok, by removing tissues the wings would look more smaller. But if I want my tip to look more harmonised and not oversized after alarplasty, my nose projection would need to be increased. I wished for a permanent and long term result so I didnt feel like to put something into my nose, and Dr Lee said that it would be difficult. He then suggested self materials grafting on the tip such as septal and ear cartilages. Septal cartilallage was obviously the safest materials but then why 2 choices? Coz it depended whether I would have enuf septal cart. otherwise I would rely on the other one. He examined my nose, and then ok for septal cartilage on the tip.

He then explained that only tip job would make my nose to look weird ... The reason was my tip would look higher but my bridge would remain at the same height, my nose in general as the result would look somewhat curved in an unnatural way.... At that moment, I was thinking like ... "Well what is Doc suggesting is best for us, he s been in this field for years, he knows what I should have based on my features, he s skilled and more confident with his own choice, I shouldnt ask for things he's not used to otherwise I should shop for others doc..." So I changed my mind and said Yes to whatever he suggested :worthy: Ah as a bonus for my easiness (jk) Dr Lee said that I had a slight septal deviation but he will fix that without extra charge :P (mengoreng had one too)

In brief, I had
- ear cartilage for the bridge (about 1,2 - 1,3 mm) coz my old nose was not that badly flat which needed much augmentation.
- Septal cartilage for the tip coz I had sufficient amount to build it up.
- alarbase reduction (forgot to ask how many mm)

The next day, I had the surgery and it was from 3pm - 9pm. And just 1 hour before the surgery... I changed my mind again and instead of a lips reduction, I wished for a jaw reduction :party: It was just a last minute and sudden change of mind ... And as the consequence of not having done research beforehand... no information about jaw reduction, I didnt thought about chin augmentation . I'm regretting now :cry:

So all I've known that I have a nose job .... and a mandible cut ... and how much did he cut my jaw line, I don't event know now and as long as my face is not screwed up and as long as I look pretty as before, then I'm satisfied already :roflmfao:
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Of course I will update everyone of my outcome whether its VIP or Shimmian or whoever I decided.

Please keep me in mind if you decide to share photos. You have my email add.
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About the clinic,

Dr Lee, JoAnn and other staffs at VIP are all very friendly and caring. Unlike ppl at BK or other clinics that I have done some research who just push you into the surgery room and dont pay attention to what you feel or how you are afterwards, here at VIP, Dr, JoAnn and the nurses supported me emotionally and came everyday to check whether something wrong or I felt fine in the recovery room.

I know that the first criterion to choose a clinic is based on the Dr' skill. About Dr Lee skill, I will have to wait for months when my face stabilises to judge, so we will discuss this later. But Imagine that you are not from Korea, U dont know a damn word and have no one to chat, share, support each other and U have to undergo something so risky like a surgery. If the result didnt turn out well, because of the Dr' skill or just because they didnt give you the proper care after the surgery and you got infection, or watever it was, what would you do? If the aftercare didnt bother you, and even if you were mentally prepared, you would still suffer and feel weak, especially the first 3 days post op. In my case, It was like hell. The surgery was so so, I didnt feel a thing. But the first day, I couldnt sleep at all. My surgery finished at 9pm on Tuesday, and for the next 32 hours, no sleep. The next 2- 3 days, I barely slept, 1 - 2 hours each day and finally could take a deep sleep of 9 hours the 4th or 5th day I dont remember. Not mention that I could barely eat, I couldnt chew because of the jaw reduction so only pumpkin soup and water for 5 days post op. I was thinking "It is my first surgery and will be my last... Can't go through this ever again" :roflmfao:

If ppl just threw me out after all the surgeries Id gone through just like some others Id heard, I wouldnt think that I would be able to survive and I would choose that clinic. The aftercare was not everything but it was a bonus and a criterion I decided on Vip.

The price at VIP is premium but what you receive is more than it worth. And if you choose VIP, prepare your $$$ :roflmfao:
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Hey babe, thanks for sharing! =)

U can always go back to work on ur chiN while ur mum have her face lift n sis, her nj! =p

Sounds like a idea yea? Lol!

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if yoiu take the ccity tour bus that i posted about, it stops at the national museum of korea, which has a souvenir shop (on the first floor) with nice goblets and statues you can get for ~10usd
transportation is cheaper if you can figure out how to use the subway though

you can go shopping at dongdaemon market and insadong at modern and traditional krn markets

i haven't been to the hyundai dept storebut there is prolly some good stuff there
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they kick you out after 3 or 4 days unless you are sick :P

i'm leaving the recovery room tmrw
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u know.. the samurai Bushido spirit? yeh just killed me n stop the tortures! lol

wow i didnt know i can access that garden it looks beautiful from the inside.. yeah the VIP drivers are nice folks! they helped me carried this and that n heavy stuff during my stay at officetel. everyone at vip is nice.

hows healing? u cant use the hands lock knee rotation method to get up? legs hurting huh. i guess u hafta use will power :X

recovery room u can use elevated bed to get up... are u staying at officetel later on?

u are not alone right.

are u able to eat or drink already?
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i hate this forum sometimes!

I want galbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
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i keep looking at the emoticons instead of reading n i d counted them. 10.
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i'm doing fine. my rib doesn't hurt much anymore unless i move it around. my legs still feel a bit weak but it is getting better.

i've been using my hands alot to get in and out of bed. and willpower too!! XD

my dad is at the officetel. good thing he is not sleeping in the recovery room because he snores :u
i'm going back to the officetel tomorw

i can see parts of my nose in the miror ands it looks kinda wide around the tip and alars. i know it takes a while for the tip to deswell and reabsorb some cartilage, but the alars still look kinda wide. i kinda wish he'd done some kind of reduction on them. the radix is really high too.

i have to wait over a year to see the final result :sad:
ah, well, i can be patient about it

when he was changing the dressing, i looked at my nose and i could actually see my bridge for the first time just by going crosseyed lol. feels weird having a high bridge
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how is your nose? how far post-op are you?is the tip still rigid and hard?when did the swelling finally go down so that it looked normal? i have to go to school on may 9 so i'm kinda worried that my nose will still look huge by then
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is this for me?

kain i know how u feel. same feeling post op. as wot the others had mentioned , u look like a bird. high n big.
well, currently its all the stuffing inside and the major swellings the culprit.

im at almsot 3rd month post op, bridge had subsided alot but tip still swelled up, thick skin so prolly need up to 1 yr. be patient.

well my sista said my nose looks much better and more natural now.

it doesnt look as high as before.

actually ironically; high can be kinda FUN n nice looking like a mixed blood i realized. now im back to the asian. lol

@kain,beefsoup or larry or whoever lurkers at vip, EAT WELL.

avoid instant food.

njoy yourselves at korea; like id mentioned to many; dongdaemon,myeongdong,coexmall, rodeo st behind;galleria dept;lotte duty free, streets near sinsa statn exit 8 near juno hair oppo officetel;hyundai dept store.

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