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asian nose job 2

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I was just trying to edit my last post but it doesn't let me edit it :sad:
I want to do surgery in Korea because they have more experience on Asian faces.
I tried to do an eyelid surgery in the US, I paid over 5-6k and the doctor made my eyelids uneven :sad: I just don't think US doctors have enough experience on US faces.

haha talk eat sleep like a caucasian with an asian look
well if i did plastic surgery i dont think new people i encounter will know, maybe they will just think im half asian or something, and i dont care about my friends knowing

a short trip for me would be expensive though like 2.5k for a few days, and i want to have someone show me around (do you know anyone who offers help services)?
ive read through a lot of cozycot but it takes sooo much time and im reading like all night (i slept at 6 am yesterday lol)
and now im going to read what 800 pages of these threads here? lol

my concern isnt necessarily that they need to speak english

but im looking for the best doctor who can consistently give the best results, a safe procedure, good established reputation (not a very small new clinic), basically a clinic i can't go wrong with
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Funny...the 2nd patient in the first set her photo is all over the subway here in Korea. I really don't like the forehead protrusion that the Koreans loves so much, hmm just my opinion.

I really LOVE all their side views, amazing job
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dont worry couple of girls had eye surgery in kr. some terium place, i shall leave it to them to advise u :smile:

as for the face; i suggest u post some pics here an your requirements.
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Lol..if you find "that" doctor let me know, as I think ALL of us are trying to find that perfect doctor.
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agree. dunt really like the forehead although it corrected some depression. but its a little too protruded.
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i dnt wanna sound like im advertising for vip . but it sounds like you can drop joan from vip an email as she can converse well and advise you in perfect english. their clinic also do facial contouring which is what you are asking right now.

other clinics do such too, like banobangi , JW, dr jung, dr kim, dr park, blah blah but im not too sure their english is up your understanding. communication is very important. as some of the folks had had visited but not much had been shared, try pming them.

there is no best doctor, it all depends on your requirements.

silicon?goretex? RIB? so on.. advise you to take time to read through this thread. ps is not something you wanna rush into and trust on just some posts and a few reviews...

basically most established clinics in seoul can do the job.
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not sure the material, but probably, most are silicon right?
but this is in china i wanted to go to korea for ps
so idk if i can use this clinic but i wanted to consult just to keep the option in mind
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Sorry I don't have experience with a clinic that does dramatic transformations. Just logically speaking, don't you think having a lot of surgeries in a transformational attempt to look more caucasian will make you have a "done" look? This is not a good look in the US IMO. Where do you live? I just ask because I'm from the SF Bay Area and a good portion of the population must be similar as you (asian ethnicity with no connection to asia). They are pretty much treated and commonly run in the same circles as white people. They ARE white. I can understand wanting to change what you have to look more attractive, but in the US I just don't get the connection between an ethnic look and being feeling caucasian. I'm 1/2 hispanic but have only the slightest connection to anything hispanic. I consider myself white. It just seems like it is so much more about class status and attitude, at least in the places I've lived. Just curious, and good luck with whatever you choose.

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@destiny1682 haha yeah i know, its so hard to find the right doctor and clinic
i dont know if there is a doctor that you can't go wrong with or something?

are you sure its the exact second girl haha? if you do surgery do the doctors have a right to use your photos and post them on their website? or do you have to agree to it?

@rawdude i contacted vip actually, i hear the doctor is good at nose jobs and people are satisfied with their nose jobs, is that true?
do you know if people have been satisfied with "jaw jobs" as well?

i emailed banobagi but no response :sad: i like that they are big

there are so many dr park's and so many doctors have the same last names, it confuses me, like all korean doctors have the same names lol

which is JW, dr jung dr kim, dr park, etc.?
so you mean dr park from oz? i emailed him already
i remember emailing a dr jung but i get the names confused :sad:

i think for rhinoplasty im deciding between silicon, ear cartilage, and rib

i think there isnt enough cartilage to achieve the look i want from my ears though
and im afraid of the rib procedure because i dont want a cut in my body like that

do you think i should take a trip to korea and do the consultations even though itll be expensive to do that?

which are the "established clinics" in seoul?

i want a drastic change, a big well established clinic with a good doctor
i prefer someone who focuses on the nose, or someone who focuses on the jaw, so i might do them separately if necessary

im so confused :sad:
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I will say, that Grand plastic surgery and one other place (which I will look up on street view because I can't remember the name) had THE HOTTEST most done looking receptionist chicks of all the clinics I walked into in the apgujung area. Their interiors were also very fancy. This doesn't mean that they are exceptionally reputable, but they are definitely selling the prospect of major transformations.
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currently i actually live in the UK but im from about 2 hours from NY
if i have my jaw shaved though, how do people know if it was "done" or if it was just the way it was? because i have a huge jaw. of course people who already know me will notice the difference but i dont mind that. and new people will think it was just the way i always was. after a drastic look still, i think people might just think thats just the way that i was, how do they know that i have had surgery? in the before/after simulation photo that a doctor sent me, if i met someone like that in the after picture i would just think thats the way they always looked, i wouldnt know that they had surgery.

even without wanting to look more caucasian, i have really unproportional features. i have a *huge* mandible. probably bigger than like 98% of the population lol. like i have a huge flat face, even my brother told me this (and he said it in an innocent way like he was like 15 years old at the time and i asked him what he thought of my face, and he's like you have a huge flat face its like someone squash your face). and doctors always recommend a buccal fat removal. so its not like i *just* want to look caucasian, i seriously think that my features are out of proportions. and i have a pig nose. ill post a picture of my nose in a sec. and when i go swimming i always get water in my nose.

none of my friends care how i look, i mean i have both american and asian friends and i dont think it really matters to them, but it bothers me i guess. like i just want to feel closer to my identity and i feel weird appearing asian when i take pictures with people who aren't asian lol.

i can't consider myself white because i look asian (although i feel white i guess). i don't think someone who looks 100% asian looks can be "white" even if their personality is white unless they look somewhat white too. people see me as "that asian girl" and sometimes when i do business with people, they might think im greedy or something (just a stereotype) and i dont like that because im actually really generous and not greedy at all. but i i think it intimidates some people when i meet them in person. and i really think its how i look, because i dont get that feeling when i talk to people on the phone or email people.

like when i changed my name, and began using my new name more all over the place online and on the phone, people talked to me differently, i dont know its like they didn't feel intimidated by me and stuff. i run a website online and im a very approachable person but i think that having an asian name scared some people to approach me because they thought i wasn't friendly or something (i know its just a stereotype but i dont like it when people stereotype or judge me for being asian and they think that my character is bad or something). i dont know.

when i changed my legal name it felt really right afterwards. like nothing felt wrong about it. i felt closer to my identity. i didn't even change it due to marriage or anything, i just wanted to change my name, i took on the last name of my favorite celebrity haha. and the first name i had been using many years already.

when i tell people im asian or something the conversation always gets like oh so what's china like? do you like the US or china better? etc. and they ask me all kinds of questions about china. i dont like questions like this because i dont know anything about china lol

and sometimes when i walk down the street people are like "ni-hao" sometimes its not even in a nice way (its like they are making fun of me for being chinese) and it really bugs me.

i think it would really help my self-confidence if i just didnt look chinese.
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haha whats their website?
maybe all clinics should do this then, it is easy to hire pretty receptionists?
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Excuse me. I went to Clinic 9 and they shooed me away right away and told me to go to Grand. Both of these places had plastic receptionists.

website for grand:
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I think what me and rawdude are saying is that this appears to be really hard to pull off correctly. Why not be a really hot chinese looking person? Tons of confident hot looking chinese looking people around. That would probably help your self confidence. I'm a big fan of the mandible reduction surgery BTW, results I've seen from that surgery look amazing.
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