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I'm a guy. I got double eyelid surgery... PHOTOS

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Hey Tara One

Droop seems to have lessened a bit, hopefully will get smaller and smaller. Via I got it done in UK, check out mrdavidcheung.com. He did my op personally, he is great. Stitches removed at 7 days, stung a little, not too bad. Here is pic from Day 11.
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Thanks! I am getting mone done on Feb. 1st. I am really excited and nervous at the same time.
I have a little crease, but I was thinking of getting it higher. And getting fat sucked off on top. Did you get any fat taken off?
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Tara One I didnt get fat taken out, but my doctor said the tendons that lifts the eyelids had become detached, so he re attached them. It feels nice cos when I look up now, I can feel my eyelids lifting, which is completely new exp! Good luck for Feb, let me know how you get on.
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I had asian eyelid surgery 2 months ago. I feel like my eyes are unsymmetrical, my left eye has more skin above the crease which makes the crease look smaller and the skin looks like it bulges out so from far away it kinda looks like I dont have a crease if that makes sense. Could this be still swollen from the surgery because when I look up in that eye, I feel this resistance because of the skin but when I close my eyes there is no loose skin. My right eye crease looks higher but maybe because its still swollen the surgeon didnt do the incision all the way to the corner of my eye so there's more of my epi fold or the stitch didnt attach right because it kinda droops a little but you cant really tell from the pictures. I'm just afraid my left eye crease will disappear and I will have one single and one double eye. Will my creases get lower after 2 months? If they do I would like to get a revision.
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thanks Tara One, doctor took stitches out after a week and said I could wear make up after another week, so two weeks total. I only apply shadow and liner to the lash line though, haven't applied anything to the scar yet apart from face powder.
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Hi Lulu I can see that your lids are slightly asymmetrical, but I was told it takes about 6 months for the creases to mature anyway. Mine are asymmetrical too, but the majority of us do not have perfectly symmetrical eyelids anyway from birth. I think having revision could be risky and may still not be symmetrical, and could cause more harm than good? Here's a pic of mine showing they are asymmetrical too.
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I'm just afraid by 6 months my creases will be too low or non existant especially my left eye, I dont know if its swollen above the crease but it looks puffier than the right eye which makes the crease look very low. Well I can always use eyelid tape if it gets too low i guess.
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