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I'm a guy. I got double eyelid surgery... PHOTOS

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Dont worry,mine is worst than your height..even now almost 3mths from ops,my eyelid still measure as 5mm high when eyes open. My Mini incision cut was 10mm in height when eye close.Ithink mine is a failure surgery... Yours seems to be gd. Be paitence,dont sleep late,warm pack after ops on 2nd week twice a day and do slight massage. Wish you speed recovery.
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27 year old Male

Asked for a low and extremely conservative crease (barely noticeable). Felt doctor ignored what I wanted and just did a cookie cutter surgery. I personally feel it's too HIGH for a male and also ASYMMETRICAL. Due to higher crease makes me look more girly and less manly. I had one crease on my left eye that was very low and wanted my right eye to match. (sometimes it did when I was really tired).

My main problem is myy left eye causes me physical pain every day. Constant feeling of tugging when I look straight or anything higher.

Eyes closed:


Eye open with different lighting:


Regular lighting - (i don't like how it expands near the end and seems really thick near the end of the eyes...)


Left eye:


Right Eye:


This is a normal shot - left eye looks much bigger than right especially near the outsides.


Thoughts? Opinions?
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I could see what you are talking about with the one eye being bigger on the end part. How long ago was surgery? Is there a time frame when it is supposed to all fall in to place for a finished look. With some procedures it takes time to settle. But if you are in pain and uncomfortable that should be addressed with the doctor. Also if you are unhappy with the outcome you should also talk with the doctor. I wish you the best, I do think you look great and I really felt I would not notice your eye being bigger unless you pointed it out in detailed pictures that were up close.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
actually i think it is very well done!!!
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  • 1 month later...
I want to know where you got it done? Cause i think the doctor did a great job on your eyes you should see photos of my eyes..i look like a monster...can you tell me where you got it done and what country and city and doctor? and does that doctor do epicanthopy revision too?
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First glance and WOW, beautiful!!! Although your eyes do look a little girly, no offense, just give my opinion. Maybe it is a little high for a guy's eyes. But all in all, you look great. Do not worry about the asymmetry. Most people do not have symmetrical features, one is always a little bigger or a little upward, no one will notice it at all unless they spend all day glaring at you. :greengrin:I think the problem is just that you dont feel comfortable coz of the pain?
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Thank you for the informative photos! The detail in the pictures really show the way it's done and the process!
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I'm not an expert at all but they look good even currently. I do understand if you would like it to "drop" more but just one person's opinion (me!) is that they look nice right now too. Of course, how YOU feel is most important in this case though!

Edit: Just read about the pain. Ouch! Was there any prescribed ointment? Usually at the very least the "slickness" may help comfort the area? Get well soon!
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Wow, your eyes looks great. where did you get it done?
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