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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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@itsumobaby: I read you posted that a forumer who went to Dr. Kang was still very swollen at 4 months post-op? I'm not asking for her name, but I would like to know what she was dissatisfied with that led her to have a revision/what procedures Dr. Kang did. How is she healing by this point? Thank you.
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I never expect to find out you have exactly the same experience as I did. Sorry I am not mocking at your plight but the coincidence is uncanny in a way. I can totally understand you since I was on the verge of mental breakdown 1 week before surgery and deciding even if I need to dp my revision.

It has been five weeks since my operation and I have already reached my ideal height at 7mm. 2mm when eyes are opened. Although most people experience continuous eyelid lowering up to 4 months (some even 6 mths or a year). From my previous 2 surgeries I reached my ideal height at about 1 mth too. There isn't any lid lowering after 1 month for all my surgeries. Of course for my current one though I am only making assumption since it might be too early to tell, I am pretty confident it is the ideal and final height. All my surgeries it was cut at the same height too. Dr Kang assured me my original height will be retained amd indeed incision was cut at original line. But my problem is really the depth as it still look deep.

For ptosis I cannot answer you if Dr Kang is better but I reckon he is really good too from reviews and photos. But I really love my ptosis from Teium. My eyes are bigger and I no longer look sleepy. .love it so much!

It is very true Dr Kwon can do very beautiful, deep and drama double eyelid and it goes well with heavy makeup that makes you look like a doll. Totally blown away look. But because I do not wear make up daily or rarely I find it too drama in most days. The thing abt dr kang is he can really tailor to your requirements which he did for me. I think he does more natural eyelids though. Personally I find Dr Kang more communicative as Dr Kwon who is a great guy too keeps to himself more.

Hope you find answer to yout dilemma soonest and all the best to your upcoming surgery..
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Many thanks for your prompt and helpful reply. Let me just quickly confirm a couple of things, I'm really sorry for being a pain. I feel that I am developing a stomach ulcer from all of the agonizing... 1) I was rereading through some of your posts and your main problem was the deep fold. But there was also the triple fold issue - after your first revision with Dr. Kwon, he still could not fix the triple fold, even after fat graft? So you had Dr. Kang fix it? Or was it that after Dr. Kwon operated, triple fold eventually went away by itself for the most part? If it is the former, that Dr. Kang was able to fix the triple fold, then that speaks to his skill since he was able to resolve the triple fold and Dr. Kwon could not... 2) So you are still dealing with deep fold? Considering you are still only 5 weeks out from surgery, is it much less deep compared to post-surgery with Dr. Kwon at similar time frame? I'm sure it will finally heal as you wanted and as Dr. Kang promised.
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If ptosis is your main concern - if it's not severe - it can be corrected without incisional surgery (no cutting or incision) via the Muller's muscle approach, where surgeons can go underneath your eyelid and make the adjustment.

I'm not sure how long ago your surgery was, but the depth does decrease. Since it doesn't really bother you now, and it will lessen with time, there really isn't a need to correct it if you don't have any complications.

I had surgery at IOU a few months ago, and my folds have continued to decrease since my first month. I think it's because there is more overhanging skin above the crease with this method. Only the eyelid skin below the crease pulls in as your eye opens so until all of the swelling dissipates the fold will get smaller. I previously had the deeper type of surgery for over ten years before this last revision so I can see the difference. The deeper surgery had less overhang of skin but more risks. Pros and cons for every method.
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1) Yes, after my first revision for my left eye with Dr Kwon, he couldn't fix the problem. I was left with a deep wrinkle on my left eye above incision line. A few people saw the photo and it looks pretty serious then. In fact he performed two fat grafts for my left eye but it just won't go away then. At that time, he tried his best to help me.. I had to visit Teium everyday and he was really angry with me for not performing fat graft during primary surgery as I was already suffering from sunken eyelid for my left eye then. After my revision, I still remember the look on Dr Kwon's and nurses' faces. They said they already did their best and that would be my permanent look and my left eye will never be as nice as my right eye. Eventually, I used my own method to remove the deep wrinkle and after 5 months it went away like 80% of it. You cannot see it clearly unless you scrutinize it clearly.

I am not going to say Dr Kwon's skill is no good because I really don't know. I had my revision at 5 weeks after primary surgery, not sure if this plays a part as well!

By the time I went to Dr Kang, my wrinkle on my left eye was very minimal and I had the 3rd fat graft on my left eye. However I am more inclined to believe Dr Kang is better at revision because in a lot of his patients' photos, I saw many photos with deep folds/lines that he is able to completely remove and at the same time create a new one.

2. During the first few weeks, the depth looks the same however incision on corner of both eyes are more flat looking for the recent surgery performed by dr Kang. I disagree that depth will definitely decrease with time because it depends on how deep the surgeon cut your eyes. At 5th week, the incision lines became even deeper for my previous surgery by Dr Kwon and it continues to get deeper as time went. Currently my folds are still deep but I don't see it getting deeper as before. Hope this time the depth does decrease with time.

Actually if you are just doing ptosis, you don't have to worry how the incision/revision will turn out since you are not bothered by the depth thereafter you can always opt to do ptosis alone.
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Appreciate your insight v. much. My surgery was exactly 2 years ago.

To clarify, you underwent revision with Dr. Kang to both reduce the depth of AND lower your fold? As you stated, his method makes sense to those ends, and especially if they were your goals. I'm sure that if I made clear to Dr. Kang that I want zero lowering whatsoever, then he would approach accordingly, but have been apprehensive that his method just inherently will lower my fold at least marginally, because of the "more overhanging skin" that you mentioned. Also, has the height decreased below what you wanted?

I have been scanning a few medical journal articles regarding ptosis correction. Despite it all remaining nebulous to me, I've gathered some points such as mere levator aponeurosis advancement is sufficient in mild cases (which is actually what doesn't require skin incision, according to this article, though I don't know if this is some new method in addition to what you mentioned that also doesn't require incision), then levator resection (which apparently involves some Muller's muscle action) in moderate cases (see here). And that Muller's muscle resection in cases of weak levator muscle is not effective. And I would assume that my issue is weak levator muscle function, for that's where I think 'stuff' gets attached to in double eyelid surgery… and I had weakness to begin with, and it's gotten considerably worse post-surgery. Ahh poor, tricky eyes. Anyway, not trying to dispute what you said, just figured I'd link **** I skimmed, mostly in an attempt to sliiiiiightly orient myself. I don't really know if these articles contributed to any medical progress or if they were just small-scale studies for more exploratory purposes and therefore not representative…
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It's good to orient yourself, but it's hard to know what is considered "tried-and-true" vs. "this-might-work" based on articles. The first article you linked is proposing a newer method and actually indicates in the latter section that Muller's resection is a standard transjunctival approach for minimal ptosis. With ptosis, it's really important to get an accurate diagnosis because there are many different kinds and it can get very complicated. The main point is that it's possible to correct some ptosis without revising your creases.

I think it would be worthwhile to visit an oculoplastic surgeon for ptosis consultation before going to Seoul. There have been a lot of advancements in the last decade or so in this area, but not all plastic surgeons may be practicing the different methods. I'm not sure what methods Kang or Kwon (or others) uses for ptosis or if they do this type of repair.

As for the overhanging skin, there is a little more now than what I had previously. Depth wasn't an issue for me, but I did want to lower my folds. My prior surgery pulled in the eyelid skin from both above and below the crease, which creates smooth taut skin with less overhang. However, I now notice that just the eyelid skin below the crease pulls in as the eye opens. So the crease height decreases as the eyelids flatten. The eyelids are also flatter than before besides being smaller, which looks natural. But this combination means smaller than expected creases could be a concern. It's too early to know. It would be great if others who had revisions a year or more ago could tell us approximately when their creases stabilized. My guess is that the final height is approximate and not as precise as some may want.
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I totally agree with you.

After having had ptosis correction twice (1st at Designerps and 2nd at Teuimps), I've realised that my ptosis problem could not simply be cured by " shortening " the levator muscle as practiced by most Korean plastic surgeons. Now my eyes still look sleepy and I kinda regret touching it in the first place because why the need of cutting the muscle if it doesn't improve my sleepy eyes?

It is true that there are many types of ptosis and some are really complicated so it is really a must to consult an oculoplasty first.
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@deepeyes: I'm new to this thread, and just read your post. So happy for you that you finally got the eye style you like. Dr. Kang sounds like a very skilled surgeon who has helped with many troubled eyelids. I have my own eyelid trouble too. I just had a revision surgery 2 weeks ago, however, i was left with more problems than prior. I feel that I need another revision surgery to correct all these new problems. Poor me feel so desperate and depressed. Here are my problems: 1) there is a deep wrinkle left above my left eyelid. In your post you said that you used your own method, and 90% of it went away. Could you kindly share what you did to make the deep wrinkle go away? I would really appreciate your advice. 2) After the ptosis correction, my eye shape looks like a sharp triangle. It makes the eye look extremely wield and unnatural. Since you had Ptosis correction too, did you also experience that? If so, how long does it take for the tri-angle shape go away and so the eye shape looks more natural? 3)Height of eyelid crease. My eyelid width is only about 5mm now which i think is too small. Do you know if there is a way to make the cease a little taller like 7mm?

Your help will be greatly appreciated. Again best of wishes on your healing.
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I thought that for Ptosis correction, the doctor use a string to tie up the muscle so the eyes look bigger. If you don't like the Ptosis correction, the doctor can just take out the string and undo the ptosis? There should be no muscle cutting involved?
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Here is my personal thought: how much of the eyelid crease showing is not only related to the height of the crease, but also how much skin overhanging above the eyelid. So you could have a short crease but still show some crease when you open your eyes if the skin above doesn't cover too much. I feel the depth of the eyelid is more critical than the height in order to make the eyes look more natural. Anyone agree with me?
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Best of luck with your consultation. Please keep us posted on your discussion at IOU.

After going through the threads, it seems to me that the posts in the last few months have a lot of good reviews about Dr. Kang. He is so popular among forum members. I hope that all those posts are from kind hearts who are really trying to help the not-so-lucky eyelids, and sincerely hope that there is no money involved in promoting anyone. "Bless the kind".
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Thanks for sharing your experience. So which doctors will you be consulting in Korea? Good luck with your Korea trip!
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Ah, bollocks. I'm already in Seoul and was actually scheduled to have surgery tomorrow (Friday). I'm definitely heeding your advice, though, and postponing my revision until winter break. Will be consulting with some oculoplastic surgeons while I'm here and until then. The anxiety has been eating me alive because I'm obviously not ready, and your post, along with alex229's, has pushed me to go with my gut and do what I need to do in order to make what I feel is a sound decision.
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Thank you greatly for posting this feedback. Read through some of your posts and I'm really sorry Dr. Kwon did not deliver. How long ago was your revision with him and will you be seeking a second revision? Or have you just visited oculoplastic specialists to resolve the ptosis once and for all..
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