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asian nose job 2

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well hello there, gorgeous ;)!
i saw ur before photos, when u posted them, and what a transformation!

i dont think you should worry about granma' lips :smile: maybe my eyes are bad, but i didnt notice anything wrong with them lol

the swelling started to go down a lot by the 3 months mark?
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so the dr. put the cast back on for me yesterday cause of swelling. now the top of my bridge (b/w my eyes) got 2x smaller and more defined =D it looks nicee, but my tip is even more out of place now TT. and also the right side of my tip is a lot more swollen than the left. like a LOT. its so obv in pictures cause even though my face is striaght. my nose tip looks like my face is slightly tilted to one side.. does that make sense ? TT . hope it striaghtens itself out soon :c
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Hi, care to share with me. Which Clinic you went to? Which Dr Lee? :smile:
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Hahahahaha. Yeah I get what you mean. When I was in the recovery room, we took our mobile phones out and started comparing before and after pics. Then I realised that I have way too many pictures of myself
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Dr. Lee said 6mm. I didnt swell that bad really and I did not bruise at all. Its the first time I used sineech before and after surgery, so I guess it helped. Some of the other patients used it as well and they didnt bruise or swell that much. Yeah it looks like a conservative job. And I like it that way. I told JoAnn and dr lee that i didnt want it too high. I think the tip is a bit high though. I wouldnt know for sure until the swelling goes done.
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Looking good Kain!

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@rawdude : in page 394 of this thread, you say :

"hi im not against goretex/silicone.. i have been wondering so im just doing researches for you guys.

Here are your options

Unfortunately I see patients like you every week in my office..."

You seem to know a lot about rhinopasty, which is good if it helps people who are looking to have a rhinoplasty. You also spend a long time doing research for us guys and you also seem to be helping people through private messages which is very generous of you. I have no doubt that you were a previous patient yourself, like many people, and that you want to share all the knowledge you gathered and you think people should benefit from your researches.

May I ask you what kind of office you work in ?

Also, you say in page 394 : "the best is dont touch the nose at all, if really require, try not to touch the bridge, if really require so;autologous material preferred. "

But yourself you went through the rib nose and you advice your sister to do the same.

Do you think it is better to keep a natural flexible nose or to go for rib ?
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<<< u r asking my personal opinion?

personally i think , its becuz i had severe deviation resulting bad sinus and extreme large nostrils. else i wont touch PS at all.

but somehow i think many ladies here already have a "reasonable" nose to live with but they seek enhancements , they dont look ugly with old nose . well. thats OK- to each have his own..

whether one needs a nose job or not is really personal- i have no rights to say if we should do or not. i guess as long as our mindset is healthy.
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OMG babe.... Really, again??

Pls don't flame me ok, I'm jus passing by. =p
*quickly run away*

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THIS QUOTE? lol extracted from realself my friend. sorry for the confusion. i dunt meet patients. :smile: i run a biz which is totally different from the medical world
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