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I'm a guy. I got double eyelid surgery... PHOTOS

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I just got asian eyelid surgery. I'm a guy and I was really hesitant on getting it done but wanted to since I had one double eyelid and one single eyelid. Not sure if people noticed?

It's been 5 days since surgery. still have the stitches in and you can see where the old double was... i wonder if this new crease is WAY too high. it feels like it.

Also, i wonder if the old crease will go away...


(pics will be in next post)
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I think you are still swollen and maybe that's why it seems kinda high.

Did you have someone who was familiar with Asian eyes do the surgery? The only reason why I ask is that people I've know who have had the surgery have had better results with docs who understood that the idea was to have a "natural" result as opposed to getting the biggest lid possible.
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I think it would be very normal to look like this after surgery. There is a massive degree of swelling post op and also the eyelid area is very delicate. I think you will be fine after the swelling subsides. It's definitely too early to tell at this stage. I would wait until the sutures are out and give all the swelling time to settle down. It may take 6-8 weeks. I'm not a doctor but a veterinarian and we do similar types of surgery on dogs with eyelid problems quite regularly. They look very stretched and "unnatural" to start with but once all the swelling and stretching settles, it looks great. Hang in there!
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your progress is soooo much better then a fellow coworker of mine--she told people she had to do it because it is better for her eye sight? for it not to be 'droopy' so she went ahead and did the double eyelid surgery..

it was a few months ago and she still hasn't taken off the sunglasses (she wears them indoor) because her eyes are still red/swollen? or because she has to? i don't know..

but your progress looks excellent for seven days after!
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After you heal completely and have no more swelling, it's not going to look so pronounced. After all you are getting used to it yourself so try to relax... I know it's hard to, but from what I see, it looks like it's healing nicely.
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