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asian nose job 2

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it'll take 6 months for it to fully set... that's rib for you... longer recovery period. if the doctors intentions for the height is correct then it should be right but if still at 6 month it does not look right i suggest you go back and get it redone. sometimes it's actually better for the doctor to give you a flatter nose then give you a 'too tall' nose because it's easier to fix up. add oil!!!
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Hey taeyang123, thanks for your response. You're right, this has been on my mind for a loooong time. I'm so self conscious of my nose (typical Asian nose; low bridge, bulbous tip which flattens out when I smile). If surgery can fix this problem, then I'm going to go for it & make myself happy. I'm just really worried that it turns out crap & everyone around me will be saying "I told you so" for the rest of my life.....but on the other hand, if it turns out well, then they an't say anything....
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Try not to get yourself down too much, 3 weeks is too soon to tell.... I'm set on having a rib graft with Dr Lee at VIP & one of the main things I'm preparing myself for is the major swelling & slooooow recovery period. Dr lee himself explained in an email that the main downfall of rib graft is just that exactly.

Maybe you should give it 3-5 months....everybody seems to go through the stage of buyer's remorse straight after a procedure because of the change & with our body going through the trauma of surgery, swells up & ends up looking nowhere near what the end result will be.

You must've been unhappy with your nose in the first place & weighed the pros & cons of going through this. Try not to get too depressed just yet. Commit to giving your body a chance to recover from having something shoved into your nose. Give it 3-5 months before you get too depressed & have the procedure reversed, you've already gone through the pain of surgery & paid your money, so a bit more time may prove that your nose will turn out beautifully. If you take the rib out now, you'll never know whether or not your nose would've turned out the way you wanted, you'll just have the horrible memory of a very swollen nose which never had the chance of settling...

I'm still catching up on my reading of this thread, but rawdude, mintminttang, BBgurly & several others have had Rib Rhinoplasty, perhaps they'd be the best people to share their experience of their recovery....
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Let him shave his head! Hair grows; if you look and feel better, more relaxed and confident about your looks, it will be a gift that keeps giving.

I have some childhood friends who were vehemently against surgery. It did not feel good to not have their support, but now, even tho they're still against surgery, they can see that I am happier. So they eventually accepted it.
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I hope you are still on the site since your post was a while ago... I am super serious about removing my rib graft from bridge and tip... Going back to what God has made me! What implant did u remove? I m seeking for someone whoever had rib graft removed and did the nose go back to some what the same. I fear since I know the ps had to break my nose bone and narrow it and probably shave my nose bone to fit the stupid big bridge and tip. Any help from anyone is greatly appreciate it. I spoke to my ps , he said he can bring me back to my birth nose but with some techniques?? I also went to 2 other ps .... One said yes, can be done but have to wait 9 months , another said keep the tip and just remove the bridge (way too high). I literally am in panic mode and had to be on medication.... This is just too much. No on ever warns about the psychological impact if the rhinoplasty doesnt turn out to be anything they want. I got this big tip and freakish high bridge... That does not match my face! Forget about money wasted but the psychological impact is devastating. I ask people to rethink... Especially on rib.... This is so much mire invasive than other implants.
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I plan to get rib graft done too. Can I see you b&a picture? please pm me! is the rib for the bridge too high for you? I need to do more research now... haizzz
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I don't think I can pm you yet.... Can you try to pm me. I will send u my post pics ....
I would really think it over but maybe it would work out fine for you as many have. I might have choose a wrong doctor who has no eye for beauty. But do your research and ask yourself if all this is worth it. For me, never again! I was already a pretty and cute girl, shouldn't take a chance even thou I really wanted a higher nose. Maybe my wrong is just a bad ps .... Another doctor may do it beautifully. But be aware... The nose will look huge and the tip is hard as rock! No piggy nose for me!
Have u found any nose you liked that's made of rib graft?
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check your pm
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hey i think u should wait a bit before u do anything drastic. from what i kno about rib rhinoplasty the swelling is horrendous and u will not look like ure self for quite a while. i think u should give it at least 3 to 4 months before u decide to have anything removed. if u go back and read some of the posts in this forum, ppl had similar feelings regarding their rib grafts. but once they gave it time to heal they were happy with the results. it takes 6 months to 1 year to see the full results of rib rhinoplasty. but i do agree front profile matters so much more than the side profile.

may i ask which plastic surgeon u went to for ure rhinoplasty??

hope this helps :smile:
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Today is the one week since infection ocurred, i had taken many antibiotics medication and jabs, the swell managed to come down alot. thou it's still swelling on the implant , i still see hope there is no need to remove the implant >< just trying my luck. I'm still observing if the swell does not go off end of this week , probably im flying back to korea and get the implant remove , my korea doctor said that he will take out the implant on my bridge and use my own fat to fill up the bridge.

Thank you so much for your advice :smile:
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I'm still observing if the infection can go off by this week, im going to the clinic to inject antibiotics everyday, and the infection went off quite abit. I will really have no choice but to remove the implant :sad:
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Health comes first.... Cosmetic can always be repair later! I hope you don't need to remove your implant but if you do, I think you can just replace a new one immediately. You may want ask about that to your doctor. Good luck and keep us updated so we know u made it thru ok!
Beauty does comes with a price doesn't it!!!!
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Thanks for your advice but I think its easier for guys to deal with a bigger nose than a girl...what kills me is I don't know waiting would make this unshaped nose look any better. I will send some of youn who pm me the post ops 2 weeks picture. One of my profile looks ok, and another looks so bad!
The question is, is if I remove it does my nose look worst than pre ops? Have you read anyone on the forum ever had to do it? My ps told me the bridge is 2 mm and I think he is BSing me, it looks so damn high!! Btw, Kain, ur nose looks awesome..... What a great job ur ps did. Was it first rhino or revision?
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it was a primary.

which doctor did you go to? you can pm me after you get 10 posts if you are uncomfortable with sharing

about waiting:
-the frontal view will definitely improve. my frontal view didn't look good until 3 months post op. other ppl still have swollen nose tips even longer
-the height of the bridge is supposedly going to decrease (by a small amount) over a year or two as cartilage is reabsorbed. if you aren't comfortable waiting that long, or if you don't think that you will be happy with just a small decrease in height, you do have other options:
-you can have the rib in the bridge carved to a smaller height.
-if you don't like having rib in the tip (because its too hard), you can also replace the rib in the tip with ear and/or septal cartilage.
-you can have the rib removed and replaced with silicone/goretex/septal&ear cartilage or just your natural bridge
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