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asian nose job 2

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Forgive me since i am new to this plastic Surgery thing and still learning. But what do you mean by bringing ots of pictures ???? Should i bring in pictures of myself or pictures of Asian Celebrities that i want to look like. I probably won't have the surgery for another 3 years until i can saved up enough money . Right now im just learning and doing more researched on korean plastic surgery . Any advice would be appreciated .
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Does anybody know when is the best time to get the surgery in Korea. I would hate to go in during the busy season and be rush by the doctors and him not being able to focus because of so many patient. i guess i wanna know when is it the least busiest time ?
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I don't know when's the least busy time but the busiest time of any clinic in korea is during their summer holidays. ie june to august.

but i think the most important thing to not get rushed is to stand your ground. don't let them rush you, the doctor might say that he has to leave, say wait and just continue with what you want. also don't wait till the "full consultation" tomorrow or before the surgery or whatever. do it properly the first time round and then repeat yourself over and over and over again.
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Oh yeah, and when I was going thru customs, the agent asked to see a second form of ID - he said not because of my nose, but because I was SOOO pale compared to my passport photos. Two weeks out of the sun will do that to a California girl :smile:
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lol haha im a girl, taeyang is so hot so i put him as my name :smile:
weird choice lol haha
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Yes, I finally got my dimples back! For some reason they are deeper now! Which I am super happy. haha. it took about almost 2 months! I still can't smile normal yet. I still have a creepy smile.

So far I'm okay with my nose. I am still waiting for the tip to go down - it is still sharp. Was it you that asked for my 1-2 month post op photo? I can't remember. I will PM you and send it to you.
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Winter time is not so busy.. Summer is the busiest!
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Hey, I can't believe that they think you are a different person just because you are pale. So you arrived home ok? I can't use facebook in China. Yeah I know, it sucks.
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Yup, ill be coming from the states. Omg if i could get tickets for under a grand.. That would be so wonderful.

Im so scared of going to korea alone!! >.< how the heck do you get around not knowing anyone or having never been there? :/ seems like no one here will be there in the winter :sad:
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Ok, I got mine last week for July for $1270 from SFO and there are layover both ways each flight take about 17 hours. :sad:
I have to go this that week otherwise it would be cheaper at the end of Aug.
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You look good in the picture. If you aren't caucasian, you definately look like one after the surgery. :P Do you speak and read Korean?
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Oh is that why you haven't been responding to our fb msges :smile:
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and @ everyone:
I wasn't going to share this part of my story, but since some, like vk82 may wonder if it matters to come during peak season or not, it reminded me my experiences and I thought it could help some readers if I shares my experience.

I do not recommend peak season. During my liposuction at VIP, few minutes before I was put to sleep, Joann, the manager opened the door of the surgery room while Dr Lee was marking my body with the parts we should remove or not, and she said "We are late on schedule ! Dr Lee, another patient is waiting !" The surgery didn't even start, I paid 6000 USD for this procedure, and the manager is saying to the surgeon that another patient is waiting. Then, I said to Joann "You said to Dr Lee to hurry up ?" and she said "I have never told Dr Lee to hurry up, don't lie to me". Not only she told the surgeon that another patient was waiting and she lacked respect to me. I kept silent and cried until I was put to sleep with the IV sedation, thinking I made a mistake to spend that amount of money before I left Korea. Oh, yeah, I forgot, while she was saying that to me, the nurses were trying to find my veins that were hidden, so I really had no interest in talking back. I just begged Dr Lee to take his time. He was nice to me and asked me if I knew some K pop artists.
I am satisfied of the liposuction, especially the knees and the lower legs, thighs seems okay, but one side of one thigh is bumpy, I hope this is only the swelling.

From the beginning, the staff at VIP were very bitter towards me because they paid the zygoma+mandible exam that was very expensive, I was hesitating in getting the facial contour at VIP after the consultation with Dr Lee as he said he'd use my mandibular bone for my sandwich genioplasty. But for months, I knew I wanted to go to Smallface, so even though I hesitated, I thought it was not good to change my mind at the last minute. I still did the scanners at VIP because I hesitated and apparently that was expensive for them. But if I changed my mind at the last minute, it would have benefited them that I already did the scanners at their clinic.

I know the staff was bitter to me because of the reason because at the end when Joann was nicer to me, I asked why they didn't seem happy with me and she said "it was a misunderstanding, we thought the scanners were a waste of money".
At the beginning, I knew there was something wrong in the way they treated me:
Joann even said "We usually try to keep a good relationship with customers but with you it is different".
Also, one of the receptionist : I asked if I could have the nurses change my steri strips on my rib cartilage scar and she took out from a box of 1000 steri strips (or 500, I don't know, but a huge box), 6 packets and said "USD60" and put it yourself. I said I couldn't put it myself because I couldn't see the wound under my breast and I did not want to pay USD60 for 6 steri strips that she's handing to me. I could buy them for cheaper at the pharmacy and also I thought it was not fair to make me pay full price when it's out of a box of 1000 packets.

Another time, Joann offered a show to a group of patients (Bisoux, Townstory, Intherighthands, Yellowsuitcase): "I have some money I can spend for customers every month, I haven't spent it, so I decided I could offer you a show, usually patients are satisfied with it."
I asked: "Can I come too ?"
She answered "This is only for the patients that are leaving this week"
Knowing that I was leaving the same day as Townstory (on the 27th)
Then, she said "There's another group, you can go with another group".
So, I thought she wanted to make a special expense for that group and then, she says that there are other groups.
I asked "Could I have the address of the theater, so I can go ?"
She answered "But you have to make a reservation to go there" (meaning: you can't go if you try to book yourself, -I don't speak Korean-)
Anyway, at the end, I didn't go with the group because I had the liposuction, but anyway, I wasn't invited. I still went to a cultural show by myself one day before I left Korea.

After my liposuction, I spent 15000 USD in total at VIP clinic, even though they did not treat my well after the rhinoplasty. Indeed, right after I left the recovery room of Smallface, I couldn't talk and had saliva constantly drooping from my lips, I had to have the translator from Smallface with me. Joann called, had the translator and said I should be out of Officetel and said that I was required to leave. I stayed 7 days in Officetel, knowing that Joann gave a Officetel room to other patients who only had rhinoplasty for 2 weeks sometimes more. Also, my room was empty for the next 3 days, so I know it wasn't because their accommodation was full. Kekeke hosted me fro one night, then, I went to Townstory who said she didn't want to share her room, so I didn't sleep in her room (there are 2 beds per room). I can understand that she wanted privacy though. So, I had to take the subway 3 days post op after mandibular+zygoma surgery my face in bandages and I found an hotel in Korea university.
If Joann told me from the beginning that she was going to kick me out, she said "if there is space in Offitel, I don't mind you staying" (and at least for 3 days, after she asked me to get out of Officel, my room was empty), I would have looked for an hotel before I had this major facial contour surgery (skull fracture), so I wouldn't have to run around Seoul in pain. I don't even speak Korean and I am from the opposite side of the world from my home.

At the end, the only thing that matters to me is the skills of the surgeon. So, I don't mind the pain or suffering.

Anyway, at the very end, the staff of VIP were nice to me.
They paid 2 nights at the hotel after my liposuction because there was no space in Officetel.

As for nose, I don't want to say anything because sometimes, it looks huge on my face and some other times it seems alright.
In general, I look uglier than before the rhinoplasty because of the smile that I have, similar to Tom Hanks or Jennifer Aniston, the middle part stays low.
As for eye surgery and facial contour, I can already see that it improved my face.
But I guess the nose surgery with rib takes time to de-swell and to become less stiff.
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:woohoo:yay!!! at least there's one thing you're 100% happy about!!!
and hopefully, you'll be 100% happy about your smile and your tip :smile:

and yes, i asked to see your 1 month post op. thanks hher!!

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thanks for the info!
i'm seriously considering dream...
there's a dream branch near me
and now that i know that they do rib... :smile:

now if only dr. park has extensive experience with rib...

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