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asian nose job 2

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Just curious reading from the posts.... VIP only has one doctor and thats Dr Lee? and he always suggest rib graft? What is the alternative if you dont want to have two surgeries ( nose and rib) at the same time... sounds painful and invasive! Maybe I should tell my husband to give me his rib.. as Adam did for Eve :smile: Is every rib nj requires open rhino?
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That makes sense... I guess quitting means no patch or anything... its gonna be hard! Thx for the info! I guess one good thing from a nj is to quit!
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Also i'ved read on other forums to stop taking multi-vitamins 2 weeks prior to surgery. Certain vitamins like vitamin C and Vitamin E can interfere and complicate the anaesthesia . Garlic supplements can cause more bleeding and omega oil can cause blood clots. Okay i'm not to sure because i haven't done my research on this but certain vitamins can interfere with your surgery. So to be on the safe side stop taking any vitamins 2 weeks prior to surgery. And after surgery take and drink lots of protein shake to help build and heal your body tissue. Then after surgery i think you can resume taking vitamins after a week !:cool:
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VIP has two doctors Dr. Lee and Dr. Song, but Dr. Lee is the one who deal with the rib rhinoplasty i believed, yep yep most of his case he suggest rib graft, it just that what he specialize in just like Dr. Jung from shimma alway suggest goretex, to me the surgery is not that painful since u will be sleep the entire time the worst is recovery, even tho i alway keep + mind and knw that my nose will go down more since im just almost 1 1/2 month post op, but now im in the roller coaster emotion, i notice my nose look like it asymmetry to the right and it very noticeable when i take close up pic for record, i dont knw it due the uneven swelling or my nose actually asymmetry even worst my mom keep nagging and tell me my nose look crooked, she make me mad and feel extremely depressed at the same time, now i truly understand how other people feel b4, but now only time will tell, but im glad we have this forum not just to share experiment but also support each other go through hard time, sorry for the long post i just whining a little since i really dont want to talk with my mom about my nose anymore, she just make me feel even worst
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Well for some people having that piggy nose determines if your nose is plastic fake or real ? But some people are concerned about being able to make that piggy nose after nose surgery just to prove that their nose is not fake.

To be honest i don't really care if i could make a piggy nose or not after surgery. i cared more about the aesthetic results as long as the doctor makes the nose look natural and compliments my features is how i determined if someones nose is real or fake ?
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Now days, everyone is doing some kind of plastic surgery and there is no shame in that as long as it enhances you and make you feel better about yourself. The truth of it, when I see someone with really nice nose, I always think its real and secretly envy him/her... and secretly trying to gather enough $ and courage to make mine just as nice!
I guess I wont miss doing piggy nose since I don't remember ever doing it and it actually rude and ugly gesture!
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I am so sorry to hear about that... can this be corrected? I heard from a PS from Taiwan, he said it can be corrected without surgery but I am not sure if he meant rib graft implant thou. Are you in Korea? If you are, you should go back to Dr.Lee and ask? if not, go to any PS, they should be able to answer if its crooked or just swelling? I don't think this is something you should wait? What would waiting do?? I don't understand that logic, if I were you , instead of feeling depress, go to a PS and find out your options or at least he can tell you its swelling or not. Unless I am wrong?
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My hubby asked me tonight, he said what is wrong with an asian nose? He think mine is adorable, I think he actually said " cute as button" and that of course just set me off. But he actually got me thinking, what is wrong with an asian nose? I actually think some people are pretty even without a high profile or tip. Their face ( as a whole) looks good and maybe with a higher bridge they would like bad! I wonder, do we all seek to change our nose because of our own insecurity or the our ideal of beauty? Maybe it is just balance. The caucasians want to shave off their big noses and while asians want to built up their noses...
My hubby reminded me that the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Which is probably true but I can't help but to want be even more beautiful in his eyes.
So I am amazed how many of you with so much courage flew to Korea ( some don't even speak the language) to get things done! I have to say, I am envious of your bravery! So how does the web consultation work? do I speak to them thru skype and is there a translator?
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Dont b depress Azn_kid, i think it asymmetry from the uneven swelling. Once it all heal then it'll look nicer n more define. u should see Kain's 6 month post, he look really good, i mean really really good
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Yup, it was bearable.

Babe, u are not alone here. Totally understand how you feel. I received similar remarks from a Korean patient and my mom. When I press both sides of my nose to help with the swelling, I try pushing my nose slightly to the left. Don't know if it works but I just hope that my nose would look good and higher after it deswelled further.
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I find out that the more you engage in a forum, the more you will be sort of be influenced. I had never thought of doing nose or eyes till I join all these ps forums until I became dissatisfied with my eyes, nose, shape of face etc. I consulted ps surgeons in Taiwan and Korea and some told me that there is no need to do my nose etc. so now I think it is better to be balanced. Don't do anything unless it is really ugly.

I found out the hard way when I insisted that the doc augmented my nose even though he said there was no need to. I showed him Angelababy's photos and he told me my nose is even higher than hers :rolleyes: Anyway, I insisted and paid for it in the end when I had to have the silicon taken out because I looked really ugly with a high nose. Though it had been sometime already after removal, I suffer from runny nose very easily now and my nose is not that high as I believed some parts were shaven off when the silicon was put in. So now i need to augment the nose I think. So unless you are really ugly, go for it but for those who can live with it, might as well pursue other interests because revisions is costly and traumatic too. Even some US celebs said they regretted their surgeries. Go for it if you want to join the entertainment world as there is such keen competition in looks.

Even for eye surgeries, there are revisions. So unless you have the mullah, go and enjoy your life in another way. Looks doesn't mean much in terms of talent. There are successful people with no looks, and being thought of being pretty with no talent is no go for a career too. Sorry for the rant but I think some of the forummers here are very young and need their thinking to be balanced.

Isn't it funny if many mothers have high noses and double eyelids and their children do not? Imagine having to support their children through surgeries in future?
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Well i can't speak for everybody on this forum. But i know that Plastic Surgery would really help me gained my confidence. There a certain people on this forum who have benefited from Plastic Surgery and have gained more confidence. Let's face it the reality is we live in a society that based everything on looks and that does sorta determines your fate in life. Looks can determined whether you will get hired for a job and marry a rich man or ect. They done studys on looks before and how people are treated when they are attractive.

Do i think that Plastic Surgery is gonna solve all my problems ? Absolutely not because that has to come from the inside also. Going for Plastic Surgery can be traumatic because you have to prepared yourself physically and mentally have the right mind set.

There are lots of young girls going in their trying to have plastic surgery to look like Angelababy and thinking it's gonna fix all their problems. But you can't replicate another person's face because Angelababy has features that are unique to her and that would mean having to alter every features such as chin nose and eyes to look like her. Plastic Surgery is about enhancing your features and knowing how to balance out your face. But if you go in there trying to replicate a celebrities look then that surgery would more than likely fail. Like you said Milway your doctor had told you that you didn't need a nose job but you went ahead. Maybe the doctor was right and he could see that it would unbalanced your face:smile:
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Congrats babe. Rest assure that it will turn out great.you will see much improvement on 3 /4 mths onwards. For that moment I even wish my nose would not go down anymore. Haha. I am 7 + mths post opt now and its still shrinking.. Haha.I could not feel my paranasal no matter how hard I press but I could see the diff when I take pics though . I've heard from others they could actually feel it. hang on babe ;)
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thank you you guys for the support, now i feel a little bit better, when i look at myself on the mirror sometime i seen my bridge straight and sometime it slander to the right, i can tell that my tip is uneven swelling so mayb it have something to do with the asymmetry, i will update my post op pictures when i hit 1 1/2 month so you guy can see what im talking about

@Acadabra: yep yep i did try that whenever i remember but i remember kain told me that JoAnn told him that the implant is held in place by sutures, so seem like doesnt matter u push it or it will stay in one place which is good on the other hand since it wont shift like silicon implant
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