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asian nose job 2

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hey im sorry to hear about ure experience. dont get discouraged. finding the right plastic surgeon for you will take time, and alot of consideration. try and research more and find out the most suitable material for ure needs, and then go with a doctor who is most skilled with those materials. there are alot of good local clinics in korea that u can consult with, so juss keep looking.

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warning: it has been confirmed that VIP photoshops their pictures on their website. at this point we don't know if they photoshop a few, some, or all, but it has definitely been proven that they do indeed alter the actual surgical outcome with photoshop which is indeed false advertising and illegal. just a FYI and an important piece of knowledge for those who are considering VIP. when considering a clinic it is necessary to look at all aspects. the good , the bad and the shady. this definitely falls into the latter two categories.
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your best bet is to have a skeptical eye across the board. clinics that put their images through lots of post editing (like VIP...aside from changing the actual shape of the nose in photoshop, you can also tell they adjust the brightness/contrast, background editing, etc.) are more likely to alter their images vs clinics that put up raw images.

another way you can tell is you compare the style of the actual surgical results of their patients vs style of the results on the website.

even across different noses , you can tell when each doctor has a certain "style" of making the nose.

if you see one style of nose in the actual surgical result and another style on the website pictures then you have a problem. not everyone can identify this style though you need to have a trained eye in facial aesthetics or at least some common sense. a certain member who i shall not name was naive enough to think that the two pictures were the same and that the differences were to due to lighting. if someone is this type of person then there is no help and i wish them the best.

even before it was revealed that VIP photoshopped their pics, i eerily predicted that something was wrong. if you look a couple posts back i made a statement that vip's website pics had one style of nose whereas the actual results is another style. i was only speaking in general terms, but come to find out only a couple posts later my suspicions were true.

i think most patients expect that a clinic's website is only going to put up their best work, but it is not common knowledge that the clinic is going to photoshop the actual results. if they are going to do that, they need to at least put up a disclaimer. by not putting up a disclaimer you are lying to the patient and something as serious as medical procedure is a BIG NO NO.

Lying about cosmetics, skin care, or "diet tricks" etc. is bad but not as bad as when you lie to prospective medical patients who are going to undergo SURGERY it is a completely different ballgame and extremely bad business practice.
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Thank you for your review. Sounds like an immediate red flag. That driver has most likely seen/heard/picked up/encountered way more VIP patients than any of us here on the forum and he gave you the insight that MOST patients he picked up are not happy? that is a very very bad sign.

This "Joanne" character is absurd.

Why the heck is she doing the majority of the consult? why are they acting like they are doing you a favor by allowing you in the presence of the ACTUAL DOCTOR WHO IS GOING TO BE DOING YOUR SURGERY?

You had to INSIST to see the doctor? RIDICULOUS.


Typical of money hungry doctors to trivialize surgery as if its no big deal. This kind is all too common amongst shady doctors.


This is outraging. She belittled you at the end of your consult? why the heck would you fly all the way out there to see them if you had no intention of getting surgery?

I think its becoming VERY evident what kind of clinic VIP is. They will love you if you are the easy going "okay suure do anything you want to my face" type of patient but as soon as you express some level of concern or hesitation they will bully you and belittle you.

Not only that a woman with no medical training such as joanne who doesnt even do the actual surgery pushes her way into becoming the main focal point of your consultation? the woman needs to have a seat. her role should just be discussing the pricing not the actual surgery. what kind of monkey business is this?!

and to think i was so excited about them at one point & Time.

Thank you very much for your review. i know its just one review out of many but the fact that the Driver told you that "most of the patients" he picks up are unhappy says everything.
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Anyone been to Dr Kenneth Kim in LA the Los Angeles Dream Clinic?

I have my surgery booked for Jan 17th! Had a skype consultation with him- he seems so honest, non pushy, and very knowledgable. My only concern is that I hear he is better at eye surgery than nose...and I want both done at the same time...

Anyone had experience with him?
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Hey...wow it's been a while since my update or even checking this page out. No update as of yet cause I am due to give birth in April. VIP said that they will do my revision FOC. I will most likely plan for it couple of months after I have my baby. Hope this time everything that needs to be fix will be...
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My friend did his eyelid with him. It turns out to be natural, but I don't know about the nose :>
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uhhhh ok i dont want to argue anymore but there something i need to say, about the drive said that most of the patients were not happy about the result when they go back home, bcuz hello most of them leave by 15 days, u can ask everybody on this forum who went to VIP, to see if any of them like their nose by 15 days post op yet?!?!?!?!!? i think you too aggressive about VIP, just like angleplane b4, i have no comment about the photoshop and i think it wrong too, and about JoAnn she is not the only one who does that (talk most of the consultation b4 we meet the doctor), when i went to Wonjin it was the same, the lady talk like she an expert like a nurse or something even feel my nose, but i still ask to see the doc, you alway point out the negative and make a huge big deal about it without thinking on both side, you can go to many clinics as you like and i bet you everyone of them the manager like JoAnn will do the same, try to sell hard bcuz it's their job, they have to make money and keep the patient for their clinics, the way JoAnn said to ps6090 is not rit so im not have any comment about that either
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If you find out more about Dr. Kim's rhinoplasty skills, please keep us updated. I have a friend who wants to get tip work but does not want to travel to Asia.
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its unfortunate that you are unhappy with your VIP result ;(

what will they be fixing for you free of charge? usually when a doctor does a revision completely FOC it means that he or she is indirectly accepting responsibility for the poor outcome.
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we can agree to disagree on all the other stuff but the fact that VIP photoshps their results should not be glossed over or taken lightly people need to know. potential patients need to know.

if after they know they are unbothered then thats on them, but the majority of potential patients would be very turned off if they knew that the results they see on the website are not actual results but are results that have been changed and photoshopped.

i am on the patients side and i am for the protection of patient rights. this is a violation of patients rights. u say im too agressive well i say you are too passive. u should be upset about it but you just feel neutral . just does not make sense to me how you can just be like "whatever" about it. they photoshopped your results, they FAKED your results on their website so that they can make money off your face by selling your image to other potential patients...an image that is not even truthful to the actual result they gave you. u should be pissed yet you remain passive. it does not make sense. anyway we can agree to disagree.
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Hi All,

I was thinking to do NJ at VIP before, however I am still thinking and reconsidering a lot since I read some comments in this forum. A bit scared to do rib surgery now..

If anyone of you heard about filler named Restylane or Bio Alcamid? Any comment or anyone had experience?
I found this as one of the alternative if you want to do something with your nose but without surgery. This fillers used add the volume or corrected on your nose or some other area. Depends on the area, each area use different type of filler that suitable for you..
I have one of my Korean friend who did this in Seoul. His result is really good and very natural.. He did using Bio-Alcamid for his nose and it can last for 2-3 years, but it will gradually go down after that, and you need to inject again..
So based on his recommendation, I decided to go to Mi & Mi "미앤미" clinic and did a consultation with the doctor.. He said that if you need a drastic and permanent change of course you may need to do plastic surgery.. But filler is enough if you only need natural change.. He said filler is very safe. I also saw some photos in the clinic, a lot of celebrities done with filler too at that clinic. Maybe this is good if you are staying in Korea, so you can inject again if it go down.. But I think other country may have this too..

I am quite interesting about this. Any advice about filler?
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Hi Moritz, i had filler done a couple of times to my face, it is non invasive, cheaper but the result is, in terms of percentage only enhanced my appearance abt 10-15%. It is very good if u want to create a higher nose bridge but not your tip. It can last up to 2 years but by the 6 months to one year it is hardly there. U can always try it 1st and if ure happy with the result then good for you, if you r not, you can alwz do NJ. NJ should be your last resort tho.
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i dont want to argue about the photoshop issue anymore, we knw they did it and that is, why i have to be upset, it not even bother me bcuz during research time i dont even look at there b4 and after pics, it dont have to make sense to you and i dont really have to report how i feel to u anyway, thank goodness that everybody knw that i am an actual patient other wise you will said i who work for VIP just like how angleplane use to said to the other forumer, why should i be pisse?!??!?!?! and i can see you pissed more than me, y you keep said it doesnt make sense, simple bcuz ur a agressive person and like to make big deal out of it, i am a + person when i look at the situation im not only think about the negative but also y they did it and not like you over react something and keep bring out the same topic that everybody already knw and make a whole freaking big deal about it, now is it make any sense now???!??!!?!?!
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Thanks for the encouragement. Thanks to those who understand my situation as well. My intention to share my experience is not to trash the clinic, I didn't do surgery with them so I can't even say if VIP is a terrible clinic. I can only say at this point, I'm not comfortable with having my NJ there. I think let's move on to discussing more about NJ and help each other out, rather than wasting time arguing about VIP clinic :biggrin: we all have different views and experiences so there's no right or wrong i guess.
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