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asian nose job 2

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Also, I wanted to say, please stop defending or attacking nicknames, who is with who or against who. That's not the point of that forum. I just want to be on the forum to know if the others have the same concerns as I do after having rib cartilage surgery. To know if my worries are normal (if everyone felt the same) or if my case is different (if I take longer to heal).
@rawdude, townstory, kekeke, yellowsuitcase catlover88 : I have nothing against you and if you also want to answer to my questions or if you have the same feelings as me concerning my post op feelings, I also want to know your experience and have your advices.
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Destiny, will you be in korea in January? Let me know when you plan on visiting vip ^^*
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Hi JuicyME, I am looking for a good surgeon for my nose revision as well. Could you please let me know the clinics you mentioned here (aka for Korean celebrities)? I do not really want to go to any clinic that is catered for foreigners only. I made the mistake last time and I do not want to repeat it. This time I want to find a good clinic catered for local Korean celebrities.

My email is [email protected]. Thanks!
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i just realised that this sounds way different from what i was trying to say. i meant that no clinic will actually care for you unless you pay them the fee, and vip is no different. ie. if you stand in the lobby of another clinic without having surgery there (and paying), they wont care about you or your nose, unless you havent had surgery yet and they think that they can sell you some procedures. i was trying to inject some humor by the thing about getting arrested but that didnt rly work out.
i know dr lee cares about his surgical result, but he wouldnt care about my nose if i didnt pay him.

i agree, i think the forum should move on. the most we can do on the forum is present information, and each person is responsible for interpreting that information, whichever conclusion they come to. no reason they cant add more information or anything, but i'd prefer that accusations be presented with evidence that looks pretty solid at least.
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i think any tissue will harden in response to trauma, so in addition to swelling (if there is any), the tissue around the trauma site will be harder to move than usual. and there also comes a feeling of constant pressure on the nose. at least this is what i experienced for over a month post op.

atm, the skin on the sides of my nose move easily, as does the skin on the upper part of my nose.
the upper lip area felt weird for a while; i didnt rly have anything to compare the mobility to cos i didnt take note of what it was like before the paranasals, but i do think my upper lip is about as mobile as it was before the surgery. i can pull my upper lip up to show my teeth and i only feel a slight pressure underneath my nose where the paranasals are
the center middle section of my nose: the skins moves a bit. i dont rly remember what it was like before the surgery, and i imagine that ppl with higher noses would have a different degree of mobility than i did, since my bridge was so low. so its hard to say.

when i smile, i can feel my skin pulling against my tip, since dr lee had to add a lot of projection for my tip. but it isnt uncomfortable at all, and i suspect that the feeling will be even weaker as time passes (kinda like how the feeling of constant pressure went away with time)

my alars move very easily, and i can wrinkle my nose. the wrinkles form on the upper bridge as they did before, but the wrinkles arent as deep since my bridge is much higher.

the tip doesnt move, because of the columellar strut, and the fact that my nose had to be lengthened by a lot with cartilage. idk how it is for ppl who didnt need to have their nose lengthened as much though.
but i think that in general, an operated nose wont be able to move vertically. maybe if the tip was left untouched, or if there was no columellar support that was added. but if that was the case, then the tip was either left unprojected, or it was naturally projected to start with. or maybe the surgeon used sutures as the sole method to heighten the tip, which cant give much height. but other than those cases, i dont think an operated nose will be able to move up or down.
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I will send you the names of clinics i plan to visit

I think vip is a great clinic. I think i was just a bit bummed at first bc i was really hoping to learn about other clinics here but an overwhelming majority is about vip.. and when i asked my friends in korea, no one heard of them.

I have concluded that locals dont know much about it probably bc there are just sooo many clinics in korea, they only know the big names, example: bkdy. And vip seems to help foreigners out a lottt.. Which is really great. So to foreigners, i think vip is a perfect choice. If you are korean and can speak korean, you should spend time checking out other clinics bc there are just so many and most of them do a great job. I think i will visit vip and some other locals :smile:

When do u plan on going? & do you speak the language?
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I will be back by the beginning or end of August for a check up, only because I need to fly out of Taiwan to renew my visa.

goodness, all the after problems that comes along with rhinoplasty - sigh. It will be an open procedure again? or closed?

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I know :sad:... I don't know if it's just my case that needs touch ups, although I know just a few that needed it. But although I am dreading it to be open I think I may have no choice. I am not a doctor but there is cartilage sticking out in my right nostrils where the columella incision is, therefore there is soooo much elevations it's like an ingrown pimple on top of the columella, therefore it makes the scar appears more red.

Overall I think after this is fix and some rasping of my bone...I will be very happy with my outcome. I will visit Joann soon and we shall see what date she will book me for. I know sept 9 will be my 6months.
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As i have no interest in dragging this topic of angleplane vs. vip anymore than it has already been so hopefully y'all can move on from it too. Howevere, since you had to state some false statements, I need to clarify them. Firstly, you said, "you know someone who told her about the forum?( if I remember correctly)Is that a big deal? I told her about tpf too, simply because I came to know VIP in here so what is so wrong about it?"--no girl, i never said that so you didn't remember correctly. I only contacted Joann regarding having surgery at vip and nothing more.

Secondly, I didn't "ride behind angleplane's comments". That is how I feel about his posts and apparently, i'm not the only one who feel that way here. Perhaps he is a genuine contributor to this forum (hopefully that is the case) but that's what it comes across as to me, advertising. Also, I don't feel the need to "confront him" or anyone because what benefit do i get out of it? Afterall, it is only an anonymous forum so why need to take things so personal; we are all here to share honest experiences and give/take advices. I was just saying how i saw it.

Anyway..i don't want to go back and forth on this topic as people also want to move away from it. I had no plan of writing or contributing on this forum since i've had my surgery already. Like i said, i didn't think people would be interested in other clinics so i didn't put out my review of JW but I guess I was wrong. Furthermore, whether vip is good or not or if joann is nice or not is also not my concern. I just happened to be reading the forum recently and couldn't help but voice my opinion about people's reactions on angleplane's reviews.

QUOTE/[I think this is totally uncalled for. What are you trying to do or prove?
If you are so suspicious, why don't you confront him directly instead of riding behind's angleplane's comment.

Rawdude don't even have to prove anything because people who read his posts from the very beginning knows he is genuine. The fact that he is still around to help others by contributing what he knows and went through, isn't that what makes this forum even more Helpful to others?

I am also still contacting joann though emails although I am already 7 months post surgery. Does that makes me a suspect too? You said you know someone who told her about the forum?( if I remember correctly) Is that a big deal? I told her about tpf too, simply because I came to know VIP in here so what is so wrong about it?[/QUOTE]
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Yea I can babe. It will take awhile to recover your movements and now, you are only 1 month post op, it's still early but you should see improvement soon.

I say give it 3 months and you will be more comfortable with your expressions.
I can move my tip a little to the left and right, I can wiggle and act cute with it, roar like a lion or sniff like a rabbit now lol.

You just need time to see it, you will regain your face so don't worry ok.

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Ok, I just scrolled back and the person is winterntht instead. She was quoting your post so I read wrongly.

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Hey good looking people, just wanted to drop by for a quick update. It's been 2 months post op for me and I think my nose is healing pretty nicely. The columella scar is still there but less visible now. I've been applying a scar gel call Dermatix. I still have a tiny bump on my bridge, but it's not too visible. SOmetimes in certain lighting you can kinda see it but I'm not too worry about it. I'm going to wait at least 6 months to see if touch up is going to be necessary.

My nose doesn't feel as heavy anymore. I want to wear my glasses but maybe I should wait till after 2 months. But I broke the no drinking and smoking rule last week. Ahh! I couldn't resist! I'm starting to look more like myself. My mouth changed a little bit. It has gotten smaller. Do you guys know if it's going to be permanent? I actually kinda like it. lol

Overall, I'm pretty satisfied. I just want to thank Hher, omommom, laugnablevickie, izora, rawdude, BBgurly, mintminttang, kain, Beefsoup, uzura, megoreng for AAALLLL the help when I needed them. Especially Hher who sat there and comforted me while I was bawling my eyes out at the clinic. Hahaha. All my friends said my nose looks good, and if they never met me be4 surgery they would have never guessed I had gotten anything done. Also they said I look younger. :tup: To those who just had gone through surgery recently, i hope you guys are going through a happy recovery . Once you go past the first week of pain & suffering you guys should be good to go! :cool:
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i just retrieved my very first post since angleplane incident: was i "attacking" anybody here? who started the attacks? omg .

yes i mentioned " one sided" isnt it so? one side is saying her side of story as she is only sharing her experience and vip is not here to justify and share their side of story----" logically it is very much one sided. like it or not( but dat doesnt mean its a bad one sided isnt it) ?- unless one feels guilty? ( not suggesting)

all the while i was just "replying" to what ever u got "extra sensitive" with and attacked on me as a suspicious hired blogger. so i have to defend myself which actually think i do not have to but did. just go read thru again all the posts.

regarding LAW: very simple; im asking you now: did u or did u not in any way misuse/conduct an unauthorised entry to a private property(officetel) whereby you were formely being discharged of any further usage/authorised entry upon termination/ cessation of previously known/agreed interest between you and the state owner/hirer ? YES OR NO?

IF you can truly answer NO with integrity and complete honesty; i hereby give you my apology.

else; you technically broke a law.aware or unaware;

whether vip grant their customers any free accomodation / extra service( "extra" hereby means not in any contract/agreement or even legally worded) , they have the rights to ask anyone to leave whether; they had/ had not had any surgeries with them at all.
AS this is not part of the "product"(surgery/treatment) being legally worded again in any form of agreement. yes theyd listed their services on webbie< this is not creditable enough if subsequently disputed in court.
again- if in any event that VIP had done so; we can't deem ourselves being " ill-treated". just becuz we took for granted that we were housed in a free accommodation and we had paid a "premium".(controversy discussed)

and yes; you may sue VIP if theyd failed to practise or conduct the necessary standards to achieve your desired surgery that had been declared by your goodself officially in writings (just before the surgery).- subject to this isolated declaration that has its own terms n condition if it has not lapsed post op.

nuff said , court dismissed.
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