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There was a negative review from Naver posted on this forum ? On which page of this thread was it posted. I didn't see it.

And for fillers, I met a Korean lady who lived in London and made a lot of research and said "Hi Seoul clinic" had a lot of good reviews (I thought it was a tourism thing but there is also a clinic called this way).
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OMG, I hated Tyra Banks after that whole double eyelid plastic surgery thing. It was SO ridiculous. She was attacking the poor girl and kept on pushing her to "admit" things.. ugh, just terrible. Just because she has issues with her ethnicity does not mean that everyone else does..
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I had fascia harvested from the temporal area also but the scar is about 2 inches long and not noticeable at all. It is above the ear and luckily no bald spot and it healed fast (probably in 2 weeks), without any swelling or raised area. Are you sure it's 3-4 inches long for you? that's very big

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How can anyone think it's not a big deal that a doctor goes along with an office manager's proposal after he questioned why a patient would want such procedure. In fact, that is quite scary to know that a doctor does the procedure because his wife, who is not a doctor, proposed the procedure and collected payment without the knowlegde/consent of a doctor. This is the second time a patient has stated the same scenario occuring with joanne and dr. lee. Angleplane stated Dr. lee did not agree to do the liposuction on her but upon hearing that joann had collected payment already, he did it. What the heck? Shouldn't the doctor propose/dictate the treatment AND THEN, the office staff collects payment? And now jesse00 said she was proposed fascia and when she was about to be operated, Dr. lee said she didn't need it and thought it was not necessary. However, upon hearing that Joann proposed it, he does it without any hesitation or objection. So I guess Joann is the doctor here and Dr. lee is the assistant who follows what his wife says. How can anyone think this is NORMAL OR OKAY?
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@Angleplane if you go back to page 519 you will find a post by ExpatInKorea . i did find it strange like Bisousx said because he posted and just left without answering any questions ?
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Well, the review is for sure "real" as in exists on that Korean blog. I saw it in Korean (not that I understood it) before it was translated and posted here. You can also tell by the language that it sounded very emotionally authentic, so it's real or someone should be writing for a living.
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well sure, if you want to make it sound ominous...

here is the quote from angleplane for reference:
Nevertheless, I did not have a consultation with Dr Lee, I paid for the liposuction and then when Dr Lee marked me, he refused to do liposuction on my lower legs. I was confused because I paid USD1500 especially for the lower legs and I realized it was a mistake to have a consultation with Joann only and pay without having seen Dr Lee. Because I paid for that part and because they were not going to give me the money back even though Dr Lee said I should not do it, when I said that I paid in the surgery room to Joann, Dr Lee said "okay, I'll do it". But, I think I already talked about this liposuction experience in a previous post.​

i dont think he refused because he thought it would be unethical to perform the surgery. maybe it had something to do with the payment? angleplane said that they didnt trust her with the payment because she paid almost a week late for the rhinoplasty. maybe he wasnt sure if she paid for lipo on both of the sites. i think its far more likely that this was the case. because i can see no real reason why he would refuse to perform lipo on one site while performing it on another. once angleplane said she paid for it, he agreed to do it. so i think that this is the more reasonable and likely explanation...

fascia is rarely necessary unless you have thinned skin as a result of multiple revisions. its a nice touch and can hopefully prevent some of the problems associated with silicone, but in most cases it isnt "necessary."
liposuction is rarely necessary as well. most plastic surgeons dont perform operations out of necessity, they perform it because the patient requests it. so i dont think its exceedingly strange that he doesnt think fascia is necessary.

imagine this, a woman wants breast augmentation, but she wants a specific type of implant rather than the usual silicone type. (kinda like wanting silicone with fascia on the nose rather than the usual silicone)the surgeon performs it anyway, even though its not "necessary." does that make him a villain in your eyes? because that is pretty much what you are saying. and i really have to disagree with you. once you get past your wording and get down to the facts of what you are saying, your point is actually very weak imo
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There seems to be alot of tension in this forum. Those who agree and those who disagree / which is all good as long as it is done in a civilized manner without attacking other members /
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So if you state that fascia is not necessary, then why would he agree to do it knowing that in her case, it wasn't necessary? If harvesting fascia was unnecessary, it would have saved jesse00 from acquiring a 3-4inch scar/bald spot that's in her scalp now. If he found it not to be necessary for a pt, an ethical doctor would not put the patient through that extra surgical procedure. Wouldn't that be the more logical and wise way of approaching it?? why did he have to submit to what was proposed by Joann if he felt it was unnecessary?

With the quote that you attached from angleplane, it says Dr. lee feels that she doesn't need the liposuction in the leg. However, he agreed to do it once he discovered it had been proposed and payment was collected by Joann. That is a fact is it not? Don't you see that Dr. lee was unaware of this proposal and if it hadn't been for joann, Dr. lee would have not agreed to do the liposuction on angleplane. There could be various reasons beside finance that a doctor might refuse to do a procedure on a person. Ex. include possible health risks/complications, patient has had too many surgeries, patient doesn't need it, etc. If he felt angleplane didn't need to have liposuction in the legs, it's probably because she didn't need it. It shouldn't always be about the money. The problem here is Joann is allowed/given the power to make decisions a doctor should make. And it seems her decisions overpower his.

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I can see what jenstar11 was trying to say. Sure it doesn't make Dr Lee a villain for performing the surgeries although he doesn't see neccessary but done it anyways. It does make me worry that Joanne is the one making the decisions on what needs to be done on the patient, she's afterall just a manager and not the doctor.

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I dont understand why people wont or cant accept bad reviews of vip. Not everyone has the same experience or opinion... No need to pinpoint and try to make certain statements out to be false or exaggerated. Agree to disagree!!!
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Well I don't care about bad VIP reviews, I just think alienating VIP posters is doing a disservice to people reading the forums. Many posters here have experience with multiple revisions and have experience with silicone, goretex and more. Everyone who has had a nose job is valuable and a wealth of information for new patients.I think its weird and slightly obsessive that people are accusing each other of being fake posters and that VIP patients should migrate to a new thread. Even going as far to wonder why only VIP posters return to share their updates. I mean, I'd love to hear from Banobagi and other patients from a year ago. But I don't see their re-visits. Should VIP patients be accused of being fake for being helpful?
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you'll notice that i didnt argue that point at all. i agree that joann has a large influence on decisions. i was arguing something else; jenstar was making a big fuss about the 'necessity' of fascia and liposuction.

its not that i cant accept bad reviews. there have been several, and i have accepted them as they are. i only point out things that i disagree with. am i not allowed to disagree that necessity is not an issue when it comes to judging the ability and ethics of plastic surgeons?
because i would find it extremely ironic

sometimes i feel like i'm not allowed to disagree with anyone who says bad things about vip, even when i am very clear about which parts i disagree with and state my case intelligibly.
i have only ever pointed out things that i think are factually incorrect, or which i think are blown out of proportion (ie. plastic surgeons and necessity)

and i dont think anyone here would hold it against a plastic surgeon who performs operations which are not necessary, since nose jobs are rarely necessary

edit: maybe when i make my case next time, i will use more bold and italics since ppl seem to miss my point a lot of the time
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does that sound familiar to you guys? a lot of ppl have been saying that lately. but maybe you should actually read the post and see if the point is valid before accusing people of taking sides. it just discourages people from posting here at all.
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kain, you still dont get it and you keep going on and on about the "neccessity" issue. the main point i'm trying to get across is the fact that joann, an office manager, is making the decision for the doctor and the doctor is allowing that to take place because perhaps it's his wife or perhaps he doesnt have the backbone to stand up against to what she already had said to the patient. it is not only wrong but twisted to see that an office manager is proposing treatments for the patient and collecting the payment before the doctor has a say in it. that's the big "fuss" i'm trying to point out.

yes, we all know too well that there are a lot of doctors who perform unnecessary procedures on patients out of patient's request. However, the thing that is alarming here is the office manager is selling/proposing unnecessary procedures and not because of the patient's request.

again with the fascia, let's say you were jesse00, i'm sure you would hope the surgeon uses his best judgement so that it minimizes scarring/trauma to your body. How would you feel if you end up with a 5inch scar unneccessarily just because the doctor was too weak to stand up to his own decision and was influenced/intimidated by an office manager whose best interest is money to decide treatment for you. if it is the case that jesse00 didn't need fascia, he should have stood his ground and said no, you don't need it. why say you don't need fascia and then turn around and say oh joann proposed it? ok, i'll do it. something's very wrong with this picture.

[you'll notice that i didnt argue that point at all. i agree that joann has a large influence on decisions. i was arguing something else; jenstar was making a big fuss about the 'necessity' of fascia and liposuction.

its not that i cant accept bad reviews. there have been several, and i have accepted them as they are. i only point out things that i disagree with. am i not allowed to disagree that necessity is not an issue when it comes to judging the ability and ethics of plastic surgeons?
because i would find it extremely ironic

sometimes i feel like i'm not allowed to disagree with anyone who says bad things about vip, even when i am very clear about which parts i disagree with and state my case intelligibly.
i have only ever pointed out things that i think are factually incorrect, or which i think are blown out of proportion (ie. plastic surgeons and necessity)

and i dont think anyone here would hold it against a plastic surgeon who performs operations which are not necessary, since nose jobs are rarely necessary

edit: maybe when i make my case next time, i will use more bold and italics since ppl seem to miss my point a lot of the time[/QUOTE]
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