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I'm a guy. I got double eyelid surgery... PHOTOS

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sadly 1-2 photos don't show everything...

take what you will from all of this....

I noticed when I made a video of myself to see how noticeable of a change it really is. I talked into the camera and most of the time I looked this. It's depressing.

i've noticed that ONLY in a hard straight gaze when posing in front of mirror does it look like the above photos... If I look normally like watching tv or talking to a friend this is what others see:


I still have not FACED my family or friends. No one knows I got this surgery and I don't know if I can confront them during the xmas break. I already skipped out on thanksgiving. I'm usually really close with my family and it's heartbreaking that I have to avoid everyone.
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i have natural double eyelids and i have sorta droopy eyelids too. it makes me look sleepy a lot. you just gotta learn to be more expressive with your eyes

also, it doesn't really look that bad. it is partly due to the camera angle pointing up but most people will see you on level (unless you are taller or shorter than most people)
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Guyguy26 I think Kain is right, it all depends on people's height relative to you. Sometimes you'll be sitting down and will have to look up to talk to someone taller than you, you wont always be looking down at someone or straight ahead.

My best friend of 22 years didnt even notice anything diff about me when she saw me after the op. Sometimes we notice these things more than others. Dont shut yourself away, esp if you feel blue. Here's a pic of me looking ahead instead of straight up, slightly droopy. Think it's quite similar to yours.
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Talk to a dermatologist about methods to help fade the scars. I would probably also recommend eye safe sunscreen to avoid sun damage and allow more time to heal. If you are going to see family and don't want them to see the scars, would you consider wearing concealer/makeup on your eyes for the visit? You are going to have to face them sometime, and you can't undo the surgery. It was to make you happy so eventually they are going to have to deal with it.

I hope you are okay, don't shut yourself away!
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A little difference in your eyelids shouldn't stop you from seeing friends and family. I don't think your eyelids look weird :smile:
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  • 1 month later...
Bulldog1. your eyes look amazing! Your doctor did a great job.How many days after were your stitches removed? I finally got my eyes done on Mon Jan 31st. They are going to remove my stitches on this Monday, is that normal?

LuluG, your eyes look great!
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