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asian nose job 2

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You are required to register using a Korean SSN or have a Korean friend sign-in so that you can view the forum. Otherwise you cannot even read a post on Naver.

It is common for Korean people to write reviews and not post the actual name. Rather, they tell the clinic implicitly because they fear the clinic will prosecute them. It is easy for the clinic to find them since they have to register with there SSN.
The writers mentiond korean letter, ㅍ ㅑ ㅔ , that are located in same position of the keyboard with vip. Also, mention the location and this certificate received in U.S.
There is more on the forum but I did not translate all of it because it is tiring. If you want, find a Korean friend to help you on Naver
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My impression was that she was a bit unhappy with the asthetics, pissed off about the functionality(hardness and cold weather effects, and living in Korea that would really suck) but absolutely terrified and distraught that no one else wants to touch her nose because of the procedures she had done at VIP. Ouch, a bad result I could live with, I even 1/2 expected it for my primary, but to not have another chance to correct it... wow, so sad.
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I see. Yeah, most of the doctors I consulted about my paranasal implants recommended that if I wanted to remove them, I'd have to go back to my original surgeon. It sounds like she wanted to have it corrected but was told to wait one year, then freaked out at the front lobby of the clinic and the cops were called?? Eeek.
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so you do speak korea rit? i'll will be in korea this sept so beside VIP do you recommend any other clinics, can your give a list, before seeing ur post my heart was set for VIP but now im freaking out, i already book my ticket and have everything plan out so im gonna have my nj done in sept no matter what cuz i been want my nj since little. But now i dont knw which clinics to go to :hysteric:
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There are always the pros and cons of surgery, all documented in clinical studies and medical journals. I will still be getting my surgery done at VIP Clinic and this review doesn't really faze me - there were a lot of statements that I was already aware of. When you take the big step with getting plastic surgery done, you have to consider all aspects: possible positives and negatives. I feel maybe the OP didn't really entirely exhaust herself on all forms of research. Maybe went on a whim one day to get rhinoplasty done?

I do thank ExpatinKorea for giving us another point of view about VIP though.
The review was on VIP, through the indirect description of where the clinic was located at: Ap-gu-jong (압구정) #3 Exit is walking distance to where VIP Clinic is.

As for the rib cartilage, all cartilages are supposed to harden over time. What was the OP expecting - for the nose to be all entirely soft?
As with all plastic surgeries, you have to be careful afterwards. No one is suggesting you to go out and play baseball or boxing - so yes, it's necessary to take absolute care of the surgery site.. That's a complete no brainer.

No doctor is made of perfection. They can be skilled but of course there are cases where things aren't positive and not in their favour or the patient's favour. I'm sure VIP isn't the only clinic with bad cases.

I believe that maybe the nose turning blue might be a slight dramatization. Maybe it felt uncomfortably cold. I've been to Beijing before and the weather was absolutely painfully stifling - the wintery air took the breath out of your lungs like a cold punch to the stomach. Even with my natural nose, my nose like it was going to fall off also - numbed out and almost felt like it wasn't my nose that was sitting on my face.
There isn't much of a difference there because cold weather causes a reduction of blood flow - so the nose is more sensitive to cold temperatures.


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^ Your post made me feel better. I just got a little o_o because I didn't read everything carefully.

I felt that too in NY. I'm wonder how my new nose will feel like during Winter. Hmm

And hmm .. I'm really curious.. I've seen many bad reviews on BK Clinic, Banobogi, etc but there are still people going there. For VIP, there aren't actually many bad reviews on them as compared to the other clinics. The poster from Naver said he/she knows 10 friends who got bad results, so I'm curious to see if they did post their review online as well.

azn_kid: Before I went to VIP, there were some negative comments but that didn't stop me from going. I'm sure every clinic you will to go to has at least 1 bad review. But will that stop you from doing the surgery?
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bisousx... I completely agree with you on rib cartilage. I'm 3 weeks post op and I had silicone before (my silicone implant also shifted), and for some strange reason, even if my tip is a bit hard it doesn't feel like I had a nose job. Its a different feeling from having silicone. I always thought that having a rib graft would feel weird but its actually the opposite.

I think the shininess is only under certain types of light sources from what I heard. I noticed it whenever I had my picture taken. Its not obvious to most people. Just me I guess hahaha.
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@Kekeke the OP's post made little sense to me. If I knew even one person who personally had a bad experience with a surgeon, there's no way I would dare get my nose done at that place. Let alone 10 people....
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Haha.. we're twinsies! :P

Even though I love my rib nose, I don't discourage anyone from getting silicone. It's cheap enough that you can try it out first - many people have successful silicone noses. Just be sure to remove it if it's infected or shifts.

I knew something was wrong with my silicone implant when, at 5 months post op, there was a slight pain when I touched my nose. Up until then, I thought it was normal to have some pain (it was my first surgery and I didn't know any better) but my mom rushed me to her surgeon friend. He took a look at it and removed it that day.
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Ahh good for you. I had to wait over a year for a revision. I had my silicone implant replaced twice before I finally decided to go for rib. Yeah I think silicone is a good implant material,its cheap and relatively easy to revise. I have seen people who had silicone implant for more than 10 years and it still looks fine. I guess me and silicone just don't match :P
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Just had my consultation. It went pretty well, lasted about an hour. He used 3D imaging and everything.

He recommended rib all around, tip and bridge. I have a weak septum and he says ear cartilage isn't strong enough for the tip projection I require. He's looking to raise the bridge by 3mm and tip 5mm. The 3D imaging wasn't perfect but I think it's a realistic expectation. He ran through a bunch of risks, etc.

I also liked that he recognised why my face is flat. Turns out it's some cheek fat, which is simple to remove. He showed me on the imaging, whew! He also said the lack of jawline definition is also due to fat since the bone is strong, so he'll rid that too. He also said there is no need for buccal fat removal, which is what I thought I needed, so I'm glad he knows more than me, haha. He said I was thin so my chubby face was definitely not a weight issue. Glad to finally get someone to understand I need minor face thinning. :smile:

I liked the imaging I saw. The front wasn't perfect but indeed the side looked much nicer and I still look like myself. Subtle, but still drastic. I only really need subtle procedures for a drastic change, like I'd always suspected. He said I didn't need paranasals.

Anyway total cost for both the rhino and fat removal is about £6500, which is like $11000. I think I'm gonna go with the UK doc. Since I am comfortable I found a good and repuable surgeon at home, I think it's not necessary to travel abroad now, especially since I wouldn't be saving much on costs if at all when you consider travel. I just think if you can stay at home, do so.

If cosmgirl is still around, pm me and I'll give you the name of the doc. He's well known for face and nose in the uk, though he is face lifts and fat removal, not bone stuff (maxillofacial?). you might find you only need fat removal. He said if I still thought I needed some depth to my face, maybe insider cheek augmentation but not yet. Funny because I'm certain Koreans would say cheek reduction. Perhaps he's working more to a western aesthetic and hey if that's what you want... I know a few more big name UK docs too, did quite a bit of research so if anyone else is in the uk and considering saying, lemme know. :smile:
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I 100% agree with deliriousgirl.

For about a year I was completely satisfied in my decision to have a rib rhino with dr. lee. but let me just tell you, spending a few days consulting other plastic surgeons will shed a lot of light and add more dimensions to the whole rhinoplasty ordeal.

i did a ton of research, read a lot of medical journals and i was positive that rib was the way to go... but it never hurts to hear from actual plastic surgens, other than vip, their reasons for not using rib or for using rib or for any other implant material :smile:

it's always beneficial to hear what other doctors will have to say. i believe that rhinoplasty is NOT a one size fits all kinda thing. and neither is what type of implant material you use. some definitely will benefit from a rib cartilage nose + tip but NOT ALL OF YOU WILL!!

so go out there, see what your options are :smile:

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Actually one thing about that the recent bad VIP review that got me wondering was the whole thing about 10 hour surgeries. I suspect she might be ring, maybe more than ne at once. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with it. While I think it's good a surgeon take his time, it seems VIP regularly takes 8-10 hours, even though those are always special cases? I don't know. I asked the surgeon here how long it took and he said around 2.5 - 3 hours, which sounded more reasonable. Other places I've read about seem to have the same estimate. He did say it depends, but on average, for a rib surgery. Also to get a rib rhino here only costs about £300 (about $550) more than a regular rhino... he says rib is regularly used for reconstructive injury related rhinos.

Also he said that the shape if my eyes may change a it because the skin would be tugged. However it may also stretch back. Has anyone with a very flat bridge who had it raised a bit experienced a change of eye shape? This concerns me most, I like the shape of my eyes and think I look a little odd with the skin pulled in a bit. :/. From everyone's rib rhino that I saw though, I don't see a change of eye shape... :/
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