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asian nose job 2

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I had left over stitches that I went to get taken out last week. *2* assistants pulled out stitches with one holding that high powered light they have. Just this week I saw I still have 1 stitch in there. I don't smell anything, but it is a booger magnet.
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hey i definitely agree with u. i think the least u should wait is 6 months so tht way u can give ure nose ample time to heal. and if u still loook unnatural and just dont like it, revision seems like a good idea :smile:

hopefully it wont have to come to that though. heal well!!
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lol haha i think all of us here who want anything done are gonna have to suck up the embarrassment of walking around with bandages and bruises all over :smile:

it will all be worth it in the end tho.

so have u picked out a clinic u want to have surgery at yet? or are u juss gonna check out a bunch of clinics when ur there and pick the one that seems best?

goodluck on everything
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hey u can always email him if ure interested, and ask him all the questions u have about soft rib.

ive emailed him before, so his secretary will probably be the one responding to ure emails since hes the onli one experienced in english i think.

i probably be emailing him as well, since no one has translated the chinese text yet.

heres his email if interested :smile:[email protected]
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hahah i felt suuuuuuuper awkward as well :smile: and people are not shy about staring in korea :P but once i got the cast off, i started feeling less self-conscious~
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Yeah, and at least you're asian. Imagine being a post-op 외국인-looking person. Takes the staring to a whole new level.
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Booger magnet, SO TRUE. Gross, but so true. I hate it :sad: my nose constantly feels stuffed.

I'm going to contact my doctor about the smell in my nose and see what he says....

Haha >.< I'm going to die in my hotel/hostel room. Bc, after my primary rhino, I stayed in my room for 7 days straight~ Didn't even want to see my parents until my nose cast was off. *Sigh*

I haven't yet made a decision yet. I don't think I'm going to VIP for a consultation anymore because I don't plan on doing rib. I have a list of clinics I want to visit, but I know there will be a lot of locals that aren't on the internet. I'm just trying to decide, how many consultations is too much? I don't want to confuse myself :/

Awww, I can't wait to see photos, hehe..
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frozen nose doesn't look natural, at least on me :sad:
i'm very animated when i talk and i smile and laugh a lot
and to have a nose that doesn't move when the rest of my face is moving changes my look from cute to... strange and uncomfortable :cry:

BUT i'm only 2 weeks post op so let's see what happens in the coming weeks :smile: i'm sure there's still a lot of healing left...

for those of you with silicone experience, how long does it take before all the swelling goes down? specifically, how long before the swelling on the bridge goes down?

so, i read over and over on this forum that rib nose doesn't look so hot in the beginning but gets better and better as time goes by whereas silicone or other foreign implants looks really good in the beginning but causes problems down the line...

well, WHERE IS MY HOT NOSE?! i used silicone so i want a hot nose right now :pout:

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Silicone noses need time to heal too~ My doctor said for me (goretex) I had to wait at least two months~ You're probably still really swollen!!! I doubt any nose job will look pretty right after since we were completely cut open, ^___^ I'm sure it will look very very pretty in a few weeks :biggrin:
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Could you tell us the two on the list that the manager approved of? :smile:
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When I had silicone, I was presentable by day 4. But the swelling did not go down on the bridge for at least one month. My radix was also very high at one month.
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Hey so you used Goretex.. Does it feel soft and is it rubbable?
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Goretex is REALLY natural looking. Like, unbelievably natural, lol. I'm very happy with the bridge and my nose overall, because it just looks like a better version of my nose.. but the TIP is bulbous :sad: I don't know why the Dr left the tip like that..

I'm debating.. whether to live with the bulbous tip.. since my nose looks like it's never been touched...

Or just get a revision and have a nice & pretty nose where everyone around me will know I had a nj...

Bleh~ It's so hard..
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Hey guys, speaking of naturalness. I was on a date this weekend (my first since nj) and somehow the issue of plastic surgery came up. She said "I don't understand those that get plastic surgery, I mean I understand those that are totally disfigured that need to fix their face" totally talking as if we were both casual observers of those having had surgery. hahaha, what they don't know. Anyway just wondered if anyone had similar situations.
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My friend is dating this new guy who also was talking about his ex girlfriend and how she had plastic surgery and that's why he broke up with her... and how he's super against plastic surgery because he thinks people have to be that shallow to go to that extent. I didn't really know how to respond because I was so pissed off......

I don't understand why it's such a big deal when it's a PERSONAL choice.. I just don't get why people say stupid BS like "I have no respect for them"
One of my friends said "I'll be really disappointed in you if you do anymore." and I'm thinking to myself.. WHY? Does that make me a bad person?? I don't know -_- It's annoying~

OHH! Btw, my friend is getting rhino done and has NO idea if she should tell the guy or not..
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