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asian nose job 2

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No, please preach on! I would rather be told what I should avoid so there the risk of complications is reduced. Thanks for the advice :smile:
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That sucks! I totally had coffee during the 2 weeks post op. I'm a coffee addict. Drinking one right now in fact. I should toss it out. lol.

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Why is coffee bad for rib+paranasal btw?

Yeah listen to Hher, she was healing faster than I was. I was still experiencing bruises on my chin from fat graft before I left Korea meanwhile she had none. I admired her discipline. I ate almost anything and everything but still had fruits, juices, and tons of water. The only thing I avoided was anything sugary. Hmm.. except for that one Krispy Kreme I had. Haha. Surprisingly, JoAnn said I didn't suffer much swelling and bleeding on my nose. I don't know if it was because I was initially healthy, but they tossed me out of the recovery room less than 24 hours after surgery.
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hey, everyone who went to vip, how far side-to-side can you wiggle your nose tip? and how far post-op are you?

rib for me
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Ahh thanks bisousx! Good thing I suffered from very minimal bleeding after surgery. I was actually reading up on people doing other surgeries, and most of their doctors say it's okay to have coffee. I guess it depends on what type of surgeries they're having. Overall I guess it's good to just avoid it.
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Hi everyone,

on my 2nd day here, I met with the following Doctors:

Dr. Oh (O & Young Clinic)
Dr. Suh (JW Beauty)
Dr. Paik (101 PS)
Dr. Lee (VIP)

I will share with all of you my experience and what I know so all of you planning or going to have surgery should be well informed.

I am going to see a few more doctors today and will update all of you tonight.

@Rawdude - will answer your questions later.
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LMAO!!!! girl, yeah that Krispy Kreme glazed donut! hahahaa...made me laugh so hard. It did look good and I wanted one so bad too! They don't have a Krispy Kreme here in Taiwan. I will send you a message!

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Oh man, you were a trooper for refusing the Krispy Kreme. I couldn't resist. I'll send you some when you fully recovery. lol

Guys, i have a tiny piece of blue stitch sticking out of my columella. It's long enough to see and touch but it's not long to grab. I can still see some blue stitches under my skin around the same area too. Are they suppose to dissolve? Sometimes I really hate having pale skin. Every imperfection is so visible.
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hello everyone, finally i decide to go to korea to have my nose job done, im more learn over with Dr.Lee from Banobagi bcuz of their b4 and after pic look really good to me, did anyone have dont at banobagi? how is your experiment? do you like it?

PS: and HHEr could you send me your review plz? i really want to take a look at it, my email is [email protected] thank you so much, i cant send you PM bcuz i dont have enough post
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I think you look lovely :flowers:

If you had to remove the silicone for whatever reason, you wouldn't want to replace it? Maybe you want to try emailing some clinics or other plastic surgery forums. I haven't read anything from posters here who have removed their silicone implants.

When were you thinking of going to Korea?
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What kind of clothing did you pack for Korea? I was just going to bring a lot of sweats, but I heard that Korea is very dressy. Will it be hard to put on jeans after the surgery? Should I bring some sundresses and fancy sandals? Please advise :smile:
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it is getting pretty warm here in Korea and it should get HOT in the next couple weeks to month. I suggest just bring what you are comfortable wearing, most likely you will be recovering so it's just a walk back and forth to the clinic to where ever you are staying. Maybe bring one decent/nice outfit. You will never see these people again, so just be comfotable! ;0)
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so glad that you are taking time to consult with multiple places. I hope you do end up finding a place that you are comfortable with...you are already sooooooo gorgeous! Good luck!

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