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asian nose job 2

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HAHA! Well, at least now you can claim that you're a disney classic. But I think your nose looks good, both on it's own and with your face.

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Yo babe! Didn't know you have so many insiders stories!
Should have let us know earlier. Your mom is so hip!!

Btw, you look so good!!! Your nose is beautiful!! Why are you even hiding.
For someone whom have never seen you before, your nose look very natural!!

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I don't know really, that's why plastic surgery is always a risk. I think my face has less character now, even though it's prettier and more sophisticated. It's just not as interesting, and of course bc of the recent surgery, it doesn't move much either.
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Thanks, I didn't know if these tips would come across as too opinionated :cool:

That's the problem.. I'm happy to go out in public but not to see old friends. Probably have too many of them, lol
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Same here, I saw 2 friends already, they said I look different, I said really?? May e I lost weight... Hahah, and they keep asking, and I said no... Hahahah:smile:
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my intention earlier was to try to be objective about everything that happened. but i do think that they should have treated angleplane better, of course. i hope i didnt come off as having any other intention. i certainly didnt want to add fuel to the fire :huh:
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I think this is totally uncalled for. What are you trying to do or prove?
If you are so suspicious, why don't you confront him directly instead of riding behind's angleplane's comment.

Rawdude don't even have to prove anything because people who read his posts from the very beginning knows he is genuine. The fact that he is still around to help others by contributing what he knows and went through, isn't that what makes this forum even more Helpful to others?

I am also still contacting joann though emails although I am already 7 months post surgery. Does that makes me a suspect too? You said you know someone who told her about the forum?( if I remember correctly) Is that a big deal? I told her about tpf too, simply because I came to know VIP in here so what is so wrong about it?

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Lol, I can imagine you saying that too. Really?? Did they ask you straight up if you did your nose?
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I have a question~

I'm planning a revision rhinoplasty & I feel the most confident with VIP in terms of rhino. I have goretex in right now. Should I do a revision with silicone? Or are your own tissues better?

For those of you who did rib (and have had foreign implants before):
Do you guys love it? Does it feel different? better?
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chill chill hotmama!!! ur back!!!! hows everything?? lol

well lets all totally drop these yeah? peace peace. i dunt really care bout wot others think anymore really. they can have watever surgery wherever they want to go. chillax!.
as long as "those" of you know who is genuine and if we r really paid or really just helping out of gd will.

hotmama! i did my fcr and im peeling badly! lol haf u decided on your fraxel? gonna do in singapore?
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aiigoo so pretty already dont need to do anymore! lol
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@Rawdude :
You say you wanted to protect me by PMing me but since I have done nothing wrong and I have nothing to hide, why should I use private messaging with you ?
So, you call me "agressive" just for writing long posts.
And I broke the law ?! (Also, if I did, you didn't say how, because I am curious to know what other false allegation will be held against me).
I am still unaware of the thing that I did that would leave me speechless.
By the way, if I have to protect myself it is because I have to handle not only your attack but several attacks. You're not experiencing it, so you don't know how it's like.

I tried to read your answer, but each of your point didn't make any sense (or I didn't understand it even though I am concerned, so I should be able to understand it even better than others who do not care about the issue), so I don't even know what to answer to you. Maybe, that's for the better. So, maybe it will ends here. I hope because I wanted to ask questions about the healing process.

By the way, maybe you're also a genuine contributor, but your attacks were so unfair, so I had the right to doubt your honesty too.
I don't remember Kain saying anything partial . Also, before you attack me for mentioning another nickname, I have no "team" and once again, there is no duality, we are all here to answer people's questions and to find answers to our questions.

I just shared my experience entirely, yes. I could also tell how many times I went to the toilets, maybe that would prove something against me too.

Anyway, now I realize that because I wrote my review, I am not in good terms with the clinic.
I wanted to be in good terms with them as I was planning on coming back, as I told them, but now, the fact that I wrote my experience has put me in a position in which I might be rejected. I don't know if I can benefits from Dr Lee's skills anymore.
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For those who did their rib cartilage rhinoplasty several months ago.
I read that Hher can move her nose a little bit more. Do you feel the same ?
I currently cannot make facial expressions (eg: if a lemon is too bitter, I cannot express it with my face because the entire face's skin is moving, the eyes' skin, the cheeks and chin's skin, my forehead's skin is moving, but my nose's skin and the nose itself is not moving, as paralyzed). So, even if people do not realize what is wrong with my face, they see that my face is not behaving normally.

I read somewhere that beauty is the average face because it is the easier for the brain to process.
When my nose is completely immobile, it's really intriguing and that doesn't make me look healthy. Also, it is weird, but people cannot point what it is. So, at the end, I look more like a freak than someone pretty.
If I force, I can only move my alar rim a little bit.
I cannot shorten or wrinkle my nose (like a cat roaring). I feel like I have lost 20% of facial expression. I hope this is temporary.
Sometimes, I think rib cartilage for a tip projection was too an extreme procedure, I should have been more wise and not use such material, but as I know myself I always would have wondered if rib cartilage could have transformed my nose for the better.
Also, rib cartilage was initially used for reconstruction. I really hope that the complete inability to move the nose is temporary, but I am already one month post op and my nose is really stiff and as if it was paralyzed.
I want to be expressive with my face again, even if I did not think I was pretty without make up, at least my facial expressions compensated and made me a little cute.
I realized that I used to move my entire face a lot. When I look at myself at the mirror and hide my nose, I see the entire face moving with my facial expressions and I think it's okay. Then, I uncover my nose and I see it still and it does not match my face's skin movements.

@Kain or BBgurly: Does the skin on your nose move when you make facial expressions ?
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