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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Hi dianseet,
I tried PMing you but it doesn't work. Seems like you have to post at least ten times before they turn on this function for you. Could you email me the info instead? [email protected]. Thanks!
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Hi Worries:
Im happy for you did the successful epi reversal.
May i knw is Dr Chung good in double eyelid revision? how much you pay for your surgery?
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Can u send me the details of your friend's translator, please?
wawalove123 at gmail dot com
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which doctor did this surgery for you?
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Hi all..I am new here.i really hope that u gals can help me out here.its been 2 years since I did my double eyelid surgery in Bangkok.it is a very bad job as my double eyelid is too thick n when I look up I can still feel the strain n tightness.i desperately want to go for a revision double eyelid surgery but I'm afraid my eyes will turn out worse.last month I went to kalo cosmetic surgery at jb for consultation and the china doctor there said that he could lower my crease slightly by taking fats from my eyebag n replacing under the old crease then do a new incision.he also suggest I do epicantoplasty.he quote me 2500sgd.im at a lost as I dono whether I can trust the skills of this doctor n how my eyes will turn out.im thinking of going to Korea for revision but there's so many clinics out there I really dono how to choose..can u gals please help me?wheres the best clinic for revision?any successful revisions u gals heard of?im really sad coz everyone who see my eyes knows that I had me eyelids done as it is super unnatural looking.n I have to apply thick eye make up if I need to go out.PLEASE HELP ME :sad:
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Yes Dr Chung is Gd in Eyes work..my frd did with him also v satisfied with him. I just back from Korea again coz I bought my Mum for Upper n lower blepharoplasty n Facelift with Dr Chung. I myself did forehead fat graft n Alar lift reduction with him too..

His Revision Eyelid price is around 2.2mil won.
U can email him for quotes ( [email protected] )
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I went to Seoul for my double eyelid revision surgery at BIO (ex Bandoeye).
I had the problems with my previous eyelid surgery, too high, too deep and asymmetry.

Now I am so unhappy.
The shape of my left eye is strange, the eyelid doesn't go up well and doesn't shut fully.
It seems as though too much skin is removed.

My right eye is not so bad. It's not the result I wanted, I wanted the shape of double eyelid outer line but they made inner type.
But much better than left.

I cannot believe the same doctor made both of eyes. I inquire to the doctor whether it's possible to revise it again, and am seeking another doctor also in this forum.
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Dr. Cho at BIO (ex Bandoeye) just says that it is because of swelling. But I am very worried, so I asked other doctors about that. Some of them say that it seems contracture, because too much skin has been removed.
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Really feels hopeless..now want to go for revision also dono which doctor to trust as everyone's eyelid structure is different.n my left eye when i push up my forehead really can see the hollowness-look so old n weird.and the process n downtime is so scary and long.if the revision is successful I don mind.but what if it turns out worse then before.must I go for revision after revision?super low morale,sometimes really don dare to look into the mirror.is there really no good doctors out there?sigh
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Dear Worries,

I did my epi and double eyelid surgery at the same clinic u did in Taiwan.

Didn't like my double fold and how my epi turned out either.

Can you share with me what are the problems u face after ur epi surgery? wonder if we have the same problems... SIgh
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Can u give me ur email we chat in email better or r u a Singaporean?
We can wats app messager n send u photo directly my email [email protected]
. I had 2 frd failed their surgery with Wishclinic too.. My bro nose also extrusion after 1yr . We decided to go wishclinic next yr for refund!
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could u tell me which clinic u went to? i really wish to go to korea soon to fix my ptosis but i don't know which clinic is expert in ptosis. pls reply asap. thank in advance!!!
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have u fix ur ptosis now ? we just got the same problem!!!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Astroboy00,
I know its been a while since you've posted but hopefully if this gets to you, could you please tell me the name of the surgeon at Banobagi who worked on your wife. Looks as though you had mentioned that there were two different surgeons and only one specialized in revisions. Thank you!
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does he have any website or anything?
I cannot seem to get anything on Eve clinic online.
Does he speaks english?
Anymore information or something?

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