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asian nose job 2

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@jenstar11 : I have been reading all your posts and they are a goldmine.

Please, those who had rib cartilage revision, please let us know about other clinics and the consultations you had. It is extremely useful to people even if they don't express it. We'll go back to your posts and use the information.
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For those who had consultation with the clinics before, could you help me with my questions?

1. How long does a reasonable consultation take?
2. Do you have to pay for it? If so, how much?
3. Did the doctor have to feel your nose?
4. Did they show you the before and after photos during the consultation?
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I agree with Destiny. Seems like an identity issue :/ I feel like you will never be really happy..
Kayrider also has a good point. Lose the weight before any surgery. Unlessss you dont ever plan on losing weight. (speaking from experience -_-)

And those photos from Wonjin look completely photoshopped, the before photos.
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Cosmgirl, the more you try to justify yourself, the more obvious it is that you are having an identity crisis :/ you say you feel like youre trapped in another body? That doesnt make sense at all -_- If you were born again, would you be born Asian or White?

We are only telling you the truth. We dont mean any harm. We are all trying to help each other out here. As destiny said, you should really reach out to professional help before these surgeries :sad:
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Sorry to go back on my previous review but for those who want to have Joann's side of the story, she has sent me an email. I am posting it because many people has said that my experience was helpful. For others, skip the rest of my post if you don't want to hear about that "little misunderstanding".
For those who think it is personal. I don't think it is. I am a patient and like I did on the cheekbone thread on Cozycot I posted emails from clinics. Also, Joann used their professional VIP email where eight persons at the reception could read my answer.
So below, you will see Joann's email and my answer.

Hello Joann,

Thank you for your message.
I will answer in the body of your email.

Hello Lily,

This is JoAnn.
I am writing this letter because I want to clarify some points that you have written about me in the forum.
I have been hearing from patients that there was a long negative essay about me from you,
but I tried not to read it because I didn't want to get upset and have bad relationship with you.

Joann, I think you should read my posts, I don't think you will be upset as I only stated facts (some may have interpreted them as negative but I don't think they were, I just wrote my experience as it was, you will see the good and the bad, but I don't think I was criticizing at any time, I only stated events and how they occurred).

Many patients asked and e-mailed me about the review you wrote in the forum.

I also received emails, some said that my reviews were actually in your favor. Indeed, because I wrote the events as they occurred positive and negative moments, the positive reviews even have more credibility. Also, I have always praised Dr Lee and his skills in all the posts and recommended him to anyone who wanted to have a rib cartilage rhinoplasty.

I did the best what I could do for you while you are staying, but you only wrote negative things that some you might have made up.

I recommend that you read my posts, you will see that I also mention the positive, I highly recommend Dr Lee. As for you, I mentioned in the forum that you picked me up from Teuimps and I slept in the recovery room.

You are the one who had bitter feeling towards us, I thought everything went well so I was wishing you the best till the end.

I did not have bitter feelings. I didn't feel like even mentioning all the details of my experience because at the end, all that matters to me are Dr Lee's skills.
But someone asked if people would advise to go during the summer, so I explained that it seemed a bit rushed when I was there and I explained my liposuction in details. Then, patients that you know have been offended by my posts, and I explained more details of my experience. If you read the posts, I don't think you will find them offensive. They sound always worse if you hear them from an intermediary.

Do you think you would be happy if I wrote you things with full of hatred?

I think you should read my posts, there is no hate in them at all. Also, I do not even have this feeling towards you. And if that was even the case, people would see it and not take my posts into account.
I also hope we can be in a good relationship as I told you I plan on coming back to VIP clinic.
I said on the forum that I was, overall satisfied of the service and that it was the only clinic in which I felt no pain, and that is why I went back for liposuction.
I also said I'd go back to VIP in my posts.

I remember you saying that I should be nice to you because of the forum. Don't try to use forum to threaten me.

I never said that you should be nice to me because of the forum. No one would do that if they have the slightest ability to think. I would never have the idea to say such a thing because that would have offend people more than anything else. Therefore, I am sorry to say that, but your above statement is false.

All I did, was showing you in an enthusiastic way that you may have gained a patient. I thought you'd appreciate it. Also, I never had the intention to threaten you because I don't even know what is at sake ? Also, if I had any plans against your interests, why would I ask you if you know the Purseforum and tell you my nickname ? I never had the intention to harm you. I was grateful to those who helped me on the forum, so when questions were asked I felt like telling my experience. I tried to state it as facts, in an objective manner, but it ended up giving me more work than what I thought and I found myself having to justify or describe every little event in detail.
Anyway, I think there are only 4 or 5 long posts, it will take you 20 to 30 minutes to read them. Click on my nickname and you can see all my posts. Please, read them, you will see that it is not as bad as it seems. I just stated events or what have been said. Also, you will be able to see that everything I wrote actually occurred, I did not invent it.

I believe patients come for Dr. Lee's work, and I just do I can do best for foreign patients because they are all worried when they come to the place without knowing Korean. What kind of person are you? You seem to change personality everytime.
I end up with a confusion what kind of person you are.

If I understand well you are saying that I have a changing personality. There is no need to demonize me, with more communication you would have had more faith in me.
Whenever I was with you, I never had the opportunity to say more than 3 sentences in a row or to talk for more than 2 minutes when I had a discussion with you, because you were too busy and not interested in what I had to say (except during the liposuction consultation, I could talk more), I decided that I'd just condense everything I was thinking into "Overall, I had a good experience with VIP clinic." because, at the end, even if there were less good moments, all that matter to me are the skills of Dr Lee. So, indeed, I am satisfied of the fact that he did his best during the surgery, since the surgeon skills' are all that matter, I consider that overall my experience was good. Dr Song and the nurses were very nice to me too.

About changing personality, I think I see what you mean, you think I was nice at the clinic and not nice on the forum. While I was at the clinic, I always remained calm and never complained even when I felt pain (for common procedures, needles, catheter removal etc.)
I tried to be objective in the forum and I was calm when I wrote them. Someone also told me in a private message that I seem to take the situation calmly. I think I have been consistent all the time.
Please, at least read the posts, there are only 4 or 5 that are long and that are talking about my experience at VIP clinic. Then, maybe, you'll see that my posts were just the account of my experience.
Contrary to what you wrote above, I don't think you will be more upset for reading them. Also, you say you don't want to read them, in order to keep a good relationship with me. So, does it mean we are in a good relationship ? I hope that despite all this, this is the case.
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So I heard that you even made comments about my English too,
Yes, English is my second language, so what? Did you had any better communication outside of our clinic?

I did not criticize your English, I would never dare to do that because I, myself, may not have a good English.
I just stated an anecdote, explaining that sometimes there might be confusions. It is important for a patient to know that, otherwise, we can just speak very fast in our language, guessing that everything is understood. I think you should read my posts otherwise you may be offended for no reason. I said that I said I was going to check on the 2nd floor if my charger was there and you answered something related to the surgery, so I thought you guessed what I just said.
English is also my second language, and there's nothing wrong with that. When I started learning English, I also guessed what others said in certain situations.

I wasn't going to write this kind of e-mail to tell what you have done but you are keep upsetting me.

You say I keep upsetting you. But how ? I don't want to upset you. Please, read my posts, don't rely on what people say. Everyone has a different sensitivity. You will see for yourself by reading the actual posts.
I think you should directly read my posts, I know you are busy, but there are only 4 or 5 long posts. Also, as you asked me to, I never emailed you nor called you after I came back to Europe, because I know you are busy. But, I also have worries like other patients and I would have liked to ask you questions to be reassured. Instead, I have to ask my questions on the forum.

I knew you sneaked in the room and took advantage of them.

I do not appreciate the vocabulary you use "sneak" and "take advantage" because these words are partial. But, if you wish so, it doesn't matter.

First of all, I was in a state in which I could not talk as I had mouth ulcers on my mouth and lips and I had constant saliva coming out of my mouth. So, I could not talk, my head was in a bandage and the translator said that to you on the phone. You told her that I must leave the room. So, in my state, I had no choice than to reach for help. I went to the only person who's room number I knew because I walked her to VIP clinic when she asked me how to go there. She said "sure" you can stay in my room, because she saw the state in which I was. I communicated to her by typing on my laptop.
But I understand that people do not like to share rooms in general. She contacted another forum member who has said that she didn't mind me staying in her room. When I went to her room the next day, I could talk a bit more (after one night of sleep) despite the bandages, my mouth ulcers on the surface of my lips (due to canullas that went back and forth during the mandibular surgery) had healed. I was in her Officetel room in the morning. I saw her in the beginning of the afternoon, accompanied with another forum member, she said that she didn't mind and "people should help each other". Then, when I took a nap and was half asleep. She woke me up and told me to leave the room because she couldn't share the room. So, I said I'm going to check if the code in my initial room on the 7th floor still worked. She said "If not, just get a hotel." The thing is, my head in bandages and not being able to talk, it would have been impossible for me to find a hotel. When I asked you if I could stay in Officetel, you said "If there is a bed available I don't mind you staying." Also, I do not speak Korean and my Officetel room was empty the entire time when I reached for help to these two persons.

You went into Kekeke and Townstory's room to share. I don't mind that you shared the rooms with them, so I didn't say anything.
However, I felt bad for you and didn't say anything so you could recover well.

As said above, the translator hired by Smallface told you that I could not even talk and you told her to tell me to go away, she said that it was rude from you. So, I didn't think you would have helped me. Knowing that the room was empty, you told her that I should leave, and now, you say that you would have helped me ? I wished it happened that way.

No one wanted to share room with you since you made so much mess around the rooms.

I admitted that I could be messy, now that was an easy argument to attack me, but I just unpacked my backpack and indeed that can look messy. As I did not have a suitcase as you know.
Also, my face looked "messy" in the bandage with my saliva constantly leaking from my mouth.

What did I do wrong to you?

Read the posts, you will see what I said, everything is in there. There is no need to victimize anyone.

Also I did invited you for the dinner and show but you rejected my offer.

When the group was there when you mentioned the show, you counted 8 people, so I thought it included me. So, I said "Can I come ? " Then, you said "there are other groups".
Later, you never talked to me about the show, nor a dinner.
But anyway, it didn't matter because I had a liposuction. I never rejected an offer as you never came to me to talk to me about an evening out.

Is it my fault? It was your decision to have liposuction that day.

Therefore, I don't understand your last sentence.
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We fed you whenever you were hungry, when you needed accommodation, I let you stay at the hotel and the clinic.

During my entire stay, you asked me 4 times if I wanted to have lunch when I was not recovering in the recovery room.
1st time: The evening before my rhinoplasty. The next day after I arrived at the airport.
2nd time :Once, right after the cook gave me a porridge when I mimicked to her if I could have a meal (because Cindy from Malaysia had a meal everyday even though she was not in the recovery room and no one said anything). I regret having even asked only once to have a snack.
3rd time : The day of my blood test and my USD 6000 (with 5% deduction to avoid bank fees on both sides) payment for the liposuction, the day before the liposuction.
4th time: My last day at the clinic.

As for accommodation, for Officetel, the story is stated above. And for the night at the clinic after my eyelid surgery at Teuimps. I said on the forum that you gave me a night at the recovery room, expressing my gratefulness.

I paid your hotel accommodation with my own money but you still don't appreciate me.

I said on the Forum that you were nice to me and that you even paid two nights at the hotel. Kekeke said it was because I was so messy no one wanted to share a room with me and you had no choice than to put pay a hotel for me. But no matter what has been said, I am still grateful that the two nights were paid for me.

The compression garment was provided to you for free,

Yes, I appreciate. But I did not have the 10% student discount. Why ? 10% is much higher than the garments' (compression clothes) price. But thank you for the garments.

I picked you up from Teuim after your surgery,

I said that you did this on the forum.

and then I ask Miss Ra to dropped you off at Small face.

That was a nice gesture and I am grateful for that, it avoided me walking there.

Do you think other managers in other clinics would be happy to pick and drop you off to other clinics?

No, I don't think they would have done this as they don't have the same means as VIP clinic. Maybe, that could explain the difference in prices.

I even made you a dinner at night because you were hungry again.

I think the terms you use are biased: "you were hungry again". Except for that one time, I mimicked to the cook if I could have a snack (as I don't speak Korean, nor Chinese). I have never requested a meal, nor even said that I was hungry. As a nice Korean person, you asked if I had dinner or lunch, and I just answer that I didn't. I have never said "I am hungry", nor have I asked you for a meal.

You said you liked the service here but then I don't think that's the case. You lied to us.

This is what you think, but you should read my posts. Therefore, I don't really like the above sentence "you lied to us" as it is insulting.
I said that overall I was satisfied because for me all that matter are the surgeon's skills, and I would go back to VIP clinic. As I said to you, the pain was minimal, so I think just for this it is worth going to VIP clinic.

Working here for over 10 years, but this is the first time I had such a bad relationship with a patient.

So, did you think it went well while I was there or it didn't go well because of my posts on the forum ?
Because, while I was there you said it was different with me and in this email at the beginning you said you thought everything went well. I am confused about what you think.
As a patient, I always wanted to have a good relationship with you and I wanted you to like me. All patients want you to like them.

Usually I love keeping touch with previous patients because all are so sweet, but with you, it's very different like you wrote in the forum.

So, did you read all the posts ?

I didn't mean the word 'different' in a negative way but now you made this situation.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by that sentence except that it gives me the impression that you are blaming me.

Well it's fine if you don't like me, but we did the best we could do.

Your statement is not true. I wished you liked me, as I said, all patients want you to like them, not the opposite, it was and it is still the same for me.

Thanks for making my day.

So, are you upset against me or do you want to be in a good relationship ?

I can't never ever forget you for what you did for my reputation.

I stated events that occurred. I wanted to share my experience because I was helped by those who shared their own. I never wanted to harm you, as you probably never wanted to hurt nor harm me.

Are you going to come back to Korea?

Probably, yes.

I will wait for you !

Er...I hope it is a good sign that you'll wait for me ?

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PS : I have changed names to nicknames for privacy.

Also, if I was a patient, I would have been interested in reading that email. So, I posted it on the forum. I know I will be attacked or bashed again for doing this. But I want to share my entire experience and I think this is the point of the forum. Those who are bored by that kind of posts can just skip it. That's what I did for many posts that did not interest me. If I offended anyone who are satisfied with their rib nose. I am sorry, but I had no intention in hurting your feelings by sharing my entire experience before my surgery and even post-op.
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Hi Kain,

The doctor did a great job for you! :smile:

May I know what is paranasals augmentation? I have a slightly long face. I want to do cheek implant. But don't want my cheek to be hard. So I decided not to do after asking around.

Where's VIP clinic? Can you give me the website if have?

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The before and after is so nice!
Who's Dr Park? Any contact or website? Thanks ;)
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Being secure in your identity doesn't mean you have to start acting asian, being proud of being asian, or start learning about your culture. It's just accepting the truth for what it is, and going from there.

Ie, "Hi I'm bisous, I'm asian but I can't speak my language and don't really like what my parents cook most of the time. I grew up with white people, I love me some white men, and sometimes am embarrassed by certain things that people from my parents' ethnic background do. And I'm not going to apologize for any of this." There's much more to life than succumbing to labels.. or what did someone else say on the forum? "Imaginary boundaries".

If these things bother you so much that you want to alter your appearance, I also do suggest that you talk to a professional about it -- because you will still face these problems post surgery, and you will have many more problems than just being "that Chinese girl" - you will be "that girl that has a plastic surgery problem". You don't want people to whisper these things behind your backs at parties or at work, do you?

We are concerned for you because if you go into these surgeries wanting to change your facial structures using a white person as an example, then you might be sorely disappointed with the lack of harmony in your results and keep wanting more surgeries. I don't recommend that you bring in photos of white people's jaw lines. Everyone's face has its limitations. And you will find that if you email 20 doctors, you might run into 10 that will say "yes" to your wishes even if it's not ethical for them as a doctor to proceed. So I hope that you will take great caution, because from your posts it doesn't seem like you are sure of what you want.

Maybe you should take time to learn more about the surgeries and give yourself more time so you can make good, life-long lasting decisions.
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- acceptance of flaws is path to the greater happiness.

sorry i cant sleep

to ALL: no racists here i hope; lets not side track thread. generally, our cosmogirl here needs help regarding the technical; not philosophy/humanity/culture/social lessons. give her a break.

well shes been accepting bashings and quite ready for rebuttals from her posts.

to cosmogirl: FACTS you need to know before decision:

a correct mindset:
1)by changing whatever you need to change on your face will not change your blood. Asian is in your blood. and will not change your identity.lets face it.

2)unless u change the color of your eyes ,hair and probably your skin; you will NOT look any Caucasian. you will look mixed- tops. accept this fact.

3) In this world; ther are many whites who wished to be an asian and otherwise,whichever-wise. maybe you are just experiencing a phase . that phase can be delusional; do me a favor; next time u think of becoming or looking like an Caucasian; ask yourself one thing: what is so superior about them?

that being said: you gonna look prolly mixed and prolly " done" makes the Caucasian in your country despise you even more and prolly regards you as " wannabe " among their race?
but you know what?

not a be deal people tease you? fyi; alot of whites have to look up to ASIAN these days. Look at what is happening around STATES and EUROPE now? world depends on CHINA . This is ASIA time.- not that this matters anyway but;

point is: BE PROUD of who you are and you shouldnt care about shallow remarks by those "whitish" racists. they are all over.
IF you dislike it so much; get out of the country.( i think there is better place to live in) if you cant change the blood; change the environment.

still: am just sharing my 2 cents; if you had set it clear; go for it! do the right thing SAFELY, remb" sometimes LESS is MORE.

Dont worry too much about GA , LA GUcci or Prada, the various reputable clinics will have your health checked and make sure you are not allergic to those.

get the whole face done 1 shot to avoid multiple downtime and post op care. i advise you to get them done at one reputable place which the dr knows what he is doing and you have faith in him.

ps: we are just too humans; whichever color we are
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good to hear everything went fine. did u say that they used sedation when they were cleaning/changing the dressings from your nose??
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