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asian nose job 2

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christ. u look really young. let me guess, 16? :X

tip and alar prolly if u ask me , bridge is subjective. some ppl like your natural curvature ..if u want u can raise a little. you prolly dunt even need RIB rhino, if you dont , u can open to more options (clinics)

but but your face profile looks really young.
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i see. vip specialise RIb. so i guess other clinics may offer u a better offer with other procedures.but may i know what is the exact procedure they had quoted you for?
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you are right. but not everyone went thru an extreme ugliness and pain tho.. very subjective. eg; kain had a very nice one post op.
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drastic as in only the nose ? as we already know, big changes require reconstruction of the nose which means RIB rhino for eg.

not promoting VIP again for those who keep saying i love VIp; please . if theres anyone who knows another clinic who expertise in RIB, please post it here before u accused me of being bias. I truly wish to know and find out too .

whatever i had commented here applies on ALL clinics and everywhere and any doctors in this world.

i may not know it all henceforth will appreciate those who knows contribute so that ppl here have more options and a wider range of knowledge and info as ppl wont think anyone is doing any marketing here.
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i still cant pm u yet can u email me ur review too? i just emailed u, thanks alot DX
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hmm i really have alot to check out. regardiing pictures... i'll think about hw to go about doing it. DX
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hey girl, wat r u deciding on for your nose now? u r right, one shldnt go ahead with RIB if not prepared for the undesirable swellings overtime..

curious abt your better option..
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to declare or not, ill leave it to your insurance to advise u. lol

X finga nothing will happen to your new nose :smile:
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thanks, I also enjoy reading about everyone's difference experience on this forum. I sent my write up to you, hopefully you got it.

I am feeling better about my nose even though it is still severely swollen at the moment. I know I just have to wait like everyone else.

I don't regret getting RIB done for my nose. What I did regret getting was the fat grafts! Wish, wish, wish I would have just slam the hell out of my foot down and said no. Now, I'm waiting for most of the fat to get reabsorb and just be gone.

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what happeend to fat grafts on u? mind sending me pics?
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I just PMed you. The fat grafts? I don't like the way it makes my chin and forehead looks as of right now. It's a little bit too long for my liking and too much on my forehead for my liking at the moment. Not to mention this drastically changed my face shape. I hope my face shape returns to some normality after the fat reabsorbs. Also, the fat graft on my chin make my mouth look funny with the paranasal implants. Like I have depress lips. Is that even possible. It's hard to describe.

You cannot really see it in the photos...all I can say is, the fat graft on my chin and paranasal implants makes me smile and talk like an old grandma with no teeth. That's the best way to put it. haha.

Maybe next month this grandma effect will disappear.
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hi rawdude^^

I find o&young b&a photo changes is drastic. the changes are easily noticeable.:smile: then i found another photo, http://www.koclubchina.com/bna/nose_bna.html?mode=detail?co_id=&key=&s_gubun=&board_uid=11&page=&find_object=content&find_text=%E5%A4%A7&mode=show&idx=29&num=999999972&no=4.

Yup, for dramatic changes indeed require rib to achieve it. currently, I am hoping to find other clinic that may achieve similar result at a lower cost.:sad:

IDhospital also surprise me with the huge change in chin improvement. the after photos definitely look better:smile:

dear readers, will it be okay for you to tell me clinics that produce drastic work as I hope that I can have more option to choose from.

thank you so much
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가슴연골을 Is the word for chest cartilage in Korean when referencing it's use in rhinoplasty. Searching for that came back with O & Young, VIP as top hits. There is also this place:


In Daegu, or one step before outer space for a foreigner.

Also in Daegu, doc from here talking about rib cartilage



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