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asian nose job 2

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OMG....!!! You look totally different. Before pic you look like young boy but now you look like Korean actor....he..he..congratulation..!!! Btw, I miss some of the message. Beside nose job, what other PS you have done? How much it cost you in total? PS + accomodation+ air ticket to Korea? How long you stay there? Who is your PS doc in VIP? Sorry am I asking too many questions? pai seh.Thanks
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thanks KeKeKeKe...I just freaked out when i actually saw it. I just hope it gets better... how are you doing? btw.. r you that tall girl i see almost everyday in at VIP? xD
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Thanks kireihana. It is just so overwhelming. I told Dr. Lee I wanted a subtle change but what I saw was quite the opposite.
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I had the grandma effect too. looking back at the pictures, i think it took about 3 months for it to go away totally.

It was more subtle after 6-8 weeks but still a little granny showing.
I had quite a flat alar base so Paranasal was a very very good choice because it has totally filled in my sunken smile. I didnt know that is such procedure too until Dr Lee suggested it to me.

It is very natural. you cant really feel it but you know there is something there. If Dr Lee thinks you need it, do it!!

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Just keep chanting in your heart


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Yo baby,

You are supposed to send me some pictures after you got your phone!!!

WHere is it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Really you plan to do with O&YOung?
Thats awesome! So many people are impressed with them, but so far none done it there.
I hope to hear some experiences from O&Y soon!

I remembered WAI saying she wants to do it there. wonder how is she now.

WAI!!! aRE YOU READING THIS!! Update us!

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LOL! You're sounding like me 2 weeks ago. Don't worry, it'll go down!

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thanks BBgurl..I'm tryingg!! xD... btw i was reading your other post and u said the granma effect goes away in like 3 months... what's exactly the granma effect? xD is it the longer upper lip thing and inability to smile lw.o freaking people out?

thank god it gets better...... going through all of this makes me wish i had gone with silicone instead... ahha
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The grandma effect is when we can't see our upper teeth (sometimes even bottom) due the swelling and stiffness of our upper lip. lol. So basically it looks like we got no teeth like most elderlies. Haha. It's getting a little better for me, but I still have a really creepy ass smile.

SOme of us wanted subtle change too. Unfortunately due to the fact that ribs takes longer to heal, it's not going to be subtle AT ALL for the first several months. I know, it freaked me out too! I'm 1 month post op and i'm slowly starting to look like my old self again.

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Just got to VIP and already finished my medical exams. Everyone is so nice here, I think I will enjoy my time in Korea. It's very relaxing - the nurse at the lab couldn't find my vein in the arm, so she drew blood from my hand :thinking: well it was painless. My surgery is tomorrow morning
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It was a reivison.
I paid 5 000 000 Kw, it's expensive, but I had (revision+double eyelids+ptosis+lateral epicanthoplasty+magic epicathoplasty = 4 ours operation, first local anesthesia, then lateranthoplasty).

They never answered my email, only when I sent them my airplane ticket details, a doctor answered with a standard email (saying we can reduce your chin like you want", but I never asked to have my chin reduced as I wanted it to stay as it is.
They have a translator.
Consultation wise, we were lost on translation many times, the translator (I had 2 different) either doesn't know what is a zygoma and forgets some parts, or translates in one sentences, the 10 sentences that the doctor said.
But overall, I know what I want, so I'll stick to them, it's never good to change decision at the last minute.

-cheekbone :4 000 000KW
-mandibular: 5 000 000KW
-masseter : 1 500 000KW
-fat graft (chin or cheeks): 1 500 000KW
-chin V line : 6 000 000KW

I only do the 3 first only, if you do all of them, it is 18 000 000 KW, maybe you can get 1 000 000KW discount.
In July, the prices raise by 10% because of the governmental tax, I don't know if clinics prices will raise of that amount.

"sagittal split osteotomy" I googled it and looked at the images, that's all I know, the rest, he explained in Korean and my translator did not translate as it was too technical, either she didn't understand or didn't know how to translate. If you do a jaw surgey you need to be in Korea for 2 to 3 months.

Dr Lee from smallface and Dr Lee from VIP said totally different things for genioplasty.
To summarize, the first one says that the chin can change in height and length, the latter says it can only change in either height or length and very slightly.

Dr Lee uses the sandwich method if you do the mandibular at the same time: he cuts your chin and put some of your mandibular bone in slices in between your chin.

By the way, chin is a very delicate area as it is full of nerves, most surgeon recommend not to mess with it.

I think I'm fine with my chin. Only, if I want to look Caucasian do I need to do the double jaw surgery (you have to be 2 months in Korea).

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As for my rhinoplasty :
I just had my cast off today and because of one night of sleep my swelling for eyes and nose went down.

I have the feeling that my nose is going to be exactly like what I aksed, and I was very specific.
My nose looks so good !
The height of the bridge is good, he added 4mm, I initially told him during the consultation : "no height augmentation, but if needed for harmony, maybe 2mm."
So, he made it really subtle, that's why only 7 days post-op I am very satisfied. As for my tip, it looks as bulbous as before the surgery, so I can live with it, when it will de-swell, it is going to be perfect :smile:

I can't believe I could just buy a new nose, after 2 closed rhinoplasties I started to think that plastic surgery never gives you want you actually want, but I guess, I only had surgeons that were not as skilled as Dr Lee.

As for the scar, it is so invisible that I almost thought he did a closed thinoplasty (I have a thick skin). I could only see it was cut because of the stitches on the sides.

But yesterday, I tried to remove some dry blood and took away some of the crust that was protecting the healing of the scar, so 1mm on the left hand side of the columella, it might not scar well because of me.

I keep on applying ointment on it. Can someone tell me if there's a better solution than ointment for a wound that was healing and lost its protecting crust ?

Tomorrow, I will be operated for my facial contouring. It will be under GA, so maybe I won't be as energetic as after the eyes and nose (under IV sedation).

As for the zygoma, Dr Lee and Joann told me, it would look slightly smaller with my nose projection. They were right, I can see it now on my face.

I do have the grandma effect, but since it's temporary, I'm not too worried, but it does look ugly. I actually find it funny, because it confirms the fact that I may need a lip lift. I already thought the space between my sub-nasale and upper lip was too long before the surgery. Has anyone considered that procedure ? I haven't seen it offered anywhere in Korea, only in Thailand. I think it is because it leaves a small scar.

@McDreamy: I think Dr Lee makes higher bridges for guys, and from the website of VIP, guys noses should be straight, not curved which is more feminine.
I am sure it will de-swell.
As for my nose, if it de-swells I'd be even more happy as I said previously, but I'm already very satisfied with what I currently have now. It is much better than before, even though my nose was not that horrible before except for the triangular nostrils.
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I want mine to get absorb!!!! I think my nose is still too sharp for my face right now. I can't wait for all the swelling to just be done with at the tip and the sides. But I really like where my bridge is right now.

AND! I feel a tiny bump on the inside of my nose near my right eye where the bridge starts. I'm hoping it is nothing. I think like BBgurly where she said you can't see it, but if you feel it then you know it's there. Makes me scared to touch my nose. haha. Gotta email them.
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