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asian nose job 2

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Hey it might just be the swelling.. Give it at least a month for the swell to go down..May i know which material u used? Because from what i've read diff materials have different deswell rates=)
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milky!!! :hugs: i'm REALLY glad to hear that you're healing well!! and i'm even happier that you're liking your new nose :biggrin:

i know exactly what you mean when you wrote that you're embarrassed about your new look. i met up with one of my best friends, whom i normally feel completely at ease with, and i couldn't believe how self-conscious my new nose made me feel. it's making me feel really anxious about meeting my other friends :sad:

but the important thing is you like your nose and if you're comfortable with it, i think other people will be as well. and it's amazing how quickly people forget. next new gossip that comes along, your nose will be long forgotten :smile:
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i used silicone. i think that's part of the reason why i'm so anxious right now, because there's supposed to be minimal swelling with silicone :sad:

thank you taeyang :smile: i think i'm gonna hold off on emailing the soft rib doctor for a little bit. i don't want to add to my regret upon regret that i have right now about everything :smile: but please do let us know if you find out more information.

haha i can only imagine :smile: where did you learn to speak/write korean? it's quite impressive :smile: you mentioned having a korean girlfriend a while back.. was it from her?

haha thanks juicyme :smile: it's just that i've heard so many times on this forum that silicone noses look really good from the get-go that i'm not giving myself enough time to deswell and heal :P

the manager gave thumbs up to 101 and JW :smile:

oh bisousx, i could kiss you right now!!!!! :smooch: it's such a huge relief to hear you say that. it's my radix that bothers me the most right now. it's SO HIGH... how long did it take for your radix to go down to its completely deswelled height? all i did was research for a year on rib cartilage implants so i have no idea what to expect with silicone (except all the things that can go wrong with it ;p)

awww~ he's so sweet :smile:
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I think its an open rhinoplasty thing, that makes the nose frozen. Usually silicone rhino is done with closed (endonasal) rhinoplasty, this type of rhino heals really fast but since its closed, the surgeon cannot see the inside of your nose as much and if you had deviation like me, he didnt see that my nose was deviated and that was reason that my implant shifted. But closed rhino is less invasive. Goretex and cartilage require an open approach so unfortunately for us who had an open rhinoplasty, healing takes longer than a closed one.

I know what you mean about a frozen nose... my friends told me that my nose doesnt move as well and its looks a funny. But day by day it is getting better... Hang it there... My tip is starting to move now.... just a bit though. Im slowly regaining my old facial expressions back (im really hoping it will). Im a month post op now

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jesse00... I would say give it a 6 months before you think of a revision... My nose when I had silicone kept on changing until the 3rd month...

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JuicyME... did you have cartilage for your tip? I think thats a downside of goretex... the tip projection isnt that good compared to silicone... but they say it is softer than silicone though. Maybe your just swollen on the tip? When i had silicone I thought my tip was still bulbous post op but after 6 months it became less bulbous. Did you have your tip defatted? I heard some doctors who do groetex also defat the tip to make it more defined.

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Haha you would think so, huh? After I did my silicone nose and I was still swollen, I overheard my dad whispering to my mom, "Is she going to look like that forever???" :roflmfao: and she whispered back "Of course not, it's just swelling!"

Babe! How insensitive is your bff? :lecture: Of course you will look worse until the swelling is over, we all went thru that. Especially if you had an open rhino. My first one was closed and it still took awhile for the swelling to go down. They say that the silicone looks good right away, but not literally right away. It's just faster for you to see the final result, not one/two years post op but maybe 1-2 months after.

Your facial movements will improve with time ok? It took me so much extra energy to be able to smile and move my face like I used to, but that's because your nerves are healing and you've also went through a surgery. It's normal for your body to be in a bit of trauma.

Especially if you have silicone, you will be able to move your nose like normal - once everything has healed.

My radix was super high until 2 months. I healed faster with rib for some reason, maybe because my lifestyle is healthier than it was when I did my silicone NJ.

If I could do the first few weeks all over again, I would just stay away from friends until one month post op and spare myself their comments.
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I remember hugging people post op... I'm short so my nose touched everyone's shoulders.. It was so painful -_-

Yes! I have ear cartilage for tip.

I don't think he did anything with the tip but lengthen it. I basically asked him to make my nose very pretty~ that I didn't care if it didn't look like MY nose.. and that's what he gave me LOL -_-

& I'm sure I'm not swollen still.. I'm almost a year post op. *sniff*
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hi dont mind can i look at your pic? thanksssss latest up date?
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Me too. My friends told me I look 60% change :-s on my face.

I mean my tip is like a balloon still after 7th week.

I don't go out much because people will easily recognize that my face is changed even if the people who saw me a couple times.:shucks:

I guess I am going to avoid the fact that my face still swollen and I am still waiting and hopefully that I will have my normal face before.

A little bit about my look now: longer face, big nose, and my face is weird when I smile.:true:
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Awww I'm sorry to hear that. But if u remember during my 2 weeks post op I was flipping out too!! Haha! My nose was GINORMOUS! It totally didn't suit my face. Now it has gotten to a more a reasonable size. A few people said that their radix has gotten a lot lower. So I don't think u need to worry about that. As for the frozen part.. I didn't even realize that my nose was frozen until everyone here mentioned it.

I just recently told 2 friends yesturday. ONe of them has already seen me with my new nose but never said anything about it. When I told him he said he knew something was different but took awhile to figure out. He didn't care. He was just like "as long as u feel good about urself". Another friend of mine i haven't seen for awhile said she got use to my nose really fast. She didn't think it was a big deal neither. She gave me a long lecture about how I shouldn't have to explain to ppl why i got it done.The only thing that matters is that I'm happy with it. So it made me feel much better.

Give it some time. I complete know what you're feeling now. It'll get better. If your nose was open surgery, then like J_franc said, it just takes more time to heal.

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Yeah my face is longer too and my smile is still a little bit creepy. I don't my the long face part. I always thought my face wasn't long enough. I use to hate my high cheek bones, but it actually looks better with my new nose. THe smile bugs me a little bit, but I can see it slowly getting better. So I hope yours' will improve over time too.

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Hi reddelicious,

I really like your previous reviews on the clinics. Good job! :tup:

I have a wide nose (especially when I smile) and bulbous/round tip.. I was thinking to go to VIP at first but after reading your review, I changed my mind.. I just want to reduce the size of my alar base and refine the tip only, no bridge implant, and I never want a big makeover! :wtf: So, I may want to get mine done in Banobagi too.

But I haven't see you posting recently. May I know how is your nose now? Are you still having that piggy nose? :thinking:
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